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Tribunal Rejects Tait Appeal
T HE Transport Tribunal in Edinburgh on Tuesday rejected an appeal by • George Tait and Son Ltd against the refusal of the Scottish Licensing Authority to permit conversion of......
'no' To Over-55 Cheap Tours
THE South Eastern Traffic Com missioners at Eastbourne, on Tuesday, refused an application by Hastings Coachways Ltd. to run cheap, off-season, seven-day tours on five routes......
Seven Objectors Hastings Coachworks Wanted A Licence In...
five routes to provide offseason coach tours, four to the West Country and one to the North. Seven large coach operators objected. Mr. Alan Day, tours and express superintendent......
Hayton Appe Al Fails, Too
T HE Tribunal also rejected an appeal by Alexander Hayton against the refusal of the Scottish Licensing Authority to grant the conversion of two Contract A vehicles to normal A.......
Scottish Contrac T Switch Refused
A N application by Frank Mackay Ltd., of Aberdeen, for a four-vehicle switch from Contract A to A licence was refused by the Scottish deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. A. B.......