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MOTOR VOLUME 118 • No. 3050 • JANUARY 31, 1984 Booked Yet ? J NTEREST in The Commercial Motor's Fleet Management Conference...
The next seven days, Jan. 31-Feb. 6 Man. Historic Commercial Vehicle Club. Illus trated talk by Mr. A. E. Marshall, A.E.C....
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'THE volume of complaints about electrical equipment has convinced the Road Haulage Association that action should be taken to...
EAL freedom of choice for transport users; maintenance of the freedom of users to employ their own vehicles; continuation of 13...
T HOSE who fear the worst with regard to the General Election should not underestimate the influence that the Geddes Committee...
Transport Association last week met the Geddes Committee to submit oral evidence. The delegation was led by Mr. K. C. Turner,...
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IN the light of higher speeds and weights the whole question of the brake efficiency of commercial vehicles should be...
IIan artic is driven above its " stable I speed '', which may he quite low, it can jack-knife without application of the...
'THE anti-tack-knife device for antes developed by F. J. Hope of Hope Transport Ltd., is to be displayed at the Amsterdam Show...
From Our Political Correspondent 'THE Transport and General Workers Union has asked Mr. Marples if it can be allowed to give...
WELDED-ON outriggers and side raves VII are to be introduced for the Scammell range of MH automaticcoupling semi-trailers to...
Leylands for Yugoslavia: Final details are being negotiated for the supply of £1÷m. worth of vehicles and engines to Yugoslavia...
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for Thames Tunnels r t NE-WAY working in the Blackwall r t NE-WAY working in the Blackwall and Rotherhithe tunnels under the...
proposals for freight services—liner trains, company trains, merry-go-round and full-train working—would provide substantial...
the Year eliminating rounds are now known: Manchester on May 10, and Coventry on May 31. The Manchester organizing secretary is...
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S PEAKING at the annual dinner of the Road Haulage Association's South London sub-area at Eltham last week, Mr. F. Wheeler said...
was being placed in the field of politics to be kicked hither and thither. Some years ago the electorate were informed by the...
January dismissed a charge against a railway lorry driver for causing his vehicle to wait in a no waiting area" the police...
A SCHEME for leasing Foden com mercial vehicles has been introduced by the Astiey Leasing Co. An example of the terms offered...
A N all-time record of 2,011,720 cars and commercial vehicles was produced in Britain in 1963. Of this total, 403,781 were...
ik HAULAGE contractor who, it was PA said, installed a special tank in his barn so that he could use duty-free oil, had his...
THE Minister of Transport told M.P.s this week that he had no evidence at present that would justify imposing special speed...
'MAYS and means of introducing VV measures to regulate the sale of recut t y rcs were now being considered. announced Mr....
NAORE mobile police, improved roads IVI and warning signs, reappraisals of speed limits, a wider use of safety belts . . these...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT 1 - 1 A HINT that London's buses and tubes mi g ht have to be subsidized in future was g...
Motor Services Ltd. and Hants and Dorset Motor Services Ltd. will come under the same mana g ement and operational control....
By our Parliamentary Correspondent THE Minister of Transport is consider" ing what g uidance he should issue to local...
Omnibus Society in London this week, Mr. Norman H. Dean, president of the society for 1964, was introduced by Mr. E. L. Taylor,...
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I F' bus services in Oxford - were to he improved, the city council must consider its future policy for the city's traffic in...
T WO single-decker buses recently delivered to West Bromwich CorporaCon have been built to an overall width of 7 ft. 6 in. to...
the 5.1100 North East bus workers will call off tomorrow (Saturday) the overtime ban they have been operating in protest...
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the Wilts and Dorset Motor Services Ltd. and Hants and Dorset Motor Services Ltd. (see page 26), Mr. D. S. Deacon, director and...
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G RANTING an application to add three bulk transport tippers to an existing A licence for 14, the Scottish deputy Licensing...
A FTER the applicants had agreed with the objectors to an amendment of the conditions, a B licence for 20 tippers was granted...
D URING an application by a Tamworth haulier to add two vehicles to a B licence to carry miners' concessionary coal, officials...
A PPLYING to operate 131 excursions 1-1 and tours from the Nechells area of the city, Birmingham Co-operative Society faced...
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A N eight-vehicle B licence to carry road-making materials for Leonard Leigh Ltd., within 35 miles of a local base, was granted...
A N application by a Farcet Fen haulage contractor for a Contract A to B licence switch in respect of five of his lorries was...
G. D. Squibb. Q.C., the president, sitting with the two reeentl■ appointed members, Mr. C. P. Hopkins and Mr. 0. T. Wier,...
T H E Essex hauliers were lined a total of £1,551 at Billericay on Tuesday for operat:ng tippers without carrier's licences...
bearing at Birmingham last week of an application by Alfaseo Ltd., the transport subsidiary of A.F.S. Shipping, for a...
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20 Vehicles Sought in S. Wales O NLY one substantial application has been notified in this week's Applications and Decisions....
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Handbrakes—Yorkshire Haulier Highlights Anomalies MINISTER MUST DEFINE FUNCTION AND FIX A MINIMUM PERCENTAGE AS justice done...
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A FTER hearing the evidence given by the objectors, I was not surprised to learn that a substantial part of an application by...
F IVE coach firms fought for two days at a sitting of the East Midlands Traffic Commissioners in Nottingham last week for...
IN a reserved decision given last week, I the Metropolitan deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. C. J. Macdonald, refused an...
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ITis reported that considerable interest has been shown in the silencer (claimed by its inventor, Mr. S. Titterton of...
TO ensure that U.K. hauliers operating Rubery Owen trailer equipment on the Continent can obtain proper spares and replacements...
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I T is reported in the U.S.A. that power unit and transmission en g ineers who g athered in Detroit this month for the S.A.E....
F OLLOWING our exclusive announcement last week about the DaimlerBenz OM 346 direct-injection diesel engine, a 10.8-litre...
of Guildford, Surrey, have introduced Telex facilities at the Guildford works, The Telex number is 8511 and the answer-back...
PPORTUN ITIES Bradford City Council transport committee has Invited selected firms to submit quotations for the supply of 30...
T HE Ceylon Transport Board has decided to purchase 485 buses in the current year at a cost of nearly Lim. Of this number, 126...
school—which is open to non-members—will be held at Queen's College, Cambridge, from August 14-21 this year. The pro g ramme...
IN our report of the new 478-series G.M.C. four-stroke V-6 diesel en g ines published on January 10 it was stated that each of...
SEDDON ORDERS APPROACH £1 MILLION : Seddon Diesel Vehicles Ltd. has received orders amounting to £487,000 in the first two...
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Damage and Expense caused by Loose Wheel Nuts THE PROBLEM OF dama g e arising from loose road-wheel nuts has occupied the...
week comes from Mr. E. Faraday, Of Settle, Yorks. Before dealing with repairs or renewals in a hydraulic braking System, he...
Have you an idea that is worth passin g on to other readers 1 It must relate to maintenance practice. if a panel, on which...
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and Publications Easier and Handier T HE range of handliftin g devices made by Chairman Ltd., has recently been added to and...
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I 1" is quite a few years since either the Austin or Morris branches of the British Motor Corporation's commercial-vehicle...
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by John F. Moon ROAD TEST: Morris/L.C.C. Ambulance A S announced on the previous page, special Austin and Morris ambulance...
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A NEW mobile library specially PA designed to operate in the more remote areas of Northumberland was recently introduced by the...
To facilitate the use of time-sating suction loading of glass, this recent addition to the large Bedford fleet of T. & W. 1de...
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R ATHER surprisingly there is still relatively little call by U.K. operators of passenger vehicles for air suspension, whereas...
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O NE result of the Buchanan-Crowther report has been to stimulate the already lively interest of passenger transport operators...
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By The Hawk Gear Pictures I see from the latest issue of the S.A.E. Journal" that one American company has started to mark the...
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. . regret that what the unions WRITES have to say cannot be taken completely at its face value' A SKED for his views on...
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• Mileage payment for use of a van • Need for attendants on trailers S.BUCKLEY, Assoc. INST. T, GIVES ADVICE ON TRANSPORT...
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G. W. Dobbs and Sop Ltd. Cap. £3.000. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors, etc. Dirs.: G. W. Dobbs and C....