Dwindling Berlin permits
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/E HAVE just received our otice of allocation of German ermits for 1981 and are grateful at we have received five addional permits bringing our allo3tion to 50.
However, as the co-operation theme is now to be on a one for ne basis, not two for one as last Dar, this results in this firm re)iving a total of only 100 ermits for 1981 as against 145 )r 1980, a drop of 45 permits. A milar situation happened when le free-issue Berlin permits 'ere withdrawn.
We had built up a substantial ?rvice to Berlin and before the ermits were withdrawn were perating to Berlin weekly (50 permits per year). When they were withdrawn we were only issued an additional 20, a drop of 30 permits.
We have actively encouraged small manufacturing firms to export to the EEC by advising on potential customers, introduction of foreign agents, subsi dised transport and all the backup of a modern computerised international haulier and shipper. All our transport is with specialised vehicles involved in multiple deliveries and specially trained drivers and staff, and as such the potential for subcontracting is remote.
We are now faced with the possibility of having to withdraw support from small manufactur ing companies and made perhaps three drivers and two office/warehouse staff redun dant. This seems to be unbelievable when we could in fact in crease our services and take on additional staff due to our support of the smaller firms in the past.
We have used all the means of obtaining permits, co-operation, non-quota Berlin, exhibition goods and so on, some at considerable additional cost, and yet each year we are restricted to less than the previous year. We cannot use any of the railway services as the multiple deliveries cover a large area.
Finally, if anyone can tell me how I can operate an expanding firm on a reducing amount of permits I and my staff would be grateful.
L. R. ASHTON Trans Repro Freight Ltd Buckhurst Hill, Essex