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D OES the road transport industry—or, at least, part of it—work too long a week, measured in hours? At least one operator...
Just as the original 1930 Road Traffic Act provisions were based on the public safety viewpoint, so are the arguments advanced...
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T HERE are two branches of the Foden family of Sandbach, Cheshire, the " Foden " Fodens and the " E.R.F." Fodens. It is of the...
By The Hawk a 10s. The Cost of Congestion T RAFFIC density is buildhig up everywhere--and with it the cost of transport. In...
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The Minister of Transport has selected Mr. John Else, LL.B., for appointment as chairman of Traffic Commissioners and Licensing...
is proposed to amend the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Re g ulation, with the object of improvin g the safety of...
A N 18-in , scale model of the Churchill tank has been presented to the Royal United Service Institution's maseum at Whitehall...
T HE Government received approval for their new transport policy in the Commons on Monday—but only at the expense of some...
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Mr. C. T. Humpidge, general manager of Bradford transport department, has been appointed manager of Sheffield transport...
T HE question of waiting time figured largely in the business of the National Council of the Road Haulage Association at its...
THE Minister of Transport is expected I to announce his decision soon on the question of increasing the overall dimen. sions of...
T "trial in which eight men were charged with conspiring to defraud the Tyre Manufacturers Conference, Ltd., by making false...
nURING the 10 days ended January 1 --0 1 27 sales of A.E.C. goodsand passenger-vehicle chassis to home and overseas customers...
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MR. U. J. MyArr has been appointed principal accounts assistant, London Transport. MR. C. F. DICKSON, a director Of Crompton...
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A PPEALS by 19 small transport ra operators in the South West of Scotland were dismissed on a technical point, by the Transport...
QERVICE personnel at the R,A.F. 1 , -- 7 station, Kinloss, and the Royal Naval Air Service Unit, at Lossiemouth, will have the...
T HE haulage part of the business of W. H. and F. Schofield, Ltd., of Marsden, Yorks, has been taken over by Hanson Haulage,...
from Lorry Driver Contest T HE question of allowing small vans. based on private car designs. to continue competing in Class A...
" IF the doors of the haulage business are to be opened wider and wider for people with no evidence of need thin the whole...
G. G. Harding, general manager of Aberdare transport department, has been selected to succeed Mr, W. R. Goodyear as general...
R OAD transport has lost one of its rriost distinguished pioneers with the death at his home at Beaconsfield on Tuesday of Mr....
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A WARNING has been issued by Leyland Motors. Ltd., and Albion Motors, Ltd., regarding a proprietary type of engine...
1-1 . A LOW FELL, County Durham, haulier, who pleaded guilty to operating a vehicle which was overloaded by 1 ton 13 cwt. on...
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at Airport S IXyears a g o he had stood out in the rain and snow at London Airport to g et traffic, said Mr. Frank Victor...
T HE £5m. Transport Development Group, Ltd., of London, made a £225,000 take-over bid for Hi g hland Haula g e, Ltd.,...
COMPULSORY windin g -up of H. G. la" Jeakins (Transport), Ltd., of Lansdowne Drive, Hackney, London, was ordered by Mr: Justice...
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THE latest 20 of a number of Leyland' M.C.W. Atlantean double-deckers delivered to Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd.,...
A BUS for the use of patients of the In. Staunton Harold Home in Derbyshire, the largest of the famous " Cheshire Homes," was...
T HE Scottish Licensing Authority; Mr. W. F. Quin, reprimanded Mitchell Brothers, of Douglas Water, Glasgow, last week for...
E MPLOYMENT of conductresses is 1 --dlikely to be reconsidered in Manchester following a report on the improvement of...
I NCREASING competition from cars, scooters and minibuses must be expected by coach operators, said Mr. T. Hoyle. of Halifax,...
T HE Bristol Omnibus Company are intensifying their efforts to provide popular period tours during the holiday months. Mr. A....
S COTTISH OMNIBUSES, LTD., have carried out a successful experiment at their Dalkeith depot to heat buses previous to their...
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A NEW product which acts as an absorbent to remove oil and grease stains from all types of floors, including porous concrete,...
THE manufacturers of the NSU non." reciprocating engine (Wankel-Motor), NSU Motorenwerke AG, of Neckarsulm, West Germany, have...
A T1PPING-VEHICLE warning device generally takes the form of an electrical switch connected to a light inside the cab, which is...
New Equipment A WEEK'S intensive training and refresher course for removal manual staff ends today at Caxton Hall, London,...
ress at Severnside THE new £100 million I.C.I. works on Sevcrnside, near Bristol, will begin production 'early next year, said...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT 'TRANSPORT and motor vehicles were Britain's two most strike-prone -I. industries during...
E MPLOYERS .who lay down such tight schedules that their drivers are forced to speed may find themselves in the dock with the...
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QTRONG support for the development 1---1 of a park-and-be-driven policy for motorists comin g into Manchester was voiced by Mr....
A CCORDING to Swiss reports, the Geneva Automobile Salon has a g reed in principle with su gg estions that the main...
ENTY .Hycaflex flexible containers have recently been ordered by the New Zealand Forestry Commission from Fireproof Tanks,...
F OUR British foam tenders for e\ling uishin g lire outbreaks at an airfield and an oil refinery have been delivreti to the...
T O handle increased business, the sales force of Dunlop Chemical Products Division has been divided into two sections, one...
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A DDIT1ONAL to the standard range of C.A.V. mechanical governors, a new flyweight all-speed governor has been introduced by...
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DEPOT Part of Plan for 24-hour London Parceb Service by Kenneth Bowden The Installation of a Carousel Conveyor at the...
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N. Warwicks Sub-area of R.H.A. Unanimously Against Further Denationalizat;on HE causes of delays at docks were discussed last...
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O NE of the largest meetings of transport engineers ever to have been held took place in the U.S.A. last month. This was the...
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Sales Agreement Between Willys and Perkins A N oil - engined version of the Willys Jeep is being exhibited at the Amsterdam...
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13, ley, Associnst.T. S HORTER working weeks must become standard practice in the road transport industry. This is essential...
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Some Legal Aspects Concerning the Running of Coaches in Addition to the Operating Costs of 31and 41-seaters are Detailed Here...
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The Surforor tool for hard materials. Trailer Catalogue A COMPREHENSIVE folder covering rx the range of Eezion ground-level...
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by G. Duncan Jewell L ARGER and lighter buses in the Continental style, and reasonably priced bodies with a life of about five...
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By JANUS L IKE the sorcerer's apprentice, the Transport Tribunal seem to have started something with the Merchandise...
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P ATENT No. 855,553 shows an engine of the swash-plate type in which both the valve porting and the compression ratio are...
heavy lateral forces arising from inflation have to be resisted entirely by the retaining ring, which is heavily loaded in...