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Park And Be Driven
QTRONG support for the development 1---1 of a park-and-be-driven policy for motorists comin g into Manchester was voiced by Mr. Geor g e Brook, chairman of the North Western......
Two-year Shows ?
A CCORDING to Swiss reports, the Geneva Automobile Salon has a g reed in principle with su gg estions that the main international motor shows should be held only every other......
Firqighters' Holl-up Tanks
ENTY .Hycaflex flexible containers have recently been ordered by the New Zealand Forestry Commission from Fireproof Tanks, Ltd., Portsmouth, followin g extensive tests carried......
British Foam Ten
F OUR British foam tenders for e\ling uishin g lire outbreaks at an airfield and an oil refinery have been delivreti to the Hun g arian Fire' Service. 1 hey utilize fire-fi g......
Dunlop Chemical Products Expansion
T O handle increased business, the sales force of Dunlop Chemical Products Division has been divided into two sections, one dealin g with adhesives and compounds, the other with......