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Can You Cure The Shakes?
E OPERATE a Bedford TK1630 nich was first registered on arch 1, 1980 and has done 589 miles. It is fitted with a flat )dy and ISO twist locks for a ift container and has a one......
Dwindling Berlin Permits
/E HAVE just received our otice of allocation of German ermits for 1981 and are grateful at we have received five addional permits bringing our allo3tion to 50. However, as the......
Arrowfast Not So Slow
IN REPLY to Bowling Bees Aid Hospital (CM, November 8, p44), I would like to point out to you that the "not so fast" Arrowfast team, as you described us, which finished third,......
More Trouble With Maggie
IT WAS with some disappointment that I read the letter from J. Nelson Ltd headed U-turn on Maggies (CM, November 15). I was disappointed because up until then I was hoping that......
A Question Of Timing
I REFER to the CPC questions and answers series (October 25). Question three asked what the weekly driving limit is under National Drivers Hours Rules. The answers were......