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Ldoy Final Fee Up, Entrance Still E1
HE ENTRANCE fee for finalists ompetition has been doubled ntrance fee will remain at £10. DoY national council was endo ust week. The resignation of the presiency by Sir Robert......
Drinking Dismissal
LONG-SERVING driver with a jood record, sacked because he as found asleep in his cab at us distillery delivery point, has lad his claim for unfair dismis;al refused by the......
Insurance Phased Out
OVERSEAS group members attending the British Association of Removers autumn conference earlier this month unanimously voted that the Advance Payment Guarantee Scheme, due to be......
Capital Needs More Capital
OVER the next 15 to 20 years, more than £2600m needs to be spent on London's roads, according to the Standing Conference on London and South-East Regional Planning. towns in......