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Many Transport Units With drawn from Sale Because Tenders Were Too Low Sir Malcolm Trustram Eve, Q.C., chairman of the Road...
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N rejecting the Thesiger Committee's proposals 1 for the licensing of contract-carriage work and seeking instead a new...
Apprentice Saves 18 Lorries A N apprentice, E. Loveridge, of Birmid Industries. j-k Ltd., Smethwick, although only 16, has...
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That the steering effort required by some vehicles leaves much room for improvement. That the practicable turbine-driven...
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ONE of the first announcements of the purchase of a transport unit comes from L E. Chettle, Ltd., The Mill House, Ilkeston...
RELATIVE liability for a coach accident on Shap Fell, last August, between the coach driver. who was killed, and a lorry driver...
BODIES DY using a light-alloy cab and body, the unladen weight of the Bristol eight-wheeler has been reduced to below 7 tons,...
HOURS of work and rest periods in the road transport industry will be discussed by the inland transport committee of the...
rgive prospective purchasers of road haulage units included in List No. 3, an extra week-end for inspection, dates for the...
RETURNING a verdict of accidental death on two people killed in a bus accident at Hyde Park Corner, London, last month, the...
IN the House of Commons last week, I Mr. H. Molson, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, said that the...
PROFIT STILL OVER 1100,000 BECAUSE of wage increases, Birmingham Transport Department's profit in the present financial year,...
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THE Eastern Licensing Authority was I criticized by the Transport [Appeal] Tribunal last week for the "unsatisfactory way" in...
A GREEMENTS between the British I–% Transport Commission and three hauliers for the payment of £461,474 compensation w er e...
FURTHER1NG their scheme for the mechanization of their Farington foundry, Leyland Motors Ltd., have recently installed...
APEDESTRIAN crossing supervised by a traffic warden remains an uncontrolled crossing in the absence of a policeman. This was...
ATEST case of interest to users of radio-equipped lorries, ambulances and taxis is to be heard in the High Court. The action...
WE regret to record the depths of MR. HERBERT WILLIAM WHII LOCK and MR. THOMAS SIDNEY WHITLOCK. They were the...
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MR. R. S. PILCH has been appointed a director of Rootes, Ltd. For many years he has been sales manager of the export division...
THE West Midland Licensing Authority. Mr, W. P. James, made a statement last week regarding the grant of special A licences to...
II would be better to spend money on improving roads in centres of industrial production rather than on trunk roads, said Mr....
I N the course of an investigation into all departments of Coventry Corporation, the Organization and Methods Division of the...
TO publicize coach touring holidays. London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., are arranging a coach exhibition at the premises of...
TTHREE Labour Members of Parliament last week tabled a motion urging the Government to reduce oilfuel taxation.
Keighley-West Yorkshire Service, Ltd., made a profit of £11,648 in the year ended September 30 last. Untied Service Transport...
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" YOUR company owes a moral obligation to the people there to continue the service," said Mr. J. D. Daniell, for Dover Rural...
HASTINGS is using a double-deck bus to publicize the town as a holiday resort. The vehicle, which was provided by Maidstone and...
DETAILED documentary evidence in support of applications for excursion and tour licences to Blackpool illuminations and Midland...
BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT THE Minister of Transport has rejected the Thesiger Committee's proposals for the licensing...
CUPPORT for the campaign of the Municipal Passenger Transport Association for the reduction of the fuel tax has been expressed...
NAANY compliments were paid to In Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., by Press and newsreel representatives for the efficiency with...
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THE appeal of the British Transport Commission against the grant of an A licence to T. J. Walmsley, Ltd., Blackburn, was...
LATENESS and absenteeism of 1—i workers of Darlington Transport Department are no worse than in other parts of the country....
rTIO reduce platform accidents, addi tional buzzers are to be fitted to the rear bulkheads of double-deckers of Cardiff...
D EASONS why he had not put forward a scheme for building a Humber bridge, have been given by the Minister of Transport in a...
QUBMITTING that it impeded opera tion and that it would prevent Servicemen from arriving home early on week-end leave,...
FORK trucks are now included in the contractors' plant which can be hired from George Cohen Sons and Co., Ltd. The latest...
AN experimental one-man-operated 32-seat bus is to be placed in service by Bolton Transport Department. An existing...
' Hyde Corporation propose to buy an S.D. tipper. Swansea Water Committee require a LandRover. -Tees Corporation are to obtain...
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UNIONS representing bus workers employed in municipal undertakings are claiming an additional increase of 3s. a week. The...
WHEN the national chairman of the VI' Road Haulage Association, Mr. B. Winterbottom, attended the dinner of the Southern Area...
LAST year was the most prosperous in the history of the Canadian haulage industry, Mr. G. M. Parke, president of the Canadian...
THREE additional tours on the Conti' nent are offered by the South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., this year. In all, there arc six...
IT is understood that German Borgward commercial vehicles will shortly be introduced into the United Kingdom. A Borgward oil...
FOLLOWING an appeal by Glider". ways Coaches, Ltd., against thc West Midland Licensing Authority's refusal of a licence for a...
HAVING an extremely high safety 'margin and therefore suitable for installation in spraying booths, garages and so on, a new...
PRINCIPAL guests at the annual luncheon of the Mansion House Association on Transport, to be held at the Trocadero. Restaurant,...
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WITHOUT calling on the respondents VV to reply, the Transport [Appeal] Tribunal on Tuesday dismissed an appeal by Mr. A. G....
LAST year, 240,000 commercial .1-J vehicles and nearly 595,000 cars were built, a total of almost 835,000 units. Over 111.300...
AN oily based dismantling fluid, known as Formula A, has been developed by the Plus Gas Co., 1-11 Hay Hill, London, W.I. It...
QTREET cleansing by manual. t-.1 mechanical and suction methods have been on trial in Southend, with particular emphasis on...
M IN E different kinds of floor-main tenance task can be accomplished with the Mark 5 cleaner shortly to be introduced by...
AS in recent years, Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., are offering a large variety of tours, ranging from fouc to 16 days, in...
D OUGHENING of cobbled roads by JA a German machine was demonstrated at Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire, last week. By use of an...
BECAUSE moorland roads in the West Riding are liable to be damaged by buses, West Riding County Council recently objected to an...
THE Institute of the Motor Industry, 40 Queen's Gate, London, .S.W.7, have published details of the annual summer school at St....
THEpart played by transport in increasing productivity was often forgotten, said Air Chief Marshal Sir Ralph Cochrane when he...
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A ONE-ARMED man who had been t. trying for eight years to get permission to drive a coach lost an appeal before Bristol...
A NEW route-numbering system has been introduced throughout all the services operated by the Rhondda Transport Co., Ltd....
LITTLE more than 130 of 600 buses bought by Scottish operators last year were built in Scotland, according to Mr. ff. Phillips,...
Setright Registers, Ltd., have moved their works to Eastway, London, E.9. The India Tyre and Rubber Co., Lid., have opened a...
February 5.—Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Automobile Divisio n). Dinner-danec, Dorchester Hotel, London, W,I, February...
THE Minister of Transport has been asked to confirm an Order made by Durham County Council on March 5, 1953, to ban the use of...
ON May 1, the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund will take possession of the nursing home in Hanger Lane, Ealing, Middx.,...
I N a self-sealing coupling produced by Dowty Auto Units Ltd., Ashchurch, Gloucester, the joint can be made and broken on...
pECAUSE many of their products sent by rail are damaged in transit, Rubery Owen and Co., have decided, in future, to use road...
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Sketchley, Ltd.; Use 75 Vehicles for the Collection and Delivery During the Night of Dry-cleaning Work at 300 Depots in the...
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Greatest Expansion in Western Germany: Most Countries Record Increases in Vehicles and Traffic THE use of road transport...
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at a Time : North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., Supply the Buses 1,100 Workers Cleared in 10 Minutes ANEW bus station covering...
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BUILT to the requirements of one of the biggest parcels carriers in the London area, a Dennis Stork )rotnises to be a great...
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2,678 Contract-hire Vehicles and 4,000 Parcels Vans for Disposal : B.R.S. Surplus in 1953 Compares with Profits Under Free...
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• Lansing-Bagnal:I Introduce Electric Pallet Truck and Fork Truck and 011-engined Tractor THREE new models with advanced...
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WHEN the Trojan chassis with the Perkins P3 oil engine was first introduced, it was obvious that it had great possibilities....
By Our Parliamentary Correspondent DRESSURE is growing in the House of Commons for a debate on the Government's f50m. road...
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.3 m.p.g. A" MONG the notable features of the Leyland Tiger Cub lightweight bus I praised, in my road-test report of this...
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of Two-stroke Engines UNIFLOW scavenging, which is effected by ei,her special admission or exhaust valves, or with opposed...
Pierced by Flame I—I A NUMBER of most convincing demonstrations of a new fireproof material, known as Secondite, was given in...
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CHESS grand masters might envy the skill, finesse and yet the inevitability of the latest move by British Road Services, which...
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IT was stated in The Commercial Motor dated January 15, that according to the chairman of the Transport Committee of...
ON a number of occasions I have been to some show or other at Earls Court, London, and each time several of the people in my...
THE editorial leader entitled "The Unfortunate In-betweens" in your issue of January 1, 1954, states that "The British...
voun correspondent J.A.D. in writing his letter on 1 the above subject published in your issue of January 8, has surely...
wax reference to your series of articles under the title "Anomalies in Trailer Law," I agree with F. W. Knight regarding the...
mAy 1, a motorist, appeal through the medium of your IVA journal to bus operators to fit direction indicators to their vehicles...
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"The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Deals with Certain Items in the Tables of Operating Costs whichMay Vary Among Different...
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A BRAKING system suitable for rIbuses and coaches is dealt with in patent No. 700,574 (British Transport Commission, 55...
AFUEL injector claimed to give complete atomization of the fuel, and to possess a long working life, is disclosed in patent No....
IT is common practice to provide a positive stop on the chassis or the axle for limiting the steering movement, but such a...
A ROAD-SWEEPING vehicle is I-1 shown in patent No. 700,415, which comes from Lewin Road Sweepers, Ltd., Victoria Works, Hill...