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Regional Control for Railways ?

26th February 1960
Page 36
Page 36, 26th February 1960 — Regional Control for Railways ?
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?


I NTENSE regionalization. of the

railways, with each section largely running its own affairs, is likely to emerge from the Government's new plans for State transport which are expected to be announced within six weeks.

On finance, there will be no attempt to enforce the Thorneycroft view that the railways must be run-as a strictly, commercial proposition.

Thc Government may assist by 'maintaining the permanent way, though support for this is now thought to be dwindling.

Instead, there may be a take-over of the £40m. a year liability to pay interest to former shareholders, and a subsidy which would grow less as the reorganized railways became more economic. There is some thought that an increase in fares might accompany the reorganization on the grounds that "the railways must do their share."

Some slowing-down of modernization might also come, but this would have to await the determination of the relationship between rail and road transport.

Except in finance Ministerial thought follows closely the lines of a memorandum put to the Government by Members of the Tory Party's transport committee.

The possibility of an inquiry is receding fast. The Government, it appears, have been going ahead with their plans since the Election, They are now well advanced and do not want any more delay, which would inevitably occur if an inquiry were held.