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Free Winds Are A Blowilf, Says Clarke
A KEEN wind of private enterprise is waiting to blow through the bus industry, according to Junior Transport Minister Kenneth Clarke. He told local authorities to seek the best......
Better By Far By Car?
TRANSPORT Minister Norma Fowler is considering a furth publicity campaign about c sharing in the new year. Announcing this in the Cor mons, he said this would bui on the......
Tay Fears
TAYSIDE private coac operators are worried by ne competition from Tayside Regi, nal Council's Dundee bus ui dertaking, following the imp! , mentation of the 1980 Transpo Act.......
Cardiff Enterprise
CARDIFF independent coac operator C. K. Coaches ha started a late-night bus servic in Cardiff. Three buses are to b used to serve visitors to the c ty's night spots, and buses......