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Page 33
H YPERBOLE must not be allowed to camouflage neglect to deal effectively with traffic congestion in cities. Opponents of urban...
Page 34
Marples, M.P. E VER since he started impressing his personality on the Ministry of Transport—that is to say, when he first...
NAR. ERNEST MARPLES' conclusive reply to critics who IVI accuse him of talking too much to the Press was given to Harold...
Page 36
Licensing Authorities Should Hear Them : Instructions on Objections P OINTS of procedure must be argued before the Licensing...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT I NTENSE regionalization. of the railways, with each section largely running its own...
A N agreement has been made between the Central Electricity Generating Board and the Midlands division of the National Coal...
Page 37
uTR. N. A. McKNIGHT, a regional LYI licensing representative of British Railways, told the Western Area Licensina Authority at...
DRIVATE coach parties in the More cambe area are being investigated. Mr. F. Williamson, chairman of the North Western Traffic...
0 of the matters that will be con sidered by the long-term study group set up by the Ministry of Transport were mentioned by...
T HE payclaim made on behalf of company bus workers was rejected by employers in London last week. It was for an advance of...
F IVE independent hauliers and British Railways combined to oppose an application by Cawood, Wharton and Co., Ltd., coal...
Pl E three largest heavy-haulage operators on Tees-side, Siddle C. Cook, Ltd., Messrs. Sunter Bros., and A. Stevens and Co....
Page 38
p IPELINE delivery of aviation fuel to London Airport is to start next month, when two 6-in.-diameter pipes will supply about...
LILECTIONS of officers of the Traders' . 1 --+ Road Transport Association have been announced from four areas in the West...
C ONFLICTING evidence as to whether coach excursions had or had not been advertised and operatedwas heard by the Yorkshire Area...
MR. REX BATE has joined the board of Renold Chains, Ltd. MR. PERCY MORRIS has been appointed to the Western Area Board of the...
Page 39
THE West Midland Deputy Licensing • Authority's refusal to add a boxvan to the A licence of the Atlas Express Co....
T O present their marine radar equipment to Continental markets, Associated Electrical Industries, Ltd., Grosvenor Place,...
n ESPITE opposition from the Birming ham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., the application by Provincial Garage...
Canadian Sales: A.E.C. oil engines are to be marketed in Canada by Orenda Industrial, Ltd., Ontario. Hungarian Buses: Twenty...
Page 40
WHEN coach operators in the West lifV Midland area apply for renewals of tour licences in future, the Traffic Commissioners...
H AVING established that there had been no intention to undercut the fares of Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon,...
E XTENSIONS to sta g e services were .1—d secured by Mr. John Carmichael, Glenboi g , before the Scottish Traffic Commissioners...
Page 41
D EC1SIONS on fares applications by three major South Wales undertakings will have to wait until the Minister of Transport...
A N unlicensed workers' service to the factory of A. V. Roe and Co., Ltd., Woodford, Cheshire, had contributed to the...
A PROPOSAL by the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., to link two short journeys to make one continuous route failed at Glasgow last...
T HE effect on bus operators in Yorkshire of a shorter working week in industry has been considered by the East and West...
E IGHT bus companies in Shetland 1--A serving rural districts have asked Lerwick Corporation to return them to their original...
Page 42
of the C-licensed fleet of DitchbUrn's, Ltd., S u nderland, furniture manufacturers, is to be officially investigated, the...
THE onus imposed on objectors to satisfy the Licensing Authority that. they have facilities to do the work, is being forgotten...
ICENSING regulations must be 1-.4 strictly obeyed, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing Authority, warned a West Cumberland...
Page 45
G. J. Howard, Ltd. Cap, 5100. Dim.: G. J. Howard and M. N. Howard. 4 Brunton Cottages, London. E.14. Sec.: G. 1. Howard. RCII....
A N application to the Licensing Authority sitting in Perth last week, was said to relate to a "pioneering venture" by a...
Page 46
W HEN W. and L. Transport. Ltd., London, E.C3, applied to Mr. C. I. McDonald, Metropolitan Deputy Licensing Authority, for a B...
THE establishment of a vehicle main-1 tenance committee in Cumberland and Westmorland, an idea promoted by Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon,...
1 - 3. A DRIVER'S mate who was trapped when an 81-ton casting toppled from a low-loader was awarded damages of 0,750 against...
Page 52
W ITH a further general rise in insurance premiums apparently imminent, it becomes increasingly necessary for...
Page 53
Overseas Holidays No "Threat" I CANNOT sympathize with the submission made to the A West Midland Traffic Commissioners (The...
Page 54
Co., Ltd., St. Ives, Hunts, bought a large quantity of gravel entirely surrounded by impenetrable marsh. The price paid was far...
Page 57
A LTHOUGH the function of the Licensing Authorities is to ensure sufficient transport for those requiring it, and to prevent...
Page 58
Jr UDGMENT on Mr. Hugh Gaitskell's policy will have to be suspended until he has explained it more clearly than he has done so...
Page 63
A Pump for Tacky Grease A MAXIMLIM working pressure of 15,000 p.s.i. is provided by the HerAdes heavy-duty grease pump...
Page 64
r ONVERSIONS of various Commer chassis form over 65 per cent, of the production of Douglas Equipment, Ltd., Cheltenham, and 10...
( -- I PERATORS would be " tremend ously" affected by the Road Traffic Bill, 1960, when it was enacted later this year. This...
A STRADDLE carrier with a top speed of 52 m.p.h. has been produced by the American T-ryster company. Its capacity is 10 short...
Page 65
THE South-eastern Traffic Commis.' sioners are concerned at the number )f assisted travel schemes in the Berkshire irea....
'THE accident-prone driver, the 'man 1 who always gets the rough vehicle in the fleet, and the jibes of his colleagues, was an...
A RTICULATED outfits of London Carriers Ltd., are to be replaced by 17 Leyland Steer six-wheeled rigid vehicles. They will...
Page 66
PAY a gross vehicle insurance premium of £203. You allow £103 and I should be glad to know where I can get cover for this...
Page 69
NUMBER of 1,200-cu.-ft. longdistance meat-transport vans incorrating Thermo King refrigeration iipment is being supplied to...
Page 70
R EFERENCES to "certain convictions" 1. incurred by an applicant company were made by Mr. J. A. T. :Hanlon, Northern Licensing...
1-1 A RECENT grant by Mr. 3. A. T. Hanlon, the Northern Licensing Authority, for seven additional vehicles on A licence to...
Page 141
H YPERBOLE must not be allowed to camouflage neglect to deal effectively with traffic congestion in cities. Opponents of urban...
Page 142
Ernes 'Warples, M.P. E VER since he started impressing his personality on the Ministry of Transport—that is to say, when he...
NAR. ERNEST MARPLES' conclusive reply to critics who IVI accuse him of. talking too much to the Press was given to Harold...
Page 144
Licensing Authorities Should Hear Them : Instructions on Objections P OINTS of procedure must be argued before the Licensing...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT INTENSE regionalization of the railways, with each section largely running its own affairs,...
A N agreement has been made between the Central Electricity Generating Board and the Midlands division of the National Coal...
Page 145
imR. N. A. McKN1GHT, a re g ional In licensin g representative of British Railways, told the Western Area Licensin g Authority...
P RIVATE coach parties in the Morecambe area are bein g investi g ated. Mr. F. Williamson, chairman of the North Western...
'TWO of the matters that will he con' sidered by the lon g -term study g roup set up by the Ministry of Transport were...
LIVE independent hauliers and British I Railways combined to oppose an application by Cawood, Wharton and Co., Ltd., coal...
T HE pay claim made on behalf of company bus workers was rejected by employers in London last week. It was for an advance of El...
E three lar g est heavy-haula g e op erators on Tees-side, Siddle C. Cook, Ltd., Messrs. Sunter Bros., and A. Stevens and Co,...
Page 146
DIPELINE delivery of aviation fuel to London Airport is to start next month, when two 6-in.-diameter pipes will supply about...
CONFLICTING evidence as to I.- , whether coach excursions had or had not been advertised and operated was heard by the...
rLECTIONS of officers of the Traders' L. Road Transport Association have been announced from four areas in the West Midland...
MR. REX BATE has joined the board of ken old Chains, .Ltd. MR. PERCY MORRIS has been appointed to the Western Area Board of...
Page 147
T HE West Midland Deputy Licensing Authority's refusal to add a boxvan to the A licence of the Atlas Express Co. (Birmingham),...
T O present their marine radar equipment to Continental markets, Associated Electrical Industries, Ltd., Grosvenor Place,...
n ESPITE opposition from the Birming ham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., the application by Provincial Garage...
Canadian Sales: A.E.C. oil engines are to be marketed in Canada by Orenda Industrial, Ltd., Ontario. Hungarian Buses: Twenty...
Page 148
W HEN coach operators in the West Midland area apply for renewals of tour licences in future, the Traffic Commissioners will...
H AVING established that there 'bad been no intention to undercut the fares of Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., Mr. J. A. T....
XTENSIONS to sta g e services were secured by Mr. John Carmichael, Glenboi g , before the Scottish Traffic, Commissioners at...
Page 149
D EC1SIONS on fares applications by three major South Wales undertakings will have to wait until the Minister of Transport...
A N unlicensed workers' service to the factory of A. V. Roe and Co., Ltd., Woodford, Cheshire, had contributed to the...
A PROPOSAL by the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., to link two short journeys to make one continuous route failed at Glasgow last...
S CARBOROUGH Corporation's proposal to close the Valley Road coach park was criticized at a public meeting -in Scarborough last...
Page 150
'THE maintenance of the C-licensed fleet of .Ditchburn's, Ltd., Sunderland, I furniture manufacturers, is to be officially...
THE onus imposed on objectors to satisfy the Licensing Authority that they have facilities to do the work, is being forgotten...
ICENSING regulations must be I– strictlyobeyed, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing Authority,:w.arned a West Cumberland...
Page 153
a vehicle used for emptying septic tanks operate under a C or a B licence? For nearly three hours last week, Evesham...
G. J. Howard, Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: G. J. Howard and M. N. Howard, 4 Brunton Cottages, London. E.14. Sec.: G. I. Howard. Reg....
A N application to the Licensing Authority sitting in Perth last week, was said to relate to a "pioneering venture" by a...
Page 154
W HEN W. and L. Transport, Ltd., London, E.C.3, applied to Mr_ C. J. McDonald, Metropolitan Deputy Licensing Authority, for a B...
T " establishment of a vehicle maintenance committee in Cumberland and Westmorland, an idea promoted by Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon,...
PA A DRIVER'S mate who was trapped when an 81-ton casting toppled from a low-loader was awarded damages of £2,750 against his...
Page 160
W ITH a - further general rise in insurance premiums apparently imminent, it becomes increasingly necessary for...
Page 161
Overseas Holidays No "Threat" I CANNOT sympathize with the submission made to the West Midland Traffic Commissioners (The...
Page 162
Co., Ltd., St. Ives, Hunts, bought a large quantity of gravel entirely surrounded by impenetrable marsh. The price paid was far...
Page 165
A LTHOUGH the function of the Licensing Authorities is to ensure sufficient transport for those requiring it, and to prevent...
Page 166
J UDGMENT on Mr, Hugh Gaitskell's policy will have to be suspended until he has explained it more clearly than he has done so...
Page 171
A Pump for Tacky Grease A MAXIMUM . working pressure of 15,000 p.s.i. is provided by the Hercules heavy-duty grease pump...
Page 172
cONVERSTONS of various Cornmer chassis form over 65 per cent, of the production of Douglas Equipment, Ltd., Cheltenham, and 10...
O PERATORS would be " tremendously " affected by the Road Traffic Bill, 1960, when it was enacted later this year. This was...
A STRADDLE carrier with a top speed of 52 m.p.h. has been produced by the American Hyster company. Its capacity is 10 short...
Page 173
THE South-eastern Traffic Commis' sioners are concerned at the number of assisted travel schemes in the Berkshire area....
T HE accident-prone driver, the man who always gets the rough vehicle in the fleet, and the jibes of his colleagues, was an...
A RTICULATED outfits of London Carriers Ltd., are to be replaced by 17 Leyland Steer six-wheeled rigid vehicles. They will...
Page 174
4 4 PAY a gross vehicle insurance premium of £203, You I allow £103 'and I should be glad to know where I can get cover for...
Page 178
R EFF.RENCES to "certain convictions" incurred by an applicant company were made by Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing...
rt A RECENT grant by Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, the Northern Licensing Authority, for seven additional vehicles on A licence to...