Coinciding with the merging of management and operational control of
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the Wilts and Dorset Motor Services Ltd. and Hants and Dorset Motor Services Ltd. (see page 26), Mr. D. S. Deacon, director and general manager of Wilts and Dorset, is to be appointed a member of the Tilling group management board, with effect from April I. From that date Mr. D. W. Morison, at present general manager of Hants and Dorset, becomes additionally general manager of Wilts and Dorset. Mr. G. Carruthers, at present traffic manager of Wilts and Dorset, is appointed assistant general manager of both companies from the same date. Mr. Deacon joined Crosville Motor Services Ltd. in 1932. After military service from 1943 to 1946 he returned to Crosville as divisional manager of the Rhyl and Llandudno area. In 1950 he joined United Automobile Services Ltd. as assistant traffic manager and was appointed assistant general manager in 1961. He took up his present appointment with Wilts and Dorset in July, 1962. Mr. Carruthers joined the Eastern Counties Omnibus Co. Ltd. at Norwich in 1946, becoming chief traffic assistant in January, 1948, and area traffic superintendent in November, 1954. In December, 1960, he joined Wilts and Dorset as traffic manager at Salisbury.
At the annual general meeting last week of the London area Transport Managers' Club, the following officers were elected: chairman, Mr. H. W. Smith, transport manager, Brookside Metal Co.
Ltd.; vice chairman, Mr. T. F. R 1 c e , managing director, East Anglian Carriers Ltd.; speakersecretary, Mr. C. H. Massey, director, Cyprien-Fox Transport Ltd.; secretary, Mr. R. Lyon, assistant divisional traffic officer, British Road Services; treasurer, Mr. F. A. Women, traffic manager, Pinchin Johnson and Associates Ltd.
Mr. H. W. Smith, chairman.
Mr. Frank H. Hearn today retires from his post as senior assistant secretary of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers after 43 years' service. Mr. Hearn joined the Institution staff in 1921, became assistant secretary in 1956 and senior assistant secretary in 1961. Mr. R. Main, an assistant secretary since 1959, becomes senior assistant secretary on Mr. Ream's retirement. He has served the Institution for 16 years, his initial work being with the automobile division, with which he still retains links.
Mr. Richard D. O'Brien, vice-president of U.S. industries Inc., has been appointed group officer responsible for the two subsidiaries of U.S. Industries in Britain —U.S. Industries Inc. Great Britain Ltd and U.S. Industries Inc. Engineering Ltd., of Warrington, Lancs. He has been elected to the boards of both these companies.
Lord Rootes has been appointed chancellor of the new University of Warwick, which is being built at Coventry. Lord Rootes, who will be 70 this year, has a wide experience of industry and commerce and will be constantly involved in the government of the university.
Mr. G. M. Wilson has been appointed export sales manager, fabricated products, of The British Aluminium Co. Ltd. He succeeds Mr. S. M. Lawrence, who has taken over Mr. Wilson's previous post of sales manager, ingot and special products. Mr. D. IL Thomas has been appointed technical manager, export; previously he was general products manager. Mr. J. L. Osborne has been re-elected chairman of the South Derbys and Burton sub-area of the Road Haulage Association.
Mr. W. K. Fox is joining W. P. Butterfield (Engineers) Ltd., of Shipley, Yorks. on February 3 as a technical representative for the company's road tanks, welded plant and cryogenic vessels in the North and North Midlands. A former Rugby player, Mr. Fox is a keen golfer and swimmer.
Mr. W. H. Rigg has been appointed managing director of Stenor Ltd., a member of the Firth Cleveland Group. He takes over from Mr. A. J. Goddard, who has retired after 22 years with the company.
Mr. H. J. R. Down has been elected chairman of the Frome sub-area of the Western area of the Road Haulage Association, and Mr. A. T. Butler has been• elected vice-chairman.
WE regret to record the deaths of Mr. Charles Bostock, Mr. F. W. Hodgkinson and Mr. H. Hopkins.
Mr. Rostock, formerly manager of the Pickfords division of British Road Services, died on January 19. Mr. Rostock was born in 1894 and educated at Winchester College and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated in mechancial science. He served with the Life Guards during the 1914-1918 War, and subsequently joined the Ministry of Pensions. In 1927. Mr. Rostock entered the service of Pickfords Ltd, and was subsequently secretary until his appointment as general manager of the Hay's Wharf Cartage Co. Ltd. and associated cartage companies in 1948. From January, 1950, he was manager of the Pickfords division of B.R.S., and became a director of B.R.S. (Pickfords) Ltd. in 1956. He retired on May 2, 1959. A memorial service will be held at 11.30 a.m. on February 7 at Holy Trinity Church, Kingsway. London, W.C.2.
Mr. Hodgkinson died at the age of 56 in Amsterdam. He was managing director of Bulwark United Transport Ltd., which controls the U.T.C. tanker fleets in Britain. Mr. Hodgkinson, who became a director of United Transport in 1955, was also a director of its associated companies, Canadian Motorways Ltd. and United Service Transport Co. Ltd. He had been a vice-chairman of the Public Transport Association for the past few years and a member of the P.T.A. council since 1954.
Mr. Hopkins, who died recently in hospital. was sales director of the Midland Motor Cylinder Co. Ltd., joining the company in 1925. At the time of his death Mr. Hopkins was the company's representative, with a watching brief for all Birmid group companies, on the accessory and component manufacturers' section committee of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Ltd.. and was also a committee member of the Automobile Ironfounders' Association. Mr. L. S. Higgins, at present traffic manager of East Yorkshire Motor Services Ltd., has been appointed traffic manager of the Northern General Transport Co. Ltd. in succession to Mr. G. NI. Newberry who, as previously announced, will be taking up the appointment of general manager of the City of Oxford Motor Services Ltd. on April 1. Mr. Higgins, who completed his course of training with the Northern General company under the B.E.T. training scheme in 1951, held various appointments with Ribble Motor Services Ltd. until 1954 when he was appointed assistant traffic manager of the East Kent Road Car Co. Ltd. In 1958 he joined Maidstone and District Motor Services Ltd., also as assistant traffic manager, and took up his present appointment with the East Yorkshire company in March, 1961.
Mr. Martin I. Tustin, a director of the Dowty Group, has been elected a member of the accessory and component manufacturers' section committee of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders for 1964-65.
Mr. N. W. Pendleton, who has served on the sales staff of Leyland Motors Ltd. in Manchester, Bristol and London, has been appointed London fleet sales manager, responsible to Mr. G. Bart Taylor, southern divisional manager.
Mr. P. Ledger has been appointed Tecalemit chassis lubrication sales engineer for London, Middlesex, Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Hants, Oxon, Hens, Bucks, Beds. Northants, Hunts, Cambs, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Betts and Channel Isles.
Mr. J. C. Theobald has been promoted to district manager of the Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co. Ltd. in the Glasgow area. He bas, for some years. been fleet sales representative attached to Firestone's East London district office.
Mr. Thomas L L. Carmichael, clerk !o the Traffic Commissioners for the South Scotland area since 1930, retired recently and to mark the occasion 40 independent operators gathered in Glasgow to present him with a cheque. Mr. William Dodds. Scottish chairman of P.V.O.A., made the presentation.
Mr. J. W. Bannard has been eledted chairman of the Traders' Co-ordinating Committee on Transport in succession to the late Mr. L G. Burleigh. Vice-chairmen elected were Mr. S. C. Bond and Mr. 3. A. McMullen.
Mr. R. J. Richards, secretary, and Mr. G. 3. Lynch, chief engineer, have been appointed executive directors of Duple Motor Bodies Ltd.
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