This Week in Six Areas
Page 36

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APPLICATIONS (July 8, 1964) Bamford Transport Co., Ainwick, A var., add 1 veh. (3t 16c).
Robinson Transport (Carlisle) Ltd., Carlisle, A var., add 2 ans. (12r 40.
A. W. ElBs (Transport) Ltd., Little I3enton, A var.. add 4 arts, (300.
Ins. MiMean (Penton) Ltd., Longtown, A var., add I art. (9t). Bulk grain, animal and Poultry foods, fertilizer and lime. Also add 1 art. trl. (510. Bulk lime, slag. potatoes and fertilizers. From and to Hull, Liverpool, Corby, Rotherham, Scunthorpe. Middlesbrough, Newcastle, Glasgow, Settle, Selby and Leith. for West Cumberland Farmers Ltd.:. Fisons Ltd.; Albert Basic Slag Co. Ltd.; Settle Limes Ltd.; and I.C.I. Ltd. Also (511. irl, only) bulk lime, slag and fertilizers into own store at Longtown.
A, W. Ellis (Transport) Ltd., Newcastle, A var., add 1 art. (7t). F. Short and Sons Ltd., Newcastle, A var., add 3 veh. (1210.
' Copley Haulage Co. Ltd., .Thornaby, A var„ add 1 W. (4t), J. R. Humble. Bishop Auckland, new B tic., 1 T. (3lt). Floor spar, hay and straw, scrap, within 30 miles.
C. Long, Brompton-on-Swale, B var., add 1 T. (5)0. Mats. and plant for site preparation and constructing of roads and buildings, within 50 miles.
Robsons Border Transport Ltd., Carlisle, B var„ add 1 veh. (310. Goods within 60 milts. J. Long, 'Durham, B var., add 4 T. (I41 18e). Agric. produce arid requisites, limestone. fertilizers, stone for Adam Lythgoe Ltd., Anglo Scottish Spreading Co. and Caimagh Quarries Ltd., within 300 miles; sand and gravel for Sherburn. Sand Co. Ltd., within 35 miles. (If granted, Contract A arid C lies, will be surrendered.) J. Grainger, Ferryhill Station, B var., add 2 T. (9t 1c), I veh. (4t 60. Bricks as required by Eldon Brickwork Co,
Walker Bros. (Newburn) Ltd., Newburn, B var., add 2 '1. (710. (11 granted, C lic, will be surrendered.)
R. H. Hutchinson, Richmond, B var., add 1 T. (4t 4c). Farm produce, mats. and Plant for site preparation and the construction of roads and building, rubble, soil, trees, shrubs, within 60 miles.
J. Nicholson, Sedbergh, B var., add 2 veh. (131t), Road and building mats., uric, requisites and produce, within 75 miles,
APPLICATIONS (July 10, 1964) Robertson, Buckley and Co. Ltd., Liverpool, A var., add I vell. (410. 2 art. (210. Bulk liquids, G.B., as required.
Transport Holding Co. (Plckfords Ltd.), LiverProt, A var., add 2 art. 1210,
Transport Holding Co. (B.R.S. (Parcels) Ltd.), Llandudno, A var., add 3 arch, (100.
W. P. Downes (Transport) Ltd., Manchester, A var., add 1 veh, (410, (If granted, B lie. will be surrendered.)
W. Reeves and Son (Transport) Co. Ltd., Manchester, A var., add 1 veh. 1710 (to be hired),
E. Cleave Ltd., Northwich, A var., add I art. (50. F. Bede and Son Ltd., Stockport, A var., add 3 art. (390.
C. and M. YaMs, Stockport, A var., add 2 art. (14t). I Yell. (5)0.
Transport Holding Co. (Pickfords Ltd.), TJrmsron, A var.. add 3 val. (300. Bulk powders as required.
B. Jellicoe, Wirral, A var„ add 1 veh. (6(0 (includes cont., 20.
East Lancashire Chemical Co. Ltd., DroyIesden, new B tic.. 2 veh. (710. Thionyl chloride in carboys, Within 50 miles.
Singh Bros. (Sanyo] Singh). Eccles, new 13 [iv., 2 T. (710. Building mats, and all mars. from demolished property, bricks, hardcort, timber, metals and slates, all within 50 miles. Clynes and Jordan, Manchester, new B tic., 1 T. (40. Aggregates, sand stone, cement, excavated mars. (excluding coal arid limestone) all to and from non-rail connected sires, all within 45 miles. Scrap metals, for Winwieh Metals, within 45 miles.
Halls Vehicle Service, Liverpool, It var., add 1 art. (100. Wheeled vehicles for retailers, within 200 miles.
C. R. Birchenongh and Son, Stockport, B var., add 2 arch, (140.
F. Prescott Ltd., Widnes. B var. add 2 veh, 010. Tipping of containers of industrial factory or 000 waste, rubbish, debris, residues or by-products, within 20 miles.
APPLICATIONS Duly 9. 1964) Whateley Transport Ltd., Derlaston, A var., add 7 vett. (3210. 5 art, (440. Raw mats., menufactured and semi-processed goods and foodstuffs. Within 20 miles. (If granted, Contract A lic, will be surrendered.) A. Oakley, Hereford, A var., add I art. (70. Mainly steel and timber. Midlands and Liverpool, E. W. Watts (Haulage) Lid., Leamington Spa, A var., add 2 veh. (610 and 2 cont. (30. Livestock and H.R., mainly Midlands. (If granted, B tic, will be surrendered.)
E. W. Watts (Haulage) Ltd., Sutton Coltifield, A var., add 13 veb. (430, and 8 cont. (120. Livestock and g.g., mainly Midlands. (If granted. B lic, will be surrendered.)
C. and J. Transport Co., Birmingham_ new B lie., 1 art. (80, Steel sheets, motor components. scaffolding for E. and J. Davis Ltd., within 25 miles, P. Cunningham, Birmingham, new B lic., 3 T. (l2:11). Roadmaking and building mats., within 25 miles.
W., hitching, Birmingham. new B lie., 1 T. 1410. Buildings and road-making mars„ within 100 miles.
G. Lister, CodsalL new B lie., 1 T. (31t). Steel for J. P. Griffiths Ltd., within 30 miles; building, road-making and excavated mats, and rubbish, within 15 miles.
B. Lynch (Plant Hire) Ltd„ Coventry, new 11 lie., 5 T, (int). Surplus spoil and excavated rrials„ -within 15 miles; snow clearing and salt and gravel for snow clearing, for Coventry C.B.C., within the City of Coventry. and goods for B. Lynch and Co. Ltd., as required.
J. B. Sao& Stafford. new B lie.. I art. (5/0. Fertilizer for N, S. Higgs and Son, I. N, Miller Ltd., John W. Barker, Ltd., Staffordshire Farmers Ltd., within 20 miles.
B. Hughes, Willenhall, new B lie., 1 veh, (640. Roofing and structural goods for Cover Construction Ltd., as required; building, constructional and electrical mats. and plant, machinery, castings, scrap, steel and steel goods, as required.
The Midland Inditairlal Fuel Supply Ltd., Birmingham, B var., add I T. (610. Coal, coke and anthracite, patent fuels for British Anthracite Cu. Ltd., and Albert Shrimpton and Co. Ltd.. to and from non-rail connected sites. Midlands, including Salop, Staffs, Warwicks, Notts and Derbys coalfields and South Wales coalfields.
Joseph Kimberley and Sons Ltd., Newcastle, B var., add 6 T. (231r). Opencast coal, within 10 miles.
Evans' Transport, Smethwick, B var., add 2 veil, (60. G.g., for British Railways within 25 miles, W. B. Tathow and Sons Ltd., Wolverhampton, B var., add 2 veh. (fit). Goods only belonging to associate company. Mark Tallow Ltd., building mats, of all [Sites within 60 miles,
APPLICATIONS (July 7, 1964) y. Townsend (Cheltenham) Ltd., Cheltenham, A var., add / vett. (5t 19c) (includes cont.. 20. Mainly livestock, within 60 miles: agric, produce, within 10 miles; farm labourers' furniture removals, within 15 miles. (If granted, 11 lic, will he surrendered.) G. L. Baker (Transport) Ltd., Oldland Common. Bristol, A var., add 5 art. (351). G.g.. within 250 miles.
W. G. Goldiankh, Topsham. Devon, A var., add 1 veil. (4)0. Mainly goods for Ruberoid Co. Ltd., between London, Devon and Cornwall. (If granted, Contract A lie. wilt be surrendered.)
T. Smith and Son, Bishops Hull, Som., new B lie., I veh. (141), :1 T. (410. Coal, coke and solid fuels, within 200 miles.
M. S. Hall, Chipping Sodbury, new B tic,, 1 T. (SW. Road-making mats, solely for Portishead Slag Co., Portishcad Quarry, and bricks on return loads, within 120 miles.
F. W. Mille, Weston-Super-Mare, new B lie., 1 T. (21 160. Quarrymats. for Henry Butt and Co.,. within 75 miles.
F. C., Smith, .Axford, Wilts, B var., add I T. (410. Goods for T. D. Barnes and Sons end John Adams and SonS Ltd., within 175 miles. Of granted. Contract A lie, will be surrendered.)
F. Herbert and Sous, Farmborough, Som., B var., add 1 T. (60. Solid fuel ex-railhead and from non-rail connected collieries, within 25 miles.
J. Button and Sons, Warminster, B var,, add l yell. (310. G.g., excluding 'sweets, w.thin 60 miles.
APPLICATIONS Only 8, 1964) D. Austin Jones and Son (Transport) Ltd, add 1 art. (710. To be used for movement of goods to and from customers' premises, within 15 miles.
Pile and Sons Ltd., Treharris, Glam. A var., add 1 veh. (410. Goods for Hoover Ltd.' L net Bros. South Wales Ltd. and O.P. Chocolate Specialities (Manufacturers) Ltd., England and Wales.
P. A. Friend, Caerleon, Mon, new B lie., 2 T. (910. Goods for Llanwern Slag Ltd. and Hobbs group of quarries, as required. (If granted. Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) H. Jones, Caerleon, Mon, new B lie., 1 T. (410. Goods for Llanwern Slag Ltd. and the Hobbs group of quarries. as required. (If granted, Contract A lie, will be surrendered.)
C. W. J. noble, Chepstow, new B lie.. 1 T. (410. Goods for Llanwern Slag Ltd. and the Hobbs group of quarries as required. (If granted, Contract A lie. will be surrendered.)
I. C. Lewis, Chepstow. new B lie.. I T. (4t). Quarry mats., within 50 miles. (If granted, Contract A lie, will he surrendered.) R. I. Johnsey Ltd., )'lewport. new B lie., 3 T. (130. Goods for Llanwern Slag Ltd. and the Hobbs group of quarries, as required. If granted, Contract A lie, will be sterren.demd.) Glyn Day and Sons Ltd., Bridgend, B var., add 6 veh. (27}t). Goods for Goitnet Products Ltd. and Golroet Doors Ltd. (4 veh, 080 specified In Contract A lie.) • T. A. Johnsey Ltd., Newport. B var . add 1 Tr (410. Goods for Llanwern Slag Lid. and the Hobbs grout) of quarries, as required. (If granted, Contract A :ie, will be surrendered.)
APPLICATIONS (July 9, 1964) R. E. G. Brown Lid.. Eynsford, Kent. A var., add 1 veh. (31 7c). G.g., mainly England and Wales.
Hanson. Hnolaga (London) Ltd., London, E.C.1. A var., add 1 art. (lit). Mainly textiles, machinery, chemicals, provisions, wool and collections and deliveries; London. Home Counties, South of England, and trunk services to Yorks and Lancs.
Hatfield Transport Ltd., Hatfield, Herts. A var., add 1 art. (Sjt). Agtic, goods, building ma's., chemicals, steel, waste paper, new cartons, non ferrous metals, within 200 miles, (If granted. 2 veh, will be deleted from B Transport Holding Co. (B.R.S.) Ltd-, Chesharrt, Bucks, A var., add 2 art. (I2r 140. G.g., G.B.
P. A. lowers and D. 3. Evans, London, Ell, new 13 )ic., 2 veh. (60. Solid fuel in sacks for Charrington •Gardner Locket (London) Ltd., within
25 miles, • C.A.S. Transport Ltd., Dunstable, Beds, new B lie.. 4 T. (340 (to be hired). Flue dust from Dunstable and clinker from Rochester for Cement Marketing C.o. Ltd., within 100 miles, R. V. CUM, London, E.1,. new B lie., 2 yell, (65 20. Fruit and vegetable produce within 150 miles.
B, James, Guildford, Surrey. new B tic,. I veh. (310. Goods for Surrey Farmers Ltd., within /00 • W. C. H. Langrldge, Weybridge, Surrey, new B lic., 2 vela. (610. Fruit and vegetables within 75 miles. Short-term lie. granted.
M. Myers, Harlow, Essex, new B Lie.. 2 veh. (6t 14c). Electrical and Lg., London area and London Docks, and within 30 miles.
Hale Wharfage Co. Ltd., Brentford, Middx. B var., add 2 veh. (60. Goods for H. 5. Heinz and Co. Ltd., any distance. Short-term tic, granted.
D. Hull, London Colney, Hens, B var,, add 1 T. (40. Building and road-making mats. for Truss and Co. Ltd.. Wirksworth Quarries Ltd., and Bradgare Granite Quarries Ltd„ within 100 miles.
St. Mary's (Transport) Lid., London, N.19, B var., and 3 vch. (8t 6c), 11 T. (47t 8c). C. G. While, London, N.19, B var., add 2 T. (St 12e).
W. C. Woollen and Sons (Poplar) Ltd., London. E.I4, B var.. add 4 veh. (12t /lc), 4 art. (22r 4c). Timber, hardboard, plywood and sawmill equipment, any distance. for Montague 1_, Meyer Ltd. and subsidiaries Montague L. Meyer (Northern) Ltd., Montague L. Meyer (Harwoods) Ltd., Curusa Ltd., Timber Wharves Ltd. and Alexanda Bruce (Grays) Ltd.