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E ARLIER this yea r, Birmingham Transport Department displayed in all its vehicles a statement headed "Where Your. Money Goes."...
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R EV1EWERS of the Interim Report on Public Ownership prepared by the general council of the Trades Union Congress, must have...
Louis Coatalen 'New S.I.A. President _M ANY old friends of M. Louis Coatalen would like to have been present when M. Charles...
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That the " free " haulier must not get caught up in a legal bramble patch. That the British way of life is dear (and still...
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owned passenger transport companies is to take place between George Ewer and Co., Ltd. (Grey-Green Coaches), and Keith and...
A N order for 86 oil-engined good vehicles valued at £200,000 ha been placed with Leyland Motors, Ltd by Cifkurt Ticaret ye...
third successi Saturday last week. An appeal the transport committee to resin normal working so that possible var tions in the...
T "Order abolishing the R Haulage, Railway, Docks Inland Waterways and Hotels Ext tives on October 1 has now been in by the...
F OLLOWING a decision by the 5 broadcasting service to telt international athletic events to be at Berne next autumn, Marconi's...
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NEW type of licence has been - I proposed by Mr. D. E. Skelding, cretary of the Road Passenger and ransport Association. The...
a licence to Eastern Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., to operate an express service between Cambridge and London, had been...
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MR. I. KUCHING has been appointed general manager of John Neasham, Ltd., Darlington. MR. K. R. HARRIS has been appointed north...
THERE is nothing new in coach-radi I equipment to be seen at the Radi Show, which opened at Earls Cow London, on Wednesday....
in Eire and Italy may I opened in other countries by Lod Plugs, Ltd., says the company's annu report. A study of world...
T HE National Union of Ratepayers' Associations are strongly objecting to the new permanent regulations controlling the number...
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lorry drivers to sleep in lay-bys has n corrected by Mr. G. N. C. Swift, .k of the peace and of Cumberland riding Joint...
appeals have been decided by the Minister of Transport. in the case of Jones Coachways, Ltd., he has overruled the...
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A ONE MAN OPERATED bulk1 -- X grain carrier has been supplied to Joseph Sumner and Co., Ltd., Chorley, Lanes, by Leyland...
rA charger have been produced by the Edison Swan Electric Co., Ltd., 155 Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2. The battery has...
were imposed in 1952 for contraventions of road and motor-vehicle law. Altogether there were 564,417 proven and alleged...
depots, service stations and repair shops, a new compressor with a delivery rate of 151 cu. ft. per min. at 200 p.s.i. has been...
D ETAILS of evening classes in transport for the session beginning on September 28 are contained in the 1953-54 prospectus of...
o. authorize the expenditure of additional £10m. for road improveme during the present financial year. N year, an extra £20m....
TWO types of tower wagon based I the new Middleweight Bedfc chassis will be on display during Association of Public Light....
P RICFS of Roadless half-track equ ment for Fordson Major a Massey-Harris tractors have be reduced by £15 by Roadless Tractic...
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XPORTS of Atkinson vehicles last year were nearly 50 per cent. ater than in the previous year and up a record. Nevertheless,...
lower price, four A.E.C. es with Park Royal bodies are immended to be purchased by Nich Corporation. It was decided preserve...
[AKERS of alternators and electric I fuel pumps suitable for road iicles are invited to communicate h -the Cleveland Ignition...
A N appeal against the closing of London's Judd Street coach station is to be made to the Ministry of Town and Country Planning...
A S transport and repair costs are so high, Darlington Co-operative Society are to pursue a policy of establishing small...
CORTHCOMING arrangements of 1 the Merseyside centre of the Institute of Traffic Administration include the following:— October...
A COMMERCIAL-VEHICLE disr't play and service show is to be held from September 14-19 by the East Anglian branch of the...
R AMSGATES borough engineer is to prepare a scheme for the introduction next April of battery-electric street-orderly trucks....
VET another order, emphasizing the I economy of British oil-engined vehicles under gruelling conditions overseas, has been...
A WORKERS' bonus scheme is to be tried by Glasgow Transport Department in a section of the workshops. Negotiations are...
D RIVERS and conductors of Bolton Transport Department have decided that the best way they can help the department is by...
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O NE-MAN buses are to be introduced next month on 01le of Sunderland Transport Department's services. Modifications, including...
T HE Lincolnshire Road Car Co., Ltd., and Nottingham Corporation have applied for permission to increase fares in certain...
on the singleitlf carriageway suspension bridge linking Widnes and Runcorn across the Mersey. The bridge, which will take three...
O RGAMZED for the storage and dispatch of spare parts from the factories in Birmingham and South Wales, new prernises extending...
B USES are soon completely ha replace trams in Leeds, according to a Statement made last week lay Akl. J. Rafferty, chairman of...
A NEW stud-welding organization PA has been formed to operate as a separate entity within the Crompton Parkinson group of...
injuries will 'reach their climax during National Industrial Eye Protection Week from September 21-26. Organized by the Royal...
QIX operators applied to the South Wales Licensing Authority at Cardiff on Tuesday for the removal of restrictions on...
Capital of the West Riding Automobile Co., Ltd., is being incr e ased by 224,885 it ordinary shares. From today, Tudor...
A NEW type of battery has b produced by Crompton Parkins Ltd. They have also adopted the ria "Crompton" under which to mar...
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Morris-Commercial 5-tonner, Fitted with the Ross Link System, Gives a Degree of Response Excelling Private-car Standards AST...
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CH of the heavy equipment which has to be carried by road as sible loads consists of electric ormers, generators and the...
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"' INEST because they're fresh," the sales slogan of Wall's sausages and meat pies, is supported by the efficiency of the...
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N interesting Austin. 25-cwt. three-way van has been placed in service . by Motor Repairers and lares, Ltd., 76 High Street,...
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By Laurence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. Morris 5-cwt. Van has Powerful and Efficient Overheadvalve Engine and Independent Front...
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'MOSE people with tidy calendars who like events to follow one another in chronological order must experience a feeling of...
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Help the Private-hire Operator IT would appear from the utterances of the Licensing 'Authorities in various traffic areas of...
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Continuing His Article in Last Week's Issue, "The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Begins to Describe How to Use the Analysis...
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assemblies on front and rear, or on driven and non-driven axles. A scheme for utilizing a standard unit, suitable for any...