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described in last week's issue of CM was the assumption, for costing purposes, that the vehicles and. equipment involved would...
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Anti Committee weighs in with a five-point plan: 'Grave alarm' motion tabled by Tories • Monday was deadline day for...
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rink to be extended 0 Proposals circulated on February 13 by he Minister of Transport would further !xtend the requirements...
Operating costs of coaches could double md lead to a considerable increase in the nice of trips, under the new regulations...
• A prototype of a battery-electric city bus having trailer-mounted quick-change batteries has been designed by a technical...
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MPs call for interpretation • The new regulations governing the keeping of records will definitely come into operation at the...
• Three appeal court judges have allowec an appeal by Dixons (Scholar Green) Ltd. Stoke on Trent, against a decision of Mr...
• There was a further increase last year in the number of FTA members sending goods vehicles to the Continent under thc TIR...
• The Minister of Transport, Mr Fred Mulley, will be the guest speaker at the annual dinner of the Freight Transporl...
• A link up between Ross Group and Associated Fisheries and the Grimsby Fisli Merchants Association which has just beer...
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• The Quarry Regulations 1970 were laid before Parliament, on Friday, by the Minister of Technology. They are aimed at...
licence • The National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers have recommended to their members that they should...
Retire I: The .6' millionth Bedford, driven off the Dunstable assembly line last September by Mr. Anthony WedgwoodBean,...
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• Mr. R. W. Freeman, European services manager. Containerway and Roadferry Ltd., told the London division of the Industrial...
• Further moves affecting a merger (first revealed in CM April 25 1969) between the Scottish Commercial Motormen's Union and...
• With the advent of operators' licensing and new limits on drivers' hours, south-western farmers will no longer be able to...
• Twenty-four hours after coming out on unofficial strike, 60 lorry drivers employed with an Aberdeen haulage firm claimed that...
• Transport and General Workers' Union lorry drivers employed by Bradford and District Hauliers Federation are to strike from...
• A Bedford round is a last-minute addition to the list of eliminating centres for the 1970 Lorry Driver of the Year...
• "How to read and use the balance sheet" is the subject of a one-day forum which the IFWRI are drawing to the attention of...
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• .A holding company has been formed within the Tarmac Derby Group as a first step towards expanding the Group's transport,...
• From March 1 all members of the Leeds and District Hauliers Federation will be raising their rates for general haulage by a...
• A letter from RI-IA chairman, Mr Noel Wynn, has been sent to the Chancellor of the Exchequer pointing out the more important...
• The Aberdeen Road Transport Instruction Centre (ARTIC) was officially opened last week by RT1TB directorgeneral Mr Eric...
• From March 2 to 7 a local commercial vehicle show is being organized by Marshalls of Bedford Ltd., Goldington Road, Bedford....
transport by David and freight handling Lowe Increased liability • A Bill seeking to increase the limits of liability for loss...
• A one-day seminar organized by •the Institute of Materials Handling is to be held at Fulmer Grange, Slough, on April 2,1970....
• A specially adapted double-platform body on a Ford D800 chassis, fitted with a model 174 Hiab crane midway along its length...
• British Railway Shipping and International Services are to stage exhibitions of containers and other unit load equipment in...
• The International Mechanical Handling Exhibition, sponsored by Mechanical Handling and Materials Handling News will take...
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New single-deckers now in service • The handing-over to Clk. Miss I. M. E. McAlery, chairman of Belfast Corporation transport...
• Glasgow Corporation are accepting in principle the recommendations of the Greater Glasgow Transportation Study report, which...
• Runcorn, Cheshire, is to have a special 11-mile road reserved for buses—and Transport Minister Mr. Fred Mulley has approved a...
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• Would the serving of coffee and doughnuts by - personable young ladies" help to popularize bus travel? Planning consultant...
111 One of the first luxury-bodied Seddon 'ermine IV chassis to be delivered to an Terator was demonstrated on Tuesday. Hie...
• An announcement that the North Riding County Council is prepared to subsidize rural bus services in approved cases for a...
• A plan for bus inspectors to have radio contact with the City of Oxford Motor Services offices to give the public more...
• Passengers carried on public transport by road and rail in Great Britain in 1968 totalled 11,741m, a fall of 397m or one per...
• The newly formed Tyneside PTE is understood to be considering substantial bus fare increases at Newcastle Upon Tyne and South...
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L4 quizzes hauliers on maintenance • The first South Wales 0-licence hearings took place in Cardiff on Tuesday; originally five...
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• Mr V. St. George Brown, managing director of Continuous Haulage Contractors Ltd, of Bury, told Mr C. R. Hodgson, North...
• The first of a new series of reports of road traffic cases ( (1970) RTR 1-62) is published this month by Kenneth Mason...
• Twenty - two local authorities who appealed against the joint decisions of the North Western and East Midland Traffic...
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• Frank Taylors Transport (Ailsworth) Ltd. was accused of working outside its normal user at a licensing application, heard at...
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from our Parliamentary correspondent Passenger insurance • The Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill, which required vehicles to be...
• Changes in the. provisions for ordinary driving licences and tests which take effect from June 1 this year are introduced in...
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• A comparison of running costs of 32-ton and 42-ton-gross articulated outfits and wagon-and-trailer combinations of 48 to 56...
• A year of great activity and important developments is forecast for the Institute of Road Transport Engineers in the...
• A new trailer factory which, it is said, will at least treble the productive capacity of Merriworth (Engineering) Ltd has...
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• Converted by the North Derbyshire Engineering Co Ltd, the first of four BMC Mastiff/Norde 32-ton tractive unit chassis left...
• R. Murfitt Ltd. (a member of the ABM engineering division) has received an order from Holland for four large tanks for...
• Leyland Motors (Scotland) Ltd's Laird range of cruiser-weight two-axle haulage and prime mover machines has now been...
• An agreement to provide an exchange of information on suspension springs has been reached between the Jonas Woodhead Group of...
• A commercial vehicle spares and stores depot, believed to be the largest in the South of England, has been opened at...
• Edbro Ltd was incorrectly quoted in the article "Rationalizing the Choice of Tipping Gear" (CM February 6, second paragraph,...
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Tony Harrison • An exhaustive knowledge of modern commercial techniques, and confidence to apply them, are necessities in...
We welcome letters for publication on transport topics. Address them to Commercial Motor, 40 Bowling Green Lane, London, Ed....
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w Handyman genchwise lathe sense (6) HE REAL KEY to successful lathe work ndoubtedly lies in the ability of the operator...
Goods and passenger operators and their drivers must change to the new system of drivers' hours and records in just over a...
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by the Hawk • Speak up Here is a unique situation: Members of the RHA want someone to talk to them. I am not suggesting that...
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THE LACK of an effective pricing policy could be the biggest single factor contributing to the present-day state of the freight...
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AM I RTE, Assocl nstT AT AN AGE when most men are looking forward to retirement from active work, Len Harrison in 1968...
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a central clearing house for international removals. Those participating are 32 leading international household removers with...
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Past, present and future • Successful management is dependent to a large degree on accurate forecasting. In turn accurate...
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Credibility gap in transport by Janus B EFORE every politician yawns the credibility gap between what he professes and what...
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matters by John Darker, AMBIM The road transport industry and planning (1) ON BOTH SIDES of the Atlantic environmental...
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by Les Oldridge AIRTE, AMIMI The new h.g.v. driving licence (5) A PERSON aggrieved by the refusal or failure of an LA to...
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Volunteer Reserve as a driver. This will involve driving 10-ton carrying-capacity heavy vehicles. I am 22 years of age and hold...
A A third differential prevents "wind-up of the two driven axles of a bogie relative to each other resulting from variations in...
commercial vehicles and also for information on transport and distribution management and fleet operation? A The following...
A A free-piston engine is more correctly a free-piston gasifier that is used in conjunction with a turbine. The free-piston...
weighing over 30cvvt unladen but under 3.5 tons when fully laden. This is run in the course of his greengrocery business. Could...
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- THE PRESENT PATTERN of technician courses and examinations is unsuitable in a number of important respects as an instrument...
P. Rutter (Haulage) Ltd. Cap.: £100. Dirs.: P. E. Rutter and Christine Rutter, both of 3 Rossdale Drive, NW9. Olga M. Martin,...
The next seven days from February 20-February 26 FRIDAY IRTE (Northern) annual dinner dance. Masonic Hall, Saul Street,...
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Well-known for its raincoats. Pakamac has turned to the manufacture of truck and trailer covers. The knowhow and equipment...
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Ron Cater How often is the saying "Out of sight, out of mind," relevant in the transport world? Even when this attitude refers...
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simple electro-magnetic braking device is enabled Shearings Pleasureways olidays Limited to streamline mainoance operations and...
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commercial vehicle selling may be detected in the country-wide provision of pre-MoT-test facilities, the priority being given...
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mpg on the 30 mph tests between running fully laden and empty, prompted me to check the relevant results when stopping....
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3edfords from 6owt payload to 24 tons gross by Tony Wilding, M1MechE, M1RTE VANS 'HE SMALLEST commercial vehicle made by...
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also ae design strategy that gives the ew CF Brigade such outstanding fficiency. The new CF carries more than omparable vans,...
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TheTask Force Answer: The Bedford Rig Test Laboratory and Proving Ground are designed to put years on vehicles in a matter of...
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And we do so because we have one thing they will never have : Bedford know-how. Our policy is to train and re-train. We train...
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Task Force Answer: 'he two most important rs in selecting your vehicles ayload capacity and t . rnance. oth the Law of the...
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TheTask Force Answer: Nobody can afford downtime. Nobody can afford to lose a vehicle, business, manhours, and on top of it...
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Replacement Service. TheTask Force Answer: A sick vehicle is money wasted: and the longer it's sick the more money you lose....
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Vhere fleet flexibility ; essential Jack Maddock, Editor, Truck and s Transportation, Australia. AUSTRALIA Bedfords are...
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by Tony Wilding, mlMechE, MIRTE ANYONE can design a commercial vehicle. Anyone, that is, who considers the term to cover a box...
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How investment in testing pays off Effidiency in Vauxhall's new proving ground will pack more testing into new models—and check...
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THE London Evening News claims to be able to get a news story on sale only 35 minutes after the event. This is no mean feat and...
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U) for the moon MUCH to the disgust of my 18-year-old son, I have never been able to understand what benefit earthmen could...
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WITH COMB( 3 by Derek Moses ON JULY 19 1967 a party of 320 members of the English Speaking Union from 11 regions in Britain,...