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29th January 1954
Page 24
Page 24, 29th January 1954 — PROFIT AND LOSS
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Keighley-West Yorkshire Service, Ltd., made a profit of £11,648 in the year ended September 30 last.

Untied Service Transport Co., Ltd., report that after providing 434,137 for depreciation, the provisional consolidated net profit for the year ended September 30 last was £26.431. Dividends for lbe year total 20 per cent.

Associated Commercial Vehicles. Ltd., report that the group profit for last year, after allowing for all charges, including taxation of E935,817, was £774,399. Dividends on the ordinary stock for the year total 221/2 per cent.

The Braid Group announce diat after allowing for all charges, including taxation of £91,707, the net profit attributable last year to the holding company was £26159. A dividend of 71/2 per cent. for the year is to be paid.

Jonas Woodhead and Sons, Ltd., made a net profit of £54,521 in the year ended September 30 last. Taxation amounted to £144.154. The dividend for the year is 171/2 per cent. The company are capitalizing 031,250 of reserves.

Park Royal Vehicles, Ltd., and subsidiaries made a net profit of £161.435 in Use year ended September 30. This figure was struck after taking into account all charges, including taSation of £160,959. Dividends for the year total 10 per cent, tax free.