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Men in t he News

31st March 1950, Page 34
31st March 1950
Page 34
Page 34, 31st March 1950 — Men in t he News
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Mn. DONALD BOXALL, 0.B.E., the new export manager of Leyland Motors. Ltd., has flown to Egypt and Turkey.

Mn. H. B. FIELDING has resigned his directorship of Atkinson Lorries (Holdings), Ltd., but remains on the board of Atkinson Lorries (1933), Ltd.

Mn. A. L. PENDLETON has been appointed sales representative for Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., covering Staffordshire, Shropshire and Herefordshire.

MR. C. H. HENDERSON, transport manager of Boult Bros., Ltd.. Leeds, has been re-elected chairman of the Leeds branch of the Industrial Transport Association. Mn. D. K. ARCHBOLD has succeeded Mn. J. W. FEARNLEY as vicechairman.

Mn. H. RICHARDSON, principal of Bradford Technical College, has been re-elected president of the Yorkshire Transport Society. Ma. F, W000 continues as chairman, and Mn. L. H. BELL, of Hebble Motor Services, Ltd., has been elected vice-chairman. The Society's membership doubled during the past year.

Mn. W. G. WIDNELL has been elected chairman of the London branch of the Industrial Transport Association. Vicechairmen are Mn. E. YOUNG and Mn. C. A. ELLIOTT. Mn. A. W. FERGUSON has been appointed honorary


secretary, Mn. C. H. TURNER assistant honorary secretary, and Mn. F. COMM honorary treasurer.

MR. DONALD HARRISON, sales director of the Nuffield Organisation, will head the company's representatives at the New York Show. Among those accompanying him will be Ma. J. W. MALONE, general sales manager of Nuffield Exports, Ltd., Mn. R. A. BISHOP, Nuffield Organisation publie it y manager; MR. H. RUMMINS, overseas representative of the S.U. Carburetter Co., Ltd.; and Mn, H. J. L. SUFFIELD, assistant manager, Nuffield House, London.

MR. L. H. CHALLIS. 0.B.E., of the Ministry of Transport, has been elected chairman of the north-eastern centre of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Automobile Division. in succession to MR. T. H. PARKINSON, of Leeds Transport Department. The new honorary secretary is Mn. HERBERT GLEDHILL, who succeeds DR. A. 'S. LEAH. of Leeds University. Dr. Leah, after five years' service. has become honorary secretary of the Itistitution's Yorkshire district, in succession to Mn..J. G. JAGGER.

OBITUARY WiE regret to announce the death of VV Mn. T. J. JONES, chairman of Griffin Motor Co.. Ltd., and GriffinRalph. Ltd., and vice-chairman of Red and White United Transport, Ltd., and All-British Carriers. Ltd. He was also a ,director of Bulwark Transport, Ltd.