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W ITH the detonation, by the Royal College of Physicians, of the latest tobacco scare have come renewed demands for more...
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Nortc rthur Morling A COUNTRY background, and a dog beside him. That is the setting in which many overseas people visualize...
Why Call Them Diddlers ? A MONG the routes finally affected in thelast stage of London Transport's trolleybus conversion...
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—but Trade Bodies Favour Forked Tariffs T HE Union of Industries of the European Community industrial federations of "the Six...
" QINCE when has empty running been kJ a criterion of e ffi ciency? This is a much-vaunted myth that is only advanced by the...
" WE welcome smoke checks—up to a VI' point," was how Mr. J. B. Mitchell, the National Chairman of the R.H.A., put the...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE lon g -drawn-out bus pay talks are at last approachin g settlement. After ei g ht and a...
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IN a reserved decision the West Midland Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. R. A. Hall, has granted an application by Refrigerated...
Oswestry Haulier's Appeal Fails A N appeal by an Oswestry haulier against a decision of the West Midland Licensing Authority...
WHEN G. N. Ricketts and Co., of TV Ewenny, Bridgend, appealed to the Transport Tribunal in London last week against the South...
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After 42 years in the transport industry. 21 of them employed by Cardiff Transport Department, Mr. 3. F. Siddall will retire at...
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provide more effective sales repre sentation for Daimler and Guy passenger vehicles, the activities of the area sales managers...
FromOur Parliamentary Correspondent. P OSSIBLY the biggest costing operation of its kind is being set in motion to decide what...
the year ended March 31 was £568,650. The figure for the previous year was £548,666. R.H.A. ELECTIONS T HE Road Haulage...
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PA A LTHOUGH called the First International Refrigeration Fair, the event held at Olympia during the past week was very little...
BUS FLEET FOR LAHORE: The West Pakistan Road Transport Board have ordered 17 A.E.C. Regent Mk. V chassis. Bodywork for the new...
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Evan Cook's Continental Road Ferry Service left the Redifon factory at Crawley, Sussex, last week with the intricate and...
O N April 3 the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (E.C.M.T.) adopted resolutions Qn co-ordinating highway codes...
R EFERRING to the statement that the cost of terminal delays in the West Midland Traffic . Area exceeded £10m. a year,...
1k LTHOUGH the Minister of Trans port states that future cases cannot be prejudged, he has indicated that he considers charges...
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WHETHER a lorry driver who drove VV to Bolton despite entering on his log sheet that he had in fact spent the night at Rugeley,...
D EPRESENTATIONS refuting a state ment made at an earlier hearing were put forward by F. S. Needeth, transport manager of the...
W lTH effect from next month, all fourand six-cylinder diesel engines manufactured by the British Motor Corporation at their...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE House of Lords have struck a resounding blow at the Pipelines Bill, and it is now...
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT T HE nation-wide check on dark smoke is to be carried out in the early summer," stated...
AA R. MARPLES last week asked to be .1.Y1 given details of any cases where large bus companies had opposed the running of rural...
WITH Schedule A. sweets, ice-cream VY and short-term gains to occupy them, M.P.s had little to say about fuel tax when they...
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lkilORE than 100,000 yd. of cloth are al moved daily between Huddersfield and London by Hanson Haulage, Ltd., whose new depot,...
First London-to-Brighton Run in May RINCE the first of this month, three 1 .-. 7 organizations concerned with the preservation...
WHEN two young men applied to the VY Western Licensing Authority at Bristol last week for a licence to carry for a firm of...
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Possibilities of future uses of air-cushion principles applied to vehicles demonstrated by VickersArmstrongs (South Marston),...
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F OR the second year in succession Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., provided the best overall performance in the National Coach...
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"BOUT By NORMAN H. TILSLEY Success achieved by honest-to-goodness hard work N OR.FOLK is noted for its poultry, in...
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COMMENTARY by JANUS C HANCELLORS of the Exchequer deserve some sympathy, even from the interests they injure. They are...
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By F. JAKEMAN, W HEN one discusses servicing with commercial vehicle operators most of them think immediately that you are...
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T SEE that the Ministry of Transport are to make observa tions, and presumably take some action, in respect of commercial...
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FF-THE-PEG TIPPER Road test of Austin 7-ton Tipper reveals acceptable performance and good off-the-road traction but...
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LICENSING CASEBOOK by NORMAN H.TILSLEY Objectors have no say Ta IE question of whether or not short-term licence...
" A CASE of considerable impor1-11 tance " was how the chairman of the East Midland Traffic Co 's sioners, Mr. C. R. Hodgson,...
m g.. c. R. BEDDINGTON'S submission that "Objectors at these inquiries have no right, either under the statute or other...
10ENSING Authorities, and transport advocates will, no doubt, be interested to hear the Transport Tribunal's interpretation of...
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A REDESIGNED version of their I -1 18E100 Hymatic Hydrovane compressor has been introduced by The Hymatic Engineering Co.,...
'PIE tread pattern of the new Goodyear Hi-Miler Xtra Grip is said to give better traction and faster, easier selfcleaning. This...
T'HE need for close temperature control I on refrigerated vehicles has led to the development by the Partlow Corporation, New...
rA A NEW leaflet (No. 827) giving details of the municipal vehicles available from the Leyland Group has been issued by Leyland...
A NEW design of expanded-steel floor ing suitable for walkways, platforms and stairtreads has been introduced by The Expanded...
Michelin " X " range. They are 8.25-16X and 11.00-20X and are rated to carry 32 cwt. at 90 p.s.i. inflation pressure and 51.5...
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ARGEST application this week I-4 appears in the Metropolitan 'As and Ds. W. J. Beazley, of Willesden, N.W.10, wish to vary an A...
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Factors affecting entry into passenger vehicle operation with examples of the expense of running 31and 41-seaters. i N...
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T O ACCOMMODATE the engine under the driver's seat without unduly lengthening the cab is the object of a forward-drive layout...
A COMPRESSION-IGNITION engine r - k having only one valve per' cylinder forms the subject of patent No. 883,457, The air charge...
p ATENT No. 886,483 details a scheme for adjusting the front wheels of a vehicle, both for castor action and camber, without...
A HEAVY-DUTY tipping vehicle of unorthodox construction forms the subject of patent No. 885,031. It can be driven in either...
P ATENT No. 883,959 shows a fork-lift truck fitted with an attachment that enables it to tilt a crate so that the fork may...