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Gmt Finance Chief
JOHN ELWIN has been appointed director of finance at Greater Manchester Transport. He qualified as a chartered accountant in 1959 and in January 1965 moved to Brussels. He......
Fleetcare Four.
FOLLOWING the formation of Fleetcare into a separate company within National Services, four senior changes have taken place at Fleetcare headquarters at Peterborough. Brian......
Royal Carmen
PRINCESS ANNE and Captain Mark Phillips were admitted to the livery of the Worshipful ■ Company of Carmen at London's Guildhall last week. Five Carmen members were also elected......
New Man At Tanldreight
TANKFREIGHT, a National Freight Consortium subsidiary, has made George Macleod its sales development manager. He will be based in Stockton and will have responsibility for North......
Fieldhouse Goes
LED FIELDHOUSE has left the idon subsidiary British Ropes ter 21 years as group traffic anager at Doncaster headradars. He previously held appointents with Tarslag (later Tarac)......
Nick Lester To Chair Ltpc
NICK LESTER, Transport 2000's director since 1980, is widening his responsibilities from April next year when he takes on the additional task of chairing the London Transport......