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Atkinson Exports 50 Per Cent. Up

4th September 1953
Page 37
Page 37, 4th September 1953 — Atkinson Exports 50 Per Cent. Up
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XPORTS of Atkinson vehicles last year were nearly 50 per cent. ater than in the previous year and up a record. Nevertheless, says Mr. G. Allen, chairman of Atkinson Tics (Holdings), Ltd., in his annual ort, even better results could have n achieved had not' Continental ipetition been so keen and credit ns and sterling so limited.

4r. Allen describes as " fantastic " te of the credit terms offered by ninental makers. Any increase in prices of British vehicles would lake export well-nigh impossible." le criticizes the high rate of tax on d transport, the 20 m.p.h. speed it on heavy vehicles and the enforced msistencies in dimensions of vehicles home service and for export.