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Railways Losing Stone Traffic
imR. N. A. McKN1GHT, a re g ional In licensin g representative of British Railways, told the Western Area Licensin g Authority at Bristol on Monday that the railways relied......
Inquiry Into Private Parties To Be Made
P RIVATE coach parties in the Morecambe area are bein g investi g ated. Mr. F. Williamson, chairman of the North Western Traffic Commissioners, said this at a Manchester hearin......
Minister Forecasts. Elevated Streets
'TWO of the matters that will he con' sidered by the lon g -term study g roup set up by the Ministry of Transport were mentioned by Mr. Ernest IVIarples, Minister of Transport,......
20-vehicle Apia! Ication Opposed
LIVE independent hauliers and British I Railways combined to oppose an application by Cawood, Wharton and Co., Ltd., coal merchants, to Maj. F. S. Eastwood, Yorkshire Licensin g......
Company Busmen's Pay Rise Rejected
T HE pay claim made on behalf of company bus workers was rejected by employers in London last week. It was for an advance of El per week for 100,000 employees. The six trade......
Steel-vehicle Challenge To B.r.s.
E three lar g est heavy-haula g e op erators on Tees-side, Siddle C. Cook, Ltd., Messrs. Sunter Bros., and A. Stevens and Co, (Haula g e), Ltd., are challen g in g a statement......