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Swedes Liberalize
THEIR TRANSPORT From a Special Correspondent D EVOLUTIONARY c h a n g `es in I N. Swedish transport policy have been inaugurated this month. A programme culminating in 1968 will......
Scottish And Northern
Tipper Men Meet A S the result of a meeting between the rt Scottish R.H.A. tipper group, the Fife and District Tipper Operators Association and certain tipper operators in the......
South Western Tippers Progress T "plan For A Tipper Group...
operators in Devon and Cornwall moved a stage further on Tuesday when the steering committee, set up the previous week at a gathering of tipper operators, agreed on important......
T.r.t.a. Invited: Stemming Directly From The Buchanan...
research and study group is to be formed by the City of Portsmouth to examine fundamental traffic problems. The Traders Road Transport Association has been invited to nominate a......
Recoverable Trackway Demonstrated
A NEW recoverable trackway developed by the War Office and, manufactured by Saro (Anglesey) Ltd., of Beaumaris, Anglesey, has now been released for commercial use. The trackway......
Minister May Meet Haulage Leaders
M R. MARPLES plans to invite road transport industry leaders to meet him to discuss vehicle maintenance, and he is also . considering inviting them to a future spot check to see......
Air Pallet Standards P Allet Sizes For Air Freight Are...
in a British Standard (M28) which has just been published by the British Standards Institution, 2 Park Street, London, W.1. There are four recommended sizes; all are 88 in. wide......
Liner Containers Agreement
QEPARATE conditions of use covering • --) British Railways liner train containers when in the hands of hauliers have now been agreed between the railways, British Road Services......
Car Park Guards
F ROM Wednesday, Securicor Ltd. has been responsible for guarding the night lorry parks for the National Car Parks Organization. This new service ensures that the guards will be......
Dearer Petrol Collowing A Decision Of Some Of The Major
petroleum distributing companies to raise retail prices of petrol and derv, a number of brands on sale at petrol stations were increased Is■ a gallon last week. Companies......