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Oil And Grease Remover
A NEW product which acts as an absorbent to remove oil and grease stains from all types of floors, including porous concrete, is announced by Oiltona, Ltd., 464 Alexandra......
Nsu Engine Not Yet
THE manufacturers of the NSU non." reciprocating engine (Wankel-Motor), NSU Motorenwerke AG, of Neckarsulm, West Germany, have issued a statement denying reports that the engine......
Warning Device For Tippers
A T1PPING-VEHICLE warning device generally takes the form of an electrical switch connected to a light inside the cab, which is actuated by a lever or cam when the body is......
Removal' Men See
New Equipment A WEEK'S intensive training and refresher course for removal manual staff ends today at Caxton Hall, London, S.W.1, It has been organized by the Metropolitan Area......
I.c.i.'s Rapid Prog
ress at Severnside THE new £100 million I.C.I. works on Sevcrnside, near Bristol, will begin production 'early next year, said Dr. H. S. Hirst, general manager, when he opened a......