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3rd June 1966
3rd June 1966
Page 1
Page 1, 3rd June 1966

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uses: will nobody change?

HE likely persistence of adverse outside factors makes it all the more imperative for the industry If to attend to the main...

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D . M. CLARKSON, of Skirling and Biggar, is a haulage contractor who is always prepared to try something new. Two years ago he...

Hauliers may use liner train depots after all

By an industrial correspondent cLARIFICATION-if that is the word has now been given to the statement issued by the NUR on May...


Government committee reports today A STRONG call for action to improve the II National Economic Development Office. pointing...

Portable Bulk Blowing Unit

T HE first of a new self-contained portable bulk blowing unit manufactured by N. Tamplin and Co. Ltd.. of Birdham, Chichester,...

Page 37

fg timber contract Humber rarehousing

CONTRACT to haul 500,000 tons of h. timber over a five-year period has been Led by the Humber Warehousing Group, ., Grimsby,...

fhy coal goes by road

PILOT survey is being made by the 1. East Midland Economic Planning meil for the Minister of Transport into transportation of...

ne-way near London ridge

■ I experimental one-way traffic scheme to relieve congestion in the area south of don Bridge has been approved by the ater...

hange of venue

)r Southend LDOY ECAUSE of uncertainties about continued use of the Southend Industrial Estate as a (COMMERCIAL MOTOR. May...

Customs concessions on containers

QPECIAL arrangements announced by Customs }`) and Excise in February, 1965, stipulated that in the case of certain goods...

New German Customs Regulations

T HE German Customs at Emmerich are now insisting that all foreign vehicles entering the Federal Republic must be in a position...

Page 38

Yorks hauliers in big Continental freight venture

M EMBERS of the York sub-area of the Road Haulage Association, through the company they set up some years agoTrans-European...

Northern Trailers Use I Beam

A L semi-trailers made by The Northern Trailer Company plated for operation at the amended C and U regulation gross weights,...

Coldsaverrnonallack New System

DICTURES used in COMMERCIAL MOTOR I last week (page 77) showed a trailer van built by Bonallack Refrigerated Vehicles Ltd.,...

Page 39

)mputer for )otes parts

NEW £250,000 computer has been brought into operation at the Rootes ap's central parts organization at Bir;ham—Rootes Motors...

!w headboards Teamsters

FUTURE, York Teamster semi-trailers rill be fitted with a 2-ft. headboard of zontally corrugated steel, designed to maximum...

New Rail-LTB Subsidies Get Through

T HE Transport Finances Bill, which provides a further £366 m. for the Railways Board and £16 m. for London Transport became...

Page 40

Road moved 82 per cent last year

R OA D haulage last year moved 1,430m. tons IAof inland freight-82 per cent of the total. Mr. John Morris, Parliamentary...

Probing vehicle licences

ROAD hauliers escaped pretty lightly when MPs last week discussed what one of them called the "public scandal" of vehicles...

Fumes—no harm I PV AR. TOM DRIBERG (Labour, Barking) A asked in

the Commons last week what research was being done on the effects of diesel fumes on the health of drivers and others...


, THE number of vehicles owned by the Transport 1 Holding Company's road haulage subsidiaries 18,201—in 1965 was the highest...

Bristol-ECW Profits Up

A PROFIT of £332,000 before taxation ' was made by the manufacturing subsidiaries of the Transport Holding Company in 1965....

'Aldenham lease justified'

THE London Transport Board was justified in deciding to lease about one third of its workshop area at Aldenham, said Lord...

LTB Spent £2.9m.

APITAL expenditure on London Transport's road services came to £2,908,000 last year. said Mr. John Morris, Parliamentary...


J. A. Murly has joined Eurofreight Ltd. as general manager and has been appointed a member of the board from June 1. The...


LO RD MERRIVALE has been re-elected presi dentof the Institute of Traffic Administration. Chairman of the national council is...

Page 43

ipplicants Did Not Produce 'Aide For Examination

J. J. GRACE AND E. M. HAND, V trading as Aintree Transport Corny, Liverpool, were taken to task by the rth Western Licensing...

Two-year grant

A r Manchester last week, a haulage director told the North Western deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. A. H. Jolliffe, that it was...

'adequate Maintenance Penalty

USPENSION of one vehicle for a threemonth period was imposed on Totten I Co. Ltd., Glasgow, by Mr. A. B. Birnie, ittish...

Old business bought

wHEN an application involving four new ' articulated vehicles was granted by the North Western Licensing Authority, Mr. C. R....

Page 44

More vehicles lost through bad maintenance

frHE deletion of a total of 18 vehicles from various licences of W. H. Hall and Son (Heol-y-Cyw) Ltd. by the South Wales...

Airport grant

T HE East Midland Traffic Commissioners have granted an amended application by United Counties Omnibus Co. Ltd. to operate...

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E North Western deputy LA Mr. A. H. Jolliffe, was told at Manchester last week of the difficulties which had beset the...

New Journal

H AVING for some months past been actively engaged on the preparation of a dummy issue for a new journal, Freight Management,...

Page 49

Birmingham busmen seek rise

Red Arrow-type buses ordered L N application for a wage increase in I respect of Birmingham City Transport 5 crews is to be...


LTHOUGH it is claimed that Glasgow L Corporation Transport could save 1,000 annually by a cut of 25 per cent. in staffing of...

Transport survey Edinburgh wants to partake

ESPONSIBILITY for the city section of the Greater Edinburgh Transportation Survey should be undertaken by Edinburgh...

mprehensive Timetable

■ R what is claimed to be the first time in le history of travel in Wales, private public transport operators have corn:d to...

Unjust discrimination against buses

J T was with something akin to disbelief that the bus operating industry had heard that it was to be excluded from the...

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Moment of opportunity for Britain s industry?

BY H. BRIAN COTTEE 17 ever there was an opportunity for the bus .II. industry to shake off traditional shackles and embark...

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Award for Glasgow busmen

AN additional payment of 7s. for working Saturday shifts after 1 p.m. is to be made to Glasgow's 6,000 municipal busmen. The...

Off-peak Greenliners

B IG reductions in the cost of Green Line off-peak travel into central London were announced by London Transport last week...

Cool reception for P. and I. Board Report

BY JOHN DARKER, AMBIM UIRST reactions to the report of the National Board for Prices and Inomes on busmen's pay and conditions...

Page 52

Professor Young too pessimistic?

S EVERAL speakers in the discussion following Prof. Young's paper at the PTA Conference last week considered that he was too...

Page 57

)AFs in Britain this week

R. D. CATER tries one of the 28-ton attics 'ROM Eindhoven, Holland, this week the first DAF trucks to be imported into UK were...

Westinghouse to manufacture M GM spring brake

F OLLOWING negotiations with MGM Brakes Inc., Cloverdale, California, the Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co. Ltd., have obtained...

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ETAILS of research work being carried out by the Ford Motor Co. Ltd., in conjunction with the Motor Industry Research...

First US truck with Perkins V8

A FORD 750 74--tonner is the first American vehicle to be fitted with the Perkins V8:510 engine. The vehicle has a 20...

Courses for industrial training Officers

TNTRODUCTORY courses for new industrial training officers are recommended in the first report of the Central Training Council's...


AN order worth £250,000 for a number of Ford f - k D300 156-in, wheelbase trucks with box van bodies 18 ft. long and 7 ft. 6...

Technical co-operation of Simms and Holset

A T agreement has been concluded between Simms Motor Units Ltd., of London N.2, and the Holset Engineering Co. Ltd.,of...

Accident investigation in Bournemouth

.JEW techniques for analysing and reducing A 'road accidents are being used in Bournemouth in a combined operation by the...

Page 59

Ilew BMC FJ K160 or Eagle outfit

FTER a long and very often troubled L courtship a marriage has been anged between the BMC FJ K160 8ner and the Eagle Crushload...

Slow progress on motorways

A WARNING came from Lord Chesham, chairman of the British Road Federation, that Britain's first 1,000 miles of motorway could...

Know Your Air Brakes

Part II—Non-return Valves NLIKE the double check valve with its simple bobbin, the non-return valve tires the aid of a coil...

Page 60

Galvanized door tracks

E Henderson company has announced that all the slidingdoor tracks in its range will shortly be treated with the tightcoated...

Kit form conveyor

rNESCRIBED in the May 20 issue of COMMERCIAL MOTOR. Wellrun conveyor equipment is marketed at £16 10s. a box and not as given...

Electric reach truck

A NEW Hirst battery-electric reach truck, known as the Forager Reacher, has a capacity of 2,500 lb. It features transistorized...

Wheel carriers

PARE wheel carriers now being manufactured by Holmes Engineering Ltd. are designed to fit on to the web of a chassis main frame...

Abrasive disc

K NOWN as the New Atadisc. a new abrasive disc features an ' original bayonet-type locking device which gives greater...

Pneumatic angle grinder

NEW angle grinder known as the NAGla has been introduced by Algin Motors which is designed for high-precision grinding at...

Page 63


ILOSE to Edinburgh stand two famous bridges, the road and rail bridges ;sing the River Forth, but a much smaller less...

- riumphs repeated

HE eliminating round at Castlereagh, run in perfect weather as part of Belfast's d Safety Fortnight, attracted 74 entries year....

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BY ASHLEY TAYLOR, AMIRTE, Assoc lost T Steadily developing pattern seen in planning of Yelloway Motor Services Ltd. Link-up...

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iction losses and the high speed diesel

A detailed comparison between small automotive diesels and comparable petrol engines throws light on the penalties associated...

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Newest Cleaning Units Ready

um Action ILST at least three new items are due to appear at the vehicle demonstration to be held at Bournemouth on June 8 in...

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By P. A. C. Brockington A M I Mech E Gloucestershire CC highways department vehicles are radio controlled and in wintry...

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Dennis/Metz Turntable kppliance

By R. D. Cater, AM Inst BE W HEN the "bells go down" in a fire station it is known immediately by the people in control...

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TOCAL authority administration in the Isle of Man differs greatly la from that of corresponding organisations on the mainland,...

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Bird's Eye

View BY THE HAWK Model Medal W ITHOUT any doubt, one of the most outstandin g models I have seen for a lon g time g ets my...

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ODAY the tide of change is running strongly in the matter of staff relations and efficient managements are ever on the alert...

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By John Darker, AMBIM - FOCAL government in Britain is in a state of flux, yet the 1.4 changes that have occurred so far...

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Dunlop's encouraging outlook

T HOSE shareholders of DUNLOP RUBBER CO. who were fortunate enough to be at the annual meeting would surely feel their journey...

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By John Darker, AMBIM A MAJOR reorganization by BRS Parcels Ltd. of their London collection and delivery arrangements has...

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Now the law permits 33' trailers Champion take labour cost out of deliveries

cett and Roberts Limited make impion Bread and Cakes, and like Company going places, they're ck to seize on savings. That's why...

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EEKING agreement with the National Union of Railwaymen / on the use of liner trains by hauliers is like chasing the rainw. The...

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A haulier's knowledge of the cost of operating a vehicle is particularly important when undertaking municipal contracts. OR a...

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D URING the past six years the transport of bulk hydraulic cement has evolved into a much more rational pattern over Great...