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Suri Off-loading for TfilBER

6th July 1962, Page 82
6th July 1962
Page 82
Page 82, 6th July 1962 — Suri Off-loading for TfilBER
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EASIER and safer handling of lengths of timber is the object of a specialist twin-oscillating-axle trailer which has been evolved by J. 0. Grant and Co., Ltd., Frederick Road, Salford, Lancs. As timber merchants, Grants operate a fleet of 10 vehicles, the new trailer being introduced principally to improve their own service. Its manufacture is being licensed to the Ibbett Engineering Co., Ltd., Kempston Hardwick, Bedford, whose Eezion fiveto seven-ton tilting trailer is the basis of the Grant design.

In the normal way, this trailer is intended to transport such loads as bulldozers which can be driven on or off and, in providing for the handling of in immobile load, a surface consisting of gravity rollers has been introduced. This makes it possible for up to seven tons of timber to be off-loaded without any assistance other than that of the driver, a valuable feature in the timber trade where many customers do not possess mechanical means of unloading.

Particularly on building sites, where labour is likely to be scarce and costly, . the facility for depositing stacked timber at any given point on the ground is of undoubted value, especially when it is realized that the process can he completed with a full Toad inside five minutes. , Apart from dealing with timber, the • Grant trailer will handle eases and conThe trailer in the tipping position ready to unload a large quantity of timber.

tainers with equal case. Whilst it is difficult to give definite figures, the probable price of the complete trailer unit would appear to be in the 11,100 to /1,200 bracket. Adaptation of the design also to provide for self-loading is now under investigation.

The trailer platform, which measures 16 ft. x 8 ft. and is 30 in. high, is covered by a double line of gravity rollers but when the load is placed in position it is carried slightly above them on three steelcross-channels of 5 in. x 2 in. section, each of which is held in position by two bolts. Where it is desired to discharge half a load at a time, the channels can be divided into two.

In order to off-load, the driver first removes the channel holding bolts, the withdraws the latch which has locke the platform in position, afterwarc commencing the tipping action. As th rear of the trailer nears the groom gravity action on the channels causc them to fall from the upright to th horizontal position so that the load drot slightly until it is. borneon the roller By pulling tractor and trailer gentl forward, the complete load for .a web() of it if it has been thus arranged) slidt over the rollers onto the ground.

A Thames Trader 6D of 108-in. whee base has been chosen as the tract° Michelin X tyres, being fitted to the frot wheels and XY to the rear.. Michelin ; are also fitted to the trailer. So as 1 give improved adhesion, especially fc site work, the tractor tyres carry sul stantial water ballast. Stability an handling are reported to be of a hig 'standard, with a marked absence of ro when loaded. The turning circle of tt outfit is 39 ft. 6 in.

A particular hazard. in timber transpo is the overhanging load but, by the to of an outfit of this. nature, this difficult is eliminated for lengths of up to 27 f since this can project forward over tt drawbar assembly and Over even the ret. of the tractor unit. Including a heaN steel tajlplate, the unladen weight of tt tractor is 2 ton 16 cwt., whilst that the trailer is 2 ton 13 cwt.. I quarter.

.Grants propose to replace the majoril of their fleet with these trailers,