Wednesday's Business the Post Office's East Anglian experiment with a
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road parcels service is uccessful it will be applied moreextenively over the country, promised Mr. teginald Bevins, the Postmaster-General, a the Commons on Wednesday. He aid he was confident the experiment vould be a success.
Mr. Marples told the Commons that he egarded it as important that the prolosed London lorry route should be ntroduced soon, as it would be of great aloe to traffic generally.
The Minister also announced that he etended to commission further research tudies into transport investment projects, larticularly into the development and .pplication of cost/benefit .techniques. Es department had been improving its nethods for examining these projects and vas in close touch with others working m the subject.
The Ministry is in touch with makers Lnd operators of special vehicles, said dr. Marples, when he was questioned bout the danger to children. from nobile shops. If any generally effective afeguards could be devised, he would rot hesitate to propose regulations.