- riumphs repeated
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HE eliminating round at Castlereagh, run in perfect weather as part of Belfast's d Safety Fortnight, attracted 74 entries year. This was about 40 fewer than last the explanation being that some of the ii entries will be competing in the new id at Londonderry on Saturday and be e of the seamen's strike (and consequent of roads) had resulted in a number of nding competitors "pulling in the horns". 'he standard of driving was high and ly previous class winners will be going Iramcote again. In Class B. N. R. Allen (PO Telephones) won his class again, as did J. Smyth (Reed Corrugated Cases) in Class E(1). Smyth beat R. Shields (Yorkshire Imperial Metals) into third place, the latter having figured in this class's placings since the inception of the round.
J. E. Marshall (GPO Postal) came first in Class C, having moved up two classes since last year. when he won the Outright Winner award driving a Class A vehicle. The Outright Winner this year was H. Gibson (Short Bros. and Harland) who won class F(1) with a commendably high index of performance mark at 122.84.
Going to the final again, after a year's absence, will be A. Semple (Esso Petroleum) who came first in Class F(2). Also from Esso, J. A. Lawley drove his tanker into first place in Class H. Overall winner in 1964. Lawley was beaten into third place last year by his rival W. Brown (Shell-Mex and BP), who this year was placed second.
Having only driven their Bedford 3tonners for the first time last week, three lady drivers from 26 Sqn. RCT put up a spirited performance.
One of the three teams entered by GPO Postal won the team trophy.
No penalties were given to 15 drivers for the Highway Code test and 25 drivers completed the 25-mile road route without being penalized. This, perhaps, suggests that a shorter, more exacting course, might be a greater test of skill since a large part of the route is in open country.
Fifteen minutes after the last competitor had completed the tests, the final results were announced and the prize , giving of the splendid array of trophies commenced at 3.20 p.m.
Speaking before the presentations, the national organizing secretary expressed the hope that an eliminating round could be started in Eire next year. A.H.
ass A-up to 16 ft. and from 20 cwt.: 1. H. Henry Postal). Morris. 88 penalty points: 2. J. M. Hamilton Postal). Morris, 136:3. S. McClean (PO Telephones).
s, 182.
WS B-16 to 19 It.: 1. N. R. Allen (P0 Telephones).
s, 167; 2, S. McGookin (PO Telephones). Morris.
3. J. McMenemy (Carrickfergus Borough Council). 231.
NES C-19 to 22 ft.: 1. J. E. Marshall (GPO Postal). ir, 111; 2. T. D. Scroggie IPO Telephones), Rootes.
3. H. Creiney (Chivers-Hartley Ltd.), Bedford. 180, MS D-22 to 26 ft.: 1. R. Jones (Irish Bonding Co. Bedford, 1411: 2, K. Richardson ISPD Ltd.), Albion, : 3. C. Adams (SPD Ltd.). Albion, 274.
ass Eli I-over 25 ft., two axles: Smyth (Reed gated Cases Ltd.), Austin, 251k; 2. R. Graham (Irish ing Co, Ltd.), Morris. 280: 3. R. Shields (Yorkshire .ial Metals), Albion. 352k.
las 8(21-over 25 ft., more than two 'axles: 1. Totten IEsso Petroleum Co. Ltd.). Leyland, 224:2. swart (Scott (Toomebridgel Ltd.). Foden. 229: 3. R. irington (Shell-Mex and BP Ltd.). AEC. 258.
F(11-artic tractive units under 4 tons, flat or I semi-trailer up to 38ft. with rigid or drop frames: 1. H. Gibson (Short Bros. and Harland Ltd.1, Ford. 368;: 2. J. Scott I Northern Ireland Eggs). Albion. 785: 3. J. King (Northern Ireland Eggs). Albion. 881.
Class F121-artic tractive units under 4 tons, box or sided semi-trailer up to 38 ft.: 1. A. Semple (Esso Petroleum Ltd.). Bedford. 199.2. G. McIlveen (Short Bros. and Harland Ltd.), Ford. 390: Only two entrants.
Class G: No award.
Class H-box or tanker semi-trailer with tractive units 4 tons or over: 1. J. A. Lawley (Esso Petroleum Ltd.), Scammell. 200:2. W. Brown (ShellMex and BP Ltd.), Scammell, 282: 3. P. G. Tinnelly (Reed Corrugated Cases Ltd.), Commer, 309.
Outright Winner: H: Gibson (Short Bros. and Harland Ltd.).
Local Authority Driver: J. McMenemy4Carrickfergus Borough Council).
Best Armed Services Driver: Cpl. Cole 1173 Provost Coy. AMP). Bedford.
Best Lady Driver: L/Cpl. Turner WRAC (26 Son. ACT). Bedford.
Team Award: GPO Postal (J. C. Redmond, H. Carson. J. V. Hamilton). Morris.