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EW people really trust definitions. Edmund Burke had "no great opinion" of them. Disraeli said forthrightly: "I hate...
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BEECHING'S long-awaited plan for reviving Britain's ailing railways to be published next Wednesday. ailed "The Reshaping of...
T HE Beeching Report showed that the Hull area was certain of retaining the rail links with only Leeds and Doncaster, said the...
WE are at the moment in the middle YV of National Productivity Year, and I can only warn the public of the danger that it will...
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apply the increases ommended by their own Rates CornLace from time to time and should also, rhaps just as frequently, have a...
A FTER paying tribute to long-distance hauliers and, in particular, to their drivers and maintenance staff in his annual...
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rHE road haulage industry is being denied the basic principles of justice, :id Mr. R. N. Ingram, a former national 'airman of...
B ECA1JSE the weight increases cited in the Ministry of Transport's proposals would be tied to dimension requirements, the...
r HE French Telma electric retarder was demonstrated in London on - uesday by the sole concessionnaire or this equipment for...
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Ti E road haulage licensing system is nothing more or less than a statutory :strictive trade practice. Operating, as manifestly...
A DDRESSING the annual meeting of the Scottish division of the Traders Road Transport Association in Glasgow on Tuesday, Mr. K....
road parcels service is uccessful it will be applied more extenively over the country, promised Mr. teginald Bevins, the...
THE Weights and Measures Bill was I. last week altered so that people carrying goods for reward, such as common carriers, will...
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IF possible we must ensure that if by chance next winter we are faced again ith similar conditions to those through hich we...
THE Government did not budge one inch last week in the face of demands from Scottish Labour M.P.s that tolls should not be...
['HE receiver for a Carlisle contractor, 1 Robert Liddle Ltd., applied to the orthern Licensing Authority for zences for 34...
Normanton, the Yorkshire coal town, on Wednesday in Leeds when a local operator, A. E. Gillard. applied to the Yorkshire...
uOLLOWING similar grants made to British Road Services and Scotfreight Ltd. in the same court earlier in the year, Motor...
VY •of -the public ", declared Mr_ K. Holmes, assistant traffic manager of Northern General Transport, at a sitting of the...
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THE Transport Tribunal in London last week decided that it was in order for Siddle C. Cook Ltd., of Consett, Co. Durham, to...
Pr E refusal of the Metropolitan Licensng Authority to grant an A licence to an East London haulier was a " myopic phenomena ",...
A T a resumed hearing at Leeds on Monday in which Leeds Corporation proposed to extend a service from the cemetery at Lawnswood...
THE Yorkshire Licensing Authority has I granted the 15-tanker contract A to A licence switch application by Smith and Robinson...
I N a written decision, the Minister of Transport has ordered the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners to rehear an application by...
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T HE Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, went to great pains last week at Newcastle upon Tyne to define the...
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TH Transport Tribunal's policy of ILing three, and sometimes four, appeals for hearing on one day is causing a certain amount...
'THERE are several contract A I switches notified this week, though the number of vehicles sought in each ease is not large....
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Sir William Black, who is depnty chairman of the Leyland Motor Corporation, has now also joined the board of Leyland Motors...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT SEVENTY THOUSAND busmen employed by municipal undertakings Were offered a pay rise of 7s, a...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A DECISION to call a London bus strike was narrowly averted this week when renewed pay...
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36-ft-long coach bodies announced this week total 79. Of these, 46, all of which are to be 49-seaters, are on order for 1964,...
I -1 A BATCH of 14 Leyland Leopard 36-ft.-long single-deckers with Marshall bodywork currently being supplied to the South...
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QMALL operators are attacked for their lack of vehicle maintenance in the final report, issued this week, of the :Vehicle...
A NEW tipping gear fro Telehoist, of which the first example has been fitted on a Seammell Mountaineer 4 by 4 chassis,...
rOLLABORATION between the design staffs of Commer Cars Ltd., Luton, and Universal Power Drives Ltd., Aintree Road. Perivale,...
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T HEagreement between the Tyre Manufacturers Conference and five trade associations to maintain the Tyre Trade Register is...
£250,000 DAIMLER BUS ORDERS: Orders for Daimler bus chassis during the first six weeks of 1963 totalled £250,000 in value....
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"1"0 overcome the problem of ensuring adequate lubrication of an engine just after it has been started, the Stack Engineering...
QC1ENTIFICALLY designed and highly selective ear plugs which will be ideal for commercial vehicle drivers have been introduced...
A RANGE of document holders – tdesigned for the protection of job ards, time sheets, blueprints, drawings, rork cards and other...
3RICES of the range of battery fillers made by Joseph Lucas Ltd. have been mluced. The all-plastics car-size filler Dsts 6d....
PA A MONTHLY bulletin for articulated vehicle operators is now issued by Scammell Lorries Ltd., Watford, Herts. It has been...
A DEGREASING material for engine cleaning which is claimed not only to remove oils and greases, but also carbon deposits such...
A RANGE of trim sections suitable rt for vehicle bodywork has been developed by Falconeraft (Aluminium) Ltd., Hainault Road,...
P LASTICS surface can be kept dust-free for long periods by the application of a new liquid called C.S.L. Anti-Static Liquid....
T is an advantage for a driver to know I what to do if an accident occus whether he or a passer-by is personally involved. A...
A s a result of economies made possible by increased quantity production, Easco Electrical (Holdings) Ltd., 6 and 8 Brighton...
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S INCE I wrote a few weeks ago about the way in which transport pipelines were developing, we've seen the protest motion by...
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r HE introduction of a range of Austin and Iskirris cab-over-engine goods chassis by the British IViotor Corporation represents...
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TRANSPORT history was made last I week in Holland when a 103-ton-gross load was conveyed through the streets of Rotterdam from...
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By A. R. WILSON M ANY small hauliers must feel they are approaching the cross-roads and wonder what the future holds in store...
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I N this article the ways and means of increasing efficiency in inland transport will be discussed. The wide area covered by...
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H IGH SPEED servicing is allimportant to aircraft on busy routes and the development of a toilet-waste bulk vehicle by the...
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ATURALLY, the news has been generally welcomed that, for the first time in 10 years, road casualties in 1962 were fewer than in...
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Replacement Troubles WITH reference to the letter from Mr. James R. Meek " which appeared in The Commercial Motor of March 8,...
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"N this series two weeks ago comment was made on aspects affecting the replacement of commercial vehicles. • Mechanical...