61/ 4 Cwt. Alloy Body for £198 A LIGHT-ALLOY platform body
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ti weighing only 6* cwt. and priced at £198 has been developed for the Bedford oil-engined 7-tonner by Bonallack and Sons, Ltd., Audrey House, Ely Place, London, E.C.1. The complete vehicle comes within the 3-ton range without, it is claimed, any sacrifice in the strength of the bodywork.
The body, which is framed throughout in special heat-treated extruded aluminium-alloy sections, is 16 ft. long and 7 ft. 6 in. wide. Flooring is of Dekaloy.
A 2-ft.-high bulkhead at the front is framed with deep angle-section pillars, and the top rail has compassed comers to avoid damage to tarpaulins. Panelled with 14 s.w.g. heat-treated alloy plate, the bulkhead is normally stayed to the sides with 10 s.w.g. corner plates, but underslung gussets can be fitted where the load makes them desirable.
ff required, bodies can be supplied in component form, and fully fabricated parts are available as part of BonaHack's normal spares service.