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More trouble with Maggie

29th November 1980
Page 33
Page 33, 29th November 1980 — More trouble with Maggie
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

IT WAS with some disappointment that I read the letter from J. Nelson Ltd headed U-turn on Maggies (CM, November 15).

I was disappointed because up until then I was hoping that our Maggie was a Friday vehicle and that the problems that we have encountered were isolated and would work themselves out.

We have had our share of bent accelerator linkages, broken stop cables, stretched hand throttle cables, poor gear selection, as well as a distintegrated clutch. The latest problem is with the gearbox itself.

We bought this vehicle in preference to a Ford because it appeared to be designed for 7.5gvw operation and not a derivative of a vehicle designed for much higher gvw.

When the vehicle is working normally it is excellent and is well received by our self-drive hire customers for which purpose it is used exclusively." Unlike J. Nelson, our mechanics have basically left this vehicle alone while it has been under warranty.

Our fear now, of course, is that we can look forward to a second year of the same problems — something which we had hoped we had avoided by purchasing a premium quality truck.

W. RICHARDS Wynnes Motor Services Nuneaton