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Tyneside PTE to raise fares?

20th February 1970
Page 27
Page 27, 20th February 1970 — Tyneside PTE to raise fares?
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• The newly formed Tyneside PTE is understood to be considering substantial bus fare increases at Newcastle Upon Tyne and South Shields. Cllr. Neville Trotter, chairman of the former Newcastle transport committee, said that he had heard that all 9d fares would be increased to Is 3d, fares of 5d and 7d to 9d and Is Id fares to Is 5d. He claimed that so far as Newcastle buses were concerned, there was a reserve of £500,000 which should be used to delay fare increases for the time being; the increases ranged from 20 to 66 per cent.

Aid. A. Cunningham, chairman of the PTA, said that while higher fares were necessary, the extent had not been decided; higher wage bills and other costs were the cause. Date from which the proposed higher fares would commence, it is reported, is April 5.

• United Automobile Services Ltd., Darlington, have trained six women conductors as bus drivers, to help deal with a shortage of drivers. The women drivers will work the same, hours and receive the same rates of pay as men.