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T is no secret to • lawyers that the law teems with anomalies indeed it would be remarkable if it did not, for two very good...
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the British Transport Commission, is trying to keep a foot in every camp. In opening his speech at the annual dinner of the...
Franco-Swiss' Motor Road H ALF Switzerland's foreign trade travels along the Rhine, the remainder via Genoa, but according to...
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That to depend mainly on lunar light may prove lunacy. That a dollop of sand or grit every few yards can leave a driver on...
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M.P. Criticizes Formation of Units : B.T.C. Alleged to Ignore Spirit of 1953 Act BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT IT was...
A CONDITION requiring all public service vehicle operators to permit passengers to give the " stop " signal on their vehicles...
Q RDERS for Leyland vehicles received from overseas since the current financial year began in October were nearly 300 per cent,...
THE Minister of Transport has rejected a proposal to ban parking in Catterick village because there appears to be no...
W E consider that there is a strong case for cutting the Customs and Excise duties on imported and indigenous heavy oils used...
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Operator Complains to Prime Minister : R.H.A. Approach Minister and Board G ROWING concern is being expressed over the...
IT was wrong to let the British Trans1 port Commission handle denationalization, said Mr. C. W. H. Sparrow, a vice-chairman of...
T HE British Transport Commission are refusing to sell certain units, even though the price offered for the vehicles., and...
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THERE was a "considerable demand" I for car transporters from the motor industry. This was stated before the West Midland...
T HE Manchester centre of the Institute of Traffic Administration have formed six committees to study different aspects of the...
A PERKINS service week begins next Monday at the works at 69 Lots Road. London, S.W.I0. of University Commercials and...
H ALF fares will be issued to children up to 15 years old in Swindon, if a proposal by the corporation is approved by the...
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A RESOLUTION deploring the Pt impression that, according to the "abnormal number" of tenders rejected, the British Transport...
• 'ON uNtrs , S ° far as the unit could be identified, the statement in the House of Commons on Monday (page 118) that the...
A BOUT £151m. is to be spent on 1 - 1 roads during the next three years. By 1957-58 the level of El4im. is expected to be...
A N agreement on policy on the wages of clerical anci supervisory staff employed ,by bus companies has been reached between the...
A N approach is to be made to the Minister of Labour by the three unions representing some 40,000 workers in the vehicle...
motor vehicle retail and repairing trade for an increase in wages is to be heard by the Industrial Disputes Tribunal on March 18.
O N Monday, Mr. W. H. Palmer was elected chairman of the Potteries Area of the Traders' Road Transport Association. Mr. A. E....
A Nappeal by British Railways against the grant of a licence to Hall Bros. (South Shields), Ltd., permitting them to operate an...
R EGULATIONS concerning t h e emission of smoke from vehicles would be reconsidered to discover whether they fulfilled the...
Authority rejected a proposal of Nottingham Corporation to abolish early morning return fares, the corporation have applied for...
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A PETITION asking him to postpone approval of the proposed increases la Aberdeen's fares until the transport department's...
ik T the close of an inquiry into an In , application by Wallasey Transport Department for higher fares, the North Western...
EPORTING to Blackpool Trans' k port Committee that the current year's profit of £30,000 was expected to be down to £13,237 next...
A £24,225 scheme for a long-distance coach station in Liverpool has been approved by the corporation. The roof of the station...
exploring the possibility of grouping municipal undertakings in the Midlands for the purpose of securing cheaper purchases of...
A N appeal by Guildford Borough Council against a decision of the Metropolitan Licensing Authority granting Aldershot and...
A N appeal by Frames Tours, Ltd., against the Deputy Metropolitan Licensing Authority's refusal to grant them two extended...
THREE new agents have been i appointed by A.C.V. Sales, Ltd., in Britain. They are: Alma Garages (Bristol), Ltd., 72-5 Feeder...
C OMMERCIAL vehicles will be exhibited by A.E.C., Leyland, the Nuffield-Austin group, and Rootes, Ltd., at the British Trade...
" T HE need to protect an operator from unnecessary abstraction of existing or potential traffic so as to enable him to...
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ti weighing only 6* cwt. and priced at £198 has been developed for the Bedford oil-engined 7-tonner by Bonallack and Sons,...
A N inquiry was held at Easington last week into Durham County Council's proposal to restrict traffic on two unclassified roads...
A LL those who gained first awards in the annual bodywork drawing competitions during a 10-year period before the war, and some...
Shields, applied to the Northern Licensing Authority on Monday for a B licence for two tippers, the managing director, Mr. R....
A BUILDERS' merchant and a haul/ - 1 age contractor have each been fined £40 and £4 4s. costs at Cardiff for failing to comply...
An economic survey of Portuguese West Africa has been published by the Stationery Office at 2s. 6d Leicester ambulances are...
A WAGE increase of about 5 per cent, for workers in, the engineering industry has been recommended by the courts of inquiry...
S TEPS are being taken in regard to the issue of contract tickets for commercial vehicles using the Mersey Tunnel_ Birkenhead...
C OLOMBO'S municipal transport should either be reorganized or closed down, Mr. L. L. Attygalle, city treasurer, has...
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A NEW 61-tonner, with a 5.51-litre, IA 78 b.h.p. direct-injection oil engine and a four-speed direct-drive-top gearbox has been...
B Y removing 15 seats, a Leyland Royal Tiger 41-seat coach, owned by George Ewer and Co., Ltd., 53-55 Stamford Hit!, London,...
has granted permission to five Sheffield operators to use two extra vehicles each for fishing excursions only. The applicants...
A NTICIPATING a deficit of £2,050 at the end of the next financial year, South Shields Corporation are to seek permission to...
" A Sregards freight at least, a con siderable amount of traffic is going by road today which ought to •go by rail," said Sir...
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T HE example of a town where revenue had increased by £500 a week when special staff had been assigned to catch fare-dodgers,...
T HE disc brake was satisfactory and Girling, Ltd., were now concentrating on reducing its cost. Mr. Alex Fraser,...
F OUR Land-Rovers have set out on a 25,000-mile test journey across Europe and Africa. This time of the year has been chosen...
CROM May 30 to October 30 there will be a direct road-air link between East Yorkshire and the Isle of Man. Coaches operated by...
A RATE-CUTTING war consequent on denationalization and an increase in hiring was forecast by the Scottish Deputy Licensing...
A LBION and International are two makes of vehicle for which G. E. Neville and Sons, Ltd., Forest Road, Mansfield, have...
A STATEMENT that three employees of the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., had canvassed houses in support of a proposed new service...
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Thames 2-ton and 3-ton Chassis Now Available with Direct-injection Four-Cylindered 3.6-litre Ford-built Oil Engine of 60...
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by Yoshio Ono and Hikari Endo J APAN'S motor industry had a 1953 export target of 10 per cent. of total output. Although some...
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Study of Grocery Concern Founded on Mobile Shops Reveals Efficacy of System T HE operations of a Swiss grocery concern that was...
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Pneumo-cyclic Gearbox Now Being Manufactured at Leyland : Standardization of the Main Components : Economical Production...
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Some Substantial Purchases in This Week's Batch of 46 A MONG the 46 transport units, purchases of which are reported on these...
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T HE question whether the British Transport Commission, as sole shareholders in the Scottish Omnibuses Group, were entitled to...
THE Al-Fin process of molecular bonding, whereby aluminium and its alloys may be bonded to ferrous inserts, was observed in...
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W HEN estimating the distance likely to be covered in a day by the Bedford 7-ton oil-engined lorry. I expected an average of 25...
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T O increase exports, the price of products had to appeal to the overseas buyer. That was difficult at any time; but the...
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asks Ralph Cropper, M.Sc. (Econ.), B.A., A.M.Inst.T. B.T.C. and Disposal Board Base Their Valuations of Transport Units on...
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T HE Transport [Appeal] Tribunal, in Edinburgh, ,last week, rejected an appeal by an agricultural contractor against a decision...
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More Anomalies in Trailer Law VOU published in your issue dated February 12, a I letter from A. Marenbon, in which he quotes...
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Thousands at his bidding speed, And post o'er land and ocean without rest ; They also serve who only stand and wait. V1/47 HEN...
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Choice of Athertising Media in the Search for New Business: When Cheaper Rates Can Legitimately be Quoted Without Incurring...
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'ROM S. Ashby and Auto Trans' missions, Ltd., both of Upper York Street, Coventry, comes patent No. 702,859, describing an...