Operators Seek Removal of Ba on Party Advertising
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QIX operators applied to the South Wales Licensing Authority at Cardiff on Tuesday for the removal of restrictions on advertising in connection with private-party excursions to the New Theatre. Cardiff, The New Theatre stages a pantomime at Christmas which continues for about three months.
Applicants were Mr. E. R. Forse, of Cardiff; Steve Probert (Aberdare), Ltd.; F. Manning and Sons, Ltd., Aberdare; Rhondda Transport Co., Ltd.; Humphreys Garages (Pontypridd), Ltd.; and Brewers Motor Services, Caerau.
Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd., Red and White Services, Ltd., Railway Executive, South Wales Transport Co., Ltd, and Llynfi Motor Services objected.
Mr. H. I. Thom, chairman of the • Licensing Authority, said that in the early stages of licensing in the area, the Traffic Commissioners of that time, pending a clear definition of privateparty work, licensed contract-carriage operators, although with a ban advertising. That, in modern law, a contradiction in terms, beca advertising was necessary for excursi and tours. Had the position been right in 1934, when the law , clarified, all would have been well.
For some reason, major operal had not objected to these non-adverti tours. "My own attitude to Matter," said Mr. Thom, " is that tl restrictions . should be removed .alternatively, that particular tc should be removed and the lice cancelled."
Unfortunately, the recent High Cc decision on private-party work greatly complicated matters. What contended in the past was that a r had a licence to operate excursions tours without advertising, but witl private party he did not require licence at all,
According to the most recent deci5 of the High Court, practically all operations which were previra regarded as legitimate private-p work were illegal, and although South Wales Authority did not lot to take action. in most of those ca operators were in a difficult positiot
As the Thesiger Committee was c sidering this matter, Mr., Thom fel would be wrong to come to any deeil on the subject that day. "We 11 decided, therefore, to do nothing respect of this question of restrictior, advertising, but we still adhere to view that in due course,steps must taken to remove these restrictions o refuse the particular type of lice concerned," he said.