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T HERE is absolutely no doubt at all that the current recommendations for increases in haulage rates are thoroughly justified....
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT I N spite of the railwaymen's hostility, as expressed at the annual conference of the...
A N improvement in vehicle starters, but trouble with wiring: this was reported at the first meeting, on Monday, of the Road...
level of rates being paid for' the carriage of coal was expressed last week at a special meeting of the solid fuel hauliers'...
THEIR TRANSPORT From a Special Correspondent D EVOLUTIONARY c h a n g `es in I N. Swedish transport policy have been...
Tipper Men Meet A S the result of a meeting between the rt Scottish R.H.A. tipper group, the Fife and District Tipper...
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operators in Devon and Cornwall moved a stage further on Tuesday when the steering committee, set up the previous week at a...
research and study group is to be formed by the City of Portsmouth to examine fundamental traffic problems. The Traders Road...
A NEW recoverable trackway developed by the War Office and, manufactured by Saro (Anglesey) Ltd., of Beaumaris, Anglesey, has...
M R. MARPLES plans to invite road transport industry leaders to meet him to discuss vehicle maintenance, and he is also ....
in a British Standard (M28) which has just been published by the British Standards Institution, 2 Park Street, London, W.1....
QEPARATE conditions of use covering • --) British Railways liner train containers when in the hands of hauliers have now been...
F ROM Wednesday, Securicor Ltd. has been responsible for guarding the night lorry parks for the National Car Parks...
petroleum distributing companies to raise retail prices of petrol and derv, a number of brands on sale at petrol stations were...
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A N increase of 5 per cent in haulage rates from September 1 was recommended by the rates and carriers' liability committee of...
DRODUCED by Toussaint and Hess, of Dusseldorf, Germany, and imported to this country by lderriworth (Engineering) Ltd., Kent,...
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THE new Covent Garden on the Nine I Elms site should be opened by 1971. Mr. Christopher Soames, Minister of Agriculture, told...
A SKED in the Commons last week to r - k introduce legislation to regulate the activities of mobile shops in rural areas, Mr....
Planning Branch at the Home Office is paying special attention to combating the theft of money and other valuables being...
in the Metropolitan Police district, compared with 1,675 in 1962 and 1.360 in 1961. These figures were given to the Commons...
THOSE with expert knowledge and I professional experience were deeply concerned by the inadequacy of the regulations and...
Leeds earlier this month 821 vehicles were examined and 296 prohibition notices issued--74 of them taking immediate effect....
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT N OW that the pay and conditions of London drivers and conductors have at last been settled,...
IN BRIEF Better Year for Coventry: A record income of £2.149,431 from 86,662,816 passengers brought a trading surplus of...
A FLEET of six luxury coaches currently being delivered to Charles Rickards (Tours) Ltd., the well-known London coach...
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L'XETER'S attractive new bus and coach station (first Buses will load head-on at 18 departure bays and the equivalent of two...
A LTHOUGH an improvement on the previous year's figures, the financial results for the Western Welsh Omnibus Co. Ltd. for the...
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NOTHER warning of the dangers 1 - 3. which might accrue should the licensing regulations for public service vehicles be relaxed...
re-elected chairman of the Road -Haulage Association rates and carriers' liability committee. Mr. Alec C. Tyson has been...
for the 1962 Road Operators' Safety Council safe driving competition and 50,330 conductors of p.s.v. were entered for the 1962...
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J UDGMENT' was reserved in the House of Fraser appeal whielf . began at the • Court of Session ini Edinburgh last week. British...
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T HE Transport Tribunal in Edinburgh on Tuesday rejected an appeal by • George Tait and Son Ltd against the refusal of the...
THE South Eastern Traffic Com missioners at Eastbourne, on Tuesday, refused an application by Hastings Coachways Ltd. to run...
five routes to provide offseason coach tours, four to the West Country and one to the North. Seven large coach operators...
T HE Tribunal also rejected an appeal by Alexander Hayton against the refusal of the Scottish Licensing Authority to grant the...
A N application by Frank Mackay Ltd., of Aberdeen, for a four-vehicle switch from Contract A to A licence was refused by the...
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A N application by Tyburn Road Tank Services Ltd., of High Wycombe, Bucks, to add two • special tankers, costing £13,000 each,...
I N a written decision, the Transport Tribunal has dismissed an appeal by Brownes Transport, G. Gurd, Ramsdens Transport Ltd....
A N application by Road Services (Forth) Ltd. at Glasgow last Friday for conversion of existing Contract A licences in respect...
F OR failing to return identity certificates to the Licensing Authority. after a carrier's licence had been revoked, Mr. Sidney...
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NORTHERN APPLICATIONS (July 8, 1964) Bamford Transport Co., Ainwick, A var., add 1 veh. (3t 16c). Robinson Transport...
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BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY TH Northern Licensing Authority, Mr, J. A. T. Hanlon, took me to task at D E urham last week during the...
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I N London on Tuesday, Securicor Ltd. displayed the first of six new 7-ton bullion vehicles. The chassis is a Bedford J.6 LZ5...
PORTUGUESE RELIANCES: Orders for 12 A.E.C. Reliance chassis and 45 sets of running gear have been received from Uniao de...
Taskers Trailer for Moscow : A Taskers 7-ton, four-wheeled drawbar tank chassis will be exhibited by the Phoenix Engineering...
THE California Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Board has given its final approval to four devices designed to reduce exhaust...
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Keys and Tapers A REGULAR feature of vehicle repair is the loose companion flange or drive coupling. As on most vehicles a...
THIS week's prizewinner is Mr. F. N. I Salisbury, of Leek, Staffs, His idea concerns the removal of the circlip retaining the...
A CAB to fit the newly-styled interior layout and facia, introduced on the company's heavy export vehicles earlier this year,...
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and Publications Industrial Floor Sweeper A BATTERY-OPERATED industrial floor sweeper, the rx Corvette 70, has recently been...
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By The Hawk VIEW Cutting Waiting . Time The problem of goods traffic outstripping port and dock facilities was one of the...
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By F. K. MOSES W HEN the control of the Museum of British Transport at Clapham, in South London, came under the British...
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Fire Chief fire appliance G OOD handling and ease of control are possibly the most sought-after qualities for racing and sports...
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By G. A. PEARSON / WAS still twisting and turning with the A38 road when W. E. Foster broke the spell at Roadway House,...
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from Exeter to Plymouth. A survey of an M5linking dual-carriageway route from East Brent to Exeter has begun. It is estimated...
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S O far as I know the examiners for the Institute of Transport have never asked candidates to compose a suitable letter...
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A GREAT deal of time and effort had gone into the planning of this year's London eliminator and it certainly paid off for,...
Class A--up to 16 ft: 1, E. J. Butler (Express Dairy Ltd.), Morris, 191: 2, C. Nunn (L. G. Wilkinson Ltd.), Austin, 418. (Only...
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QPEAKING at the prize-giving follow ing the Stoke-on-Trent Lorry Driver of the Year competition last Sunday. the Lord Mayor....
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W HILST tradition is readily associated with the financial world, and banking in particular, even these long-established...
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Big Increase dens Profits L'OR the year ended March 28 last Fodens propose .1 to pay a dividend of 124% which is the rate...
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The Blame for Low Rates I HAVE read the letters replying to that of Wg. Cdr. I Humphreys (The Commercial Motor, June 12) with...
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C. W. Vick (Transport) Ltd. Cart. £2,000. Dirs.: I. Vick. Hillthorpe, Foxmoor Lane, Ebley, Stroud, Gips; L. L. Stevens, 5...