Rainwear for trucks
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Well-known for its raincoats. Pakamac has turned to the manufacture of truck and trailer covers. The knowhow and equipment developed for plastic clothing is now being applied to produce sheets and tilt :anopies and coverings made of strong PVC/nylon and electronically welded for road transport vehicles.
One of the company's new products in this field is the Pakamac J.T. Roll-back. It is a sliding PVC/nylon canopy which completely covers the pay load on a truck or trailer but can be quickly concertina'd for ease of loading and unloading from the top, sides and rear.
The Roll-back, developed in Sweden, is operated by two wires attached at the front and back of the canopy. It is fixed to cross stays which run on nylon rollers in a channel section forming part of a completely removable framework that can be dismantled for awkward loads or those not requiring sheeting.
Other Pakamac products include TIR covers, wagon sheets, van curtains, container tilt tops and standardized sheets for regular truck work.
Fitting the Roll-back to new vehicles can be arranged through the bodybuilders, trailer manufacturers. etc., but for existing vehicles the appointed fitting agents are Boalloy Ltd., Congleton, Cheshire, Made by: Pakamac Ltd., Lancashire.
Jointing compound
-leldi te liquid jointing compound s now marketed in 8oz. tins with brush applicators attached io the caps. With the brush fixed to the cap a suitable means of application is always available and it gets over the difficulty of keeping a separate brush clean.
A plasticizer is included in Heldite to provide a degree of flexibility so that joints are not affected by vibration or changes in temperature. The jointing compound can be applied to bolted, flanged, screwed or riveted joints either alone or in conjunction with a gasket.
For permanent joints between metal faces, two coats are applied to each face. With paper, copper or asbestos washers or gaskets, one coat is enough but with cork or absorbent gaskets, one coat should be allowed to soak in then a second applied and allowed to become tacky before closing the joint.
As well as the new 8oz. tin Heldite is sold in 10Ih, 51b. 11b, and 4oz. tins, Made by: Heldite Ltd, Brentford, Middlesex.
Tyre and tube repair
The full range of tyre and tube repair equipment marketed by Narco is described in a revised catalogue just published.
Narco claims to have one of the most comprehensive range of products in the field of tyre and tube repair equipment and repair materials. This range includes vulcanizers for the repair of passenger tyres and all sizes up to giant earthmover tyres. Repair materials include tyre patches, tube patches, tubeless tyre sectional repair units, solutions, rubber compounds, wheel balance weights, valve hardware and all ancillary requirements.
Published by: Narco Rubber Equipment Ltd, 2 Manorgate Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey.
Aerosol cleaner
Ultraclene, a new product from Automation Facilities, is said to have numerous uses around vehicles. It can be used for freeing locks, cleaning oil stains off upholstery, removing tar stains from paintwork, cleaning engines and so on.
This chemical cleaner is contained in a 16oz aerosol can and is supplied with a fine plastics tube to allow the jet to be directed accurately where required.
Marketed by: Automation Facilities Ltd., Oxford Avenue, Slough, Bucks.
Dye penetrant
The properties and methods of application of Checkmor 200 are given in a new leaflet from Burmah-Castrol. It is entitled "Checkmor 200 Red Dye Penetrant Process.
Checkmor 200 is a solution of dyes in a liquid having good penetration properties. Surface flaws in metals and some non-metallic materials can be detected with the liquid which has the relatively high flash point of 215°F 1102°C) for this type of product. There are no lowboiling components so evaporation losses are eliminated.
Published by: Burmah-Castrol Industrial Ltd, Burmah-Castrol House, fVlarylebone Road, London. NW1.
Piston ring
The Cords Piston Ring Co. has developed a new piston ring design under the brand name tordsflex. It is available in limited quantities for a number of popular engines.
The Cordsflex ring, a conformable piston ring which exerts even, radial pressures, is a new concept in piston ring design. It is claimed to give complete oil control in modern engines under adverse conditions.
The ring consists of three easily assembled components. Of these, only the outer twochromium-plated steel rails— bear against the cylinder wall. The central element, made from specially treated stainless steel, is an expander spacer, imparting radial pressure to the outer rails.
This spacer is shaped to give even, radial pressures at any point on the circumference. This pressure is exerted independently of the groove depth, the depth therefore not being critical. The expander spacer also ensures maximum oil drainage.
The Cordsflex combines the advantages of austenitic stain less steel and hard chromed carbon steel in the design. The hard chromed outer rails reduce friction and increase wear resistance. They are highly resistant to wear and corrosion and formed so that they bear against the groove sides to ensure a complete lateral seal thus eliminating the problem of ring pumping.
Major features of the Cordsflex design are the vertical lugs situated on the inner edge of each convolution of the central element. These ensure the ring contour confirms with the bore by forcing out both top and bottom rails to give an • almost perfect fit with equal radial pressure. Because of the close spacing of these lugs, movement between them and the rails is negligible—there is therefore practically no wear.
The Cordsflex is easily assembled and no piston machining is required. Although they are available at the present time in a limited range. Cordsflex rings are intended to supplement rather than supersede the laminated Cupped Cords and Oilguard types.
Made by: Cords Piston Ring Co. Ltd., 73-75 Scrubbs Lane, London, NW10.
Lock lubricant
Regular lubricant of vehicledoor locks with Loclube will give protection against internal corrosion and in winter will prevent freezing up through moisture in the locking mechanism. But if the lubricant has not been used and a door lock freezes its use will quickly de-freeze the mechanism.
Loclube has recently been introduced by Wilmot Breeden and the product is contained in a small aerosol tube. The outlet for the lubricant is through a specially-shaped moulding which fits the key slot. By locating this in the slot and pressing on the tube a fine jet of lubricant passes into the lock.
Made by: Wilmot Breeden Ltd., Amington Road, Birmingham 25. Price: 4s.
Altigrade oil
Total Altigrade GT 20W/50 engine oil is now being marketed in a half-gallon plastics container. Eventually other Total oils will be available in the same size pack.
Made by: Total Oil Great Britain Ltd., 33 Cavendish Square, London, W1.
Price: 10s.
Packaging foam
The low-density semi-rigid foam packaging launched as Bibbipak by Bibby Chemicals last year is now being marketed on a national basis by Alliance Box. Alltransport Packing and Removals will use and develop the product and have been appointed co-distributors for the UK.
Since Bibbipak was introduced, several packaging companies have adopted it for export packing. A special lowcost trolley-mounted dispensing • machine has been developed and will be marketed also by the two distributors. The foam is obtained by using two liquid constituents which start to expand within seconds and increase in volume 100 times before setting to a dry resilient foam with high energy-absorbing characteristics. This safeguards even the most fragile article when injected around it inside its container; lightweight containers can be used.
Marketed by: Alliance Box Co. Ltd., Warrington, Lancashire and Alltransport Packing & Removals Ltd., 4 Snow Hill, London EC1.
Heated clothing
Two young Scottish engineers have perfected a method of making "centrally-heated" clothing for drive rs. Two ga rments are at present being produced, a waistcoat and an anorak.
Both are made of nylon and have an inner lining of Terylene coated with a rubber polymer impregnated with carbon. To this "electric cloth" is attached fine copper wire and at the lower edge of the garment is a flex and small plug for connection to a power source—which can be the vehicle battery.
The wiring carries the voltage only, unlike the system used in the normal electric blanket. The conductive cloth is the element and takes 30 sec to warm. It will continue to function in complete safety even when cut, crumpled or soaked. Stirlingshire police are reported to have carried out tests of a specially designed waistcoat. Motorcycle patrols were so impressed that the Force has placed an order.
The development is the work of Adam Maxwell and Peter Reilly, 30-year-old joint managing directors of Renfrew Electronics Ltd, who have been in business only 18 months.
Portable battery application would extend the use of the clothing. The system would have obvious merits forchassis delivery drivers and others exposed to the elements such as off-road equipment drivers.
Made by: Renfrew Electronics Ltd., Anderson Drive, Renfrew, Scotland.
Small booth
A bench-type spray booth useful for spraying small objects has been introduced by Volspray. The unit gives the advantage of the Metric Dry Filter booths from this manufacturer and incorporates efficient fume extraction and filtration.
The booth is made from 18 s.w.g. galvanized-steel panels on an angle-steel framework. Two sizes are available-3ft Sin. and 2ft 9in. wide—and a full range of ducting and fittings is available. A flame-proof motordriven fan is fitted.
Filtration of paint particles from the exhaust is done by means of a glass-fibre paint arrestor pad. This hooks on to a framed expanded-metal panel and can be replaced by a new one in a very short time when used up. Before the pads need to be replaced the surface layer can be stripped off four or five times to expose clean filter material. Made by: Volspray Ltd., Crabtree Manorway, Erith, Kent.
The smaller of two new Volspray beech-type booths is 2)991n. wide.
Norgren booklet
An illustrated booklet on equipment that could be of interest to vehicle workshop managers, has been published by Norgren. It is intended to increase the awareness of the role played by pneumatics in all types of industry today.
It is stated that there are few enterprises or processes that do not need to call in pneumatic specialists and "The World of C. A. Norgren Ltd" illustrates not only the firms products but also their application and development. Norgren claim to have a leading position in the field of compressed air processing equipment and machine lubrication.
Published by: C. A. Norgren Ltd, Shipston-on-Stour, Warwickshire.
High-pressure washers
There are seven models in the new range of Jetmaster highpressure washers introduced by Kina Engineering. In all cases the washer can be mounted on a two-wheel-and-swivel trolley with handle or supplied for wall mounting.
Features of the design of the Jetmaster range include a nonreturn safety valve to enable the washers to be used under all water-mains conditions. There is also a thermal overload switch to protect the motor on electric models.
Pressure outputs by the various models range from 650 to 1,000 p.s.i. Made by: Kina Engineering Ltd., New Industrial Estate, Wallingford, Berkshire.
Tube fitting kit
Kits of solderless tube fittings made up of parts according to a customer's needs are now offered by Modine. They are Specifically intended for the service engineer concerned with pneumatic-control systems and other installations having Enots solderless tube fittings.
Each Modine kit is housed in a robust timber box with hinged lid, carrying handles and locking clasp. There are compartments on the interior to hold the fittings segregated according to type. Made by: Modine Ltd„ Greengate Works, Dawson Street, Manchester M3 7WP.
Lighting-up times
The whole of 1970 is included in the RAC table of lighting-up times which has recently been published. Times are based on London but there are correction times for seven other cities and towns in the UK.
The table has a detailed mileage chart for distances between 45 main centres in Britain and there is a list of emergency control points throughout the country.
Published by: The RAC, 83-85 Pall Mall, London, SW1.
Fire extinguisher
An easy-to-handle fire extinguisher containing BCF firefighting liquid has been introduced by Plus Gas Co. The BCF is contained in an aerosol can with a protective cap over the operating button.
A feature of the extinguisher is a multi-shot valve designed specially for use with' BCF and this gives controlled high-speed discharge. The action can be stopped when required and the extinguisher does not necessarily empty when the actuator is depressed.
As BCF is virtually non-toxic, there is no hazard to health if there is accidental discharge in a confined space such as a vehicle cab. The liquid can be used on petrol, oil, gas and electrical fires.
Made by: Plus Gas Co. Ltd., Stirling Road, Acton, London,W3.
Marketing change
The marketing of Shell Car Care Products is now being handled by Talbex Marketing. Products in the range include car polish, chrome cleaner, wax wash, de-icer, windscreen wash and upholstery cleaner.
Until now Car Care Products have been marketed through Shell's own organization but Talbex will use a system where the products will be delivered ..direct from salesmen's vehicles. This will relieve buyers of the responsibility of ordering.
Marketed by: Talbex Marketing Ltd, Bootle, Lancashire.
shoring poles
k new range of high-strength ;haring poles has been introiuced by Pakord as an extension o its Load-Lok cargo-control ;ystem. The poles are made ne steel and are designed to vithstand the heavy loadings mposed by cargo movement in rehicle bodies, particularly at he rear end.
Load-Lok shoring poles can le fitted in any type of van bodyvork. They are easy to position as hey clip into hales in horizontal rack fixed to the interior ides of the body. The holes in hese members are at 1.625in. nerve's and variations in load eight can be provided for by Istalling tracks at different wels or vertically.
One end of the Load-Lok ole is spring loaded so that it an be fitted in different-width odies, lade by: Pakord Ltd., Brunel load, Basingstoke, Rants.
ixtractor unit
free-standing exhaust unit for xtraction of paint fumes has ,eien introduced by Volspray. t is said to be particularly suited the needs of paint shops which eed an extraction system which oes not interfere with existing tructures and which can be istalled with minimum effort and ost. But it will have a wider pplication in the vehicle inustry.
This latest Volspray unit conists of a free-standing steel ylinder incorporating an easily ccessible flameproof propeller an. The starter controlling the xtractor can be mounted out
side the spraying area and final exhaust to atmosphere can be either vertical or horizontal using ducting and fittings suitable for the purpose.
Air extraction rate of the equipment is 4,500 Cu. ft. per min. which is sufficient for average spray shops.
Diameter of the cylinder is 2ft 9in. and it is 4ft 0.5in. high. A 24in. diameter fan is standard but if reduced extraction rates are needed there are alternatives of an 18in. fan or a 24in. with slower speed.
Made by: Volspray Ltd.. Crabtree Manor Way, Belvedere, Erith, Kent.
Price: £80.
Spray guns
Electrically powered airless spray guns of German origin are now being marketed by GrayCampling. Three models in the Mistral range are involved, the 150 which has a working pressure range from 60 to 450 p.s.i., the 300 on which the respective figures are 60 to 580 p.s.i. and the smaller
Triumph which has a pressure range up to 145 p. a. i.
Operation of the Mistral models is by means of a selfcontained electrically driven pump. Working pressure can be adjusted on the gun according to the work being done: the higher the pressure, the finer the atomization. The guns can be used with most types of paints, varnishes, primers, anti-corrosion fluids, liquid greases and so on.
The 150 and 300 are the standard models and are fitted with round-jet nozzles but various alternative nozzles can be obtained including flat and needle jets. The 150 has a delivery rate of 5.25oz per minute and material capacity of 750 c.c. Comparable figures for the 300 are 10.5oz per minute and a 1,150 cc. capacity. The delivery rate of the larger gun is equivalent to covering 1,300 sq. ft. of surface per hour. Both these models can be fitted with a paint-suction extension to enable the sprayed material to be drawn from a bulk container. And various accessories are available including extra containers and measuring cups.
Accessories for the Mistral Triumph which has a 450 c.c. container include extension nozzles, needle-jet nozzles as well as extra containers and a measuring cup for paint viscosity. Marketed by: B ray-Ca mpling Ltd., 49 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Hampshire.
Prices: (including certain accessories) Mistral 150, E26 10s, Mistral 300, £32 10s, Mistral Triumph £15 15s.
Snow tool
A relatively cheap tool for snow clearance is now available from Belus. Of all-steel construction, the Snoplow has a 4ft 6in, long tubular handle and a scraper blade measuring 4in. by 12in. and made of 0.125in. mildsteel plate.
The blade is welded to the handle and welded on to it is a deflector. This is lin. by 0.125in. and is at an angle so that loose snow moves sideways, not over the back of the main blade. Using a scraping action makes the blade self-sharpening and average weight is 5.751b.
Made by: Belus Ltd., Patpending Works, Ford Road. Clacton-onSea, Essex.
Price: £1 9s. 6d.