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I N reducing by about 27 per cent. this year's allocation of commercial vehicles to the home market, the Government is...
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Using Superheated COMPRESSED air is Steam for Spraying prominently employed for Organic Paints . spraying paints, but a new...
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Of a white fluid for magnetic crack detection. That a Jenny (of the steam family) is a very capable person. That merely "to...
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E question whether there should be alternative road facilities besides the rail services for the carriage of fish from North...
P OINTED references to the necessity of extending the 25-mile radius imposed on hauliers under the Transport Act, were made...
C OMPLAINTS about delays in transport by British Road Services are being made by users in the Midlands and on Merseyside. A...
IT was announced last Saturday that Major F. J. Chapple, general manager of the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd. (owned...
the road trans. port industry was liable to become involved in some kind of subsidy for the railways, said Col. A. Jerrett...
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N EXT Monday (April 3), Netherlands Trans-European Fluslines will introduce its first regular international service. It will...
T HE quota of commercial vehicles allocated by the Government this year to the home market implies that about. 70 per cent. of...
F IVE coach companies and the Railway Executive, meeting in Newcastle-on-Tyne last week, failed to reach agreement on the...
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A DRAFT of the regulations under which compensation will be paid by the British Transport Commission to former employees of...
T HE National, Arbitration Tribunal has made an award granting wage increases ranging from Is, to 5s. 6d. a week, to drivers...
Mn. DONALD BOXALL, 0.B.E., the new export manager of Leyland Motors. Ltd., has flown to Egypt and Turkey. Mn. H. B. FIELDING...
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D EVERSING a decision of the West IN.Midland De put y Licensing Authority, the Appeal Tribunal last week allowed, with 10...
ELL over 1 , 00 people attended the " annnal banquet, - 1a 1 st Monday, of the Road Haulage Association's Metropolitan and...
IN his annual statement, Mr. C. B. 'Nixon, chairman of Leyland Motors, Ltd., claims that his company has made the largest...
Acheson ,Colloids, Ltd., haS changed its addreSs to 18-19, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1. • In a recent week, 3,240 Austin 'vehicles...
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A ' part of the campaign to attract American tourists to this country, 45 travel agents and sports writers were guests of the...
T HE first of 195 new double-deckers of 8-ft. width, the whole to be supplied over the next two years, was exhibited to Salford...
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FF IVE main changes are included in the Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) Regulations, 1950, . which conso:idate the...
A PANEL has been .set up by the Road Haulage Executive, after consultation with the Corporation of Insurance Brokers and...
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O NLY too frequently do 1 meet the operator who says, "My 6-ton oilers do 28 m.p.g.," or another who challenges our test...
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feature of the modified 8-cwt. and 12-cwt. three-wheeled vans which have recently been introduced by the Reliant Engineering...
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AT AMSTERDAM SHOW T HE Amsterdam International Commercial Vehicle Show which closes to-morrow, confirms the trend towards the...
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W ITH all that one has heard concerning the industrial . recovery of Germany, it is of interest to investigate the part being...
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passenger chassis, a horsebox to carry six animals has recently been constructed by J. H. Jennings and Son. Ltd., Sandbach. As...
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I N an article which was published on December 2, 1949. I described the involved situation in Southend and referred to the...
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own power equipment in the form of petrolor oil-driven generating sets mounted on lorrie3--usually of noble age. Film conmanie...
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gIMPLICITY is the inherent quality Is.1 of every outstanding invention whic-h provokes the cry, " Why was this not thought of...
nEPART1NG from the layout which has characterized this make since the late '20s, the latest product of the German Vidal...
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iNTENDED for use on the Continent 1 by Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd.. of Leeds, a new coach, based on a Leyland Tiger P52 chassis,...
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Leave Makers to Manage Their Own Affairs and Give the Nation an Efficient Road Transport System A COMPLETE indictment of the...
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be Revised? 1 WROTE an article on insurance which appeared in "The Commercial Motor" dated October 21, 1949. 1 gave some...
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F ROM General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., comes patent No. 633,781, describing a new system of transmission....