Edwi 'eter Foden
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THERE are two branches of the Foden family of Sandbach, Cheshire, the " Foden " Fodens and the " E.R.F." Fodens. It is of the latter company that Peter Foden is managing director. At the age of 30, he occupies the chair first held by his father, E. R. Foden and, until his death last autumn, by his step-brother Dennis.
Peter Foden is probably the youngest managing director in the motor vehicle manufacturing industry, but he is by no means without experience of his own company. And who could carry on the traditions built up by the founder of the enterprise better than his son? There are plenty of men still in the shops who can remember young Master Peter getting in the way as a small boy, and associations of that kind can go far towards preserving the family feeling that is amongst the most valuable of intangible. business assets.,
E.R.F., Ltd., came into being, as E. R. Foden and Son, in 1933. The founder and his son Dennis were joint managing directors and in 1947, at the age of 17, Peter joined the works as an apprentice. He was at school at Rossall, but his technieal education in mechanical engineering was completed at the North Staffordshire Technical College. On the death of Mr. E. R. Foden, in 1950, he was appointed to the board of directors.
Then. National Service reared its head and Mr. Foden joined the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers to serve his stint. He was commissioned in due time, and much of his service was with the .6th Armoured Division in Germany. Released in 1955, he returned to the works at Sandbach and began to interest himself in the export field. He was appointed export director in 1956, and in the past few years has done a great deal of travelling in foreign parts and a good cause. South Africa has been a successful market and there have been plenty of sales on the Continent as far east as Turkey.
ERE. however, is a relatively small business when compared with the giants of the industry. It employs perhaps 450 men and the nature of the product makes it impossible to manufacture in large quantities. Order books for the home market are well filled, and for that reason it is not always possible to offer attractive delivery
dates for overseas contracts. To achieve a proper balance here is one of Peter Foden's headaches: one must not let down old friends and it would be a great pity to disappoint new ones, However, Mr. Foden has a pretty wide knowledge of the export market and the scope it offers, as well as a growing enthusiasm for the problems of production engineering. It would appear that, under his management, all the customers are going to be satisfied all the time.
Peter Fcden is a chunky young man with a pleasantly rumbling laugh. He gives the impression of quiet confidence in his ability to deal with the tasks which have been thrust upon him, without any suggestion of brashness whatever. Nor is he going to allow his new responsibilities to keep him awake when there is sleeping to be done. He is a man who has just as many interests oinside the works as in it.
They are the interests of many another young man of some prosperity and enterprise. He was married in 1957 and is the delighted parent of two small boys. His home at Church Lawton houses not only his family but a small stable of hand-picked motorcars, for motoring is probably the most important of his enthusiasms. He is a very keen driver in club races at such circuits as Aintree, button Park and Mallory Park, and on these occasions uses an Austin-Healey Sprite which has been lavishly tuned in an appropriate manner. It has yet to win a major event, but it will normally be found at the right end of the field.
In addition, for more ordinary travelling enlivened by the urge to motor somewhat faster and no less safely than his fellows. Peter Foden uses an Aston Martin DB4, and this handsome vehicle is by way of being his pride and joy. There is also a Mini-Minor which is primarily Mrs. Foden's personal transport, although I fancy that the young master takes at least a fair share of this stimulating little car.
Third " Monte-Carlo " With racing in Britain confined to the drier months, the sporting driver turns his attention to rallying in the dirtier weather. Mr. Foden is no exception and, as these lines were written, he was getting his third " Monte-Carlo " organized. lie shared the wheel of a Sunbeam Rapier, competing from Glasgow. His first attempt was halted when the car caught fire, at the second his crew finished fifty-first of some 400 starters, which is no mean feat; 1961 was less successful, though he won an equipier's award. In April he will drive his fifth Dutch Tulip Rally, which can be tougher and faster than the " Monte."
During more leisurely week-ends, Foden plays a good deal of golf (handicap 10) and is captain designate of the Sandbach club. Nor has photography passed him by, and he is getting excellent results in colour with both eine. and stilt cameras. The family make the south of France their preferred holiday ground, for they love the sun and the sea. And the food, of course.
Peter Foden has all the bounding energy which one recognizes often enough in the successful businessman. He works hard and plays hard, and has plenty of creative ideas. Nor, 1 would say, does he regard himself as the fount of all wisdom. He well knows that there are those who have been longer in the business than he has and he is not the type that regards his education as complete on leaving school.
Here is a young man who has had considerable responsibility thrust upon him. E.R.F.„ Ltd., is a public company but it has always been controlled as a family busines,;. The managing director is very clear that that is the way it will continue. To develop the business on sound, up-todate lines and, at the same time, to retain the friendly individuality that appeals to customers, will be congenial
tasks for this young man at the top. T.W.