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Textile Terminal's Busy Traffic

20th April 1962, Page 38
20th April 1962
Page 38
Page 38, 20th April 1962 — Textile Terminal's Busy Traffic
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lkilORE than 100,000 yd. of cloth are al moved daily between Huddersfield and London by Hanson Haulage, Ltd., whose new depot, illustrated on this page, was opened last-week. A similar amount collectively is earned to other destinations in the country. Although primarily planned to deal with textiles, light engineering products and small packages, the terminal has a one-ton suspended monorail crane with a 45-ft. span for heavy consignments. The Hanson terminal, built on a fouracre site, has a 400-ft. frontage to the Leeds-Huddersfield main road.

As the new depot is purely operational, all vehicle maintenance is carried out at the central workshops in Woodland Road, half a mile distant. Major repairs, renovations and painting for the whole group are also performed there. These premises also house and operate over 100 units on contract for a number of well-known local and national companies.