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I T is not quite a year since the Prime Minister announced that negotiations were to begin for United Kingdom entry into the...
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I F he had not been introduced to me as a South Shields man, and if he had never uttered a word in my presence, I would still...
P ROPOSALS to adopt decimal coinage and the Meteorological Office's use of the Centrigrade temperature scale inevitably lead ....
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Three-ton Weight Limit Will Inc - Aide Az-ties FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT LIEAVY motorcars are le g ally those I...
From Our Political Correspondent S IGNS of Government concern over the pro g ress of the Pipelines Bill are becomin g...
T HE operation of the proposed exemption of drivers of some C-licensed vehicles from the need for keepin g records (see pa g e...
T HE executive committee of the Road Haula g e Association at a meetin g last week decided to support Jacks Motors, Ltd., of...
two A-licensed vehicles, and failin g to comply with numerous re q uests from Ministry officials to apply to have additional...
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A NEW form of service for longdistance lorry .drivers coming into London began on Monday as a result of a joint arrangement...
'MATIONAL CAR PARKS, LTD., 1 `1 1 provide or plan to provide six lorry parks in London, the sites of which are indicated on the...
T HE voluntary "observer corps" patrols organized by the Road Haulage Association to assist the police in preventing lorry...
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Mr. A. A. Halley has been elected president of the Scottish Motor Trade Association. Mr. N. T. O'Reilly has been re-elected...
WJE re g ret to record the deaths of Mr. VV E. H. T. Smith and Mr. W. Donaldson Wri g ht. Mr, Smith for many years mana g ed...
ryposiTioN to the Minister of \--4' Transport's proposed London lorry route and protests about the street parkin g of...
T HE next president of the Institute of Road Transport En g ineers, to succeed Sir William Black in October, will be Mr. Ro g...
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT A LTTOMATIC disqualification for three driving offences in three years is out. Mr....
A PLANNED development of the road haulage and passenger transport system would have to be made at the same time as the railways...
A STRENUOUS objection by the London Transport Executive against an application by a mid-Surrey operator for an express licence...
rA A MAXIMUM gross weight of 26 tons for articulated vehicles was proposed this week in a new Clause to the Road Traffic Bill....
A LTHOUGH their chief object in attending was to maintain contact with those requiring livestock transport, Thomas Muckle and...
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not intend that the Nalional 1 Union of Mineworkers shall dictate to me," the West Midland Licensing Authority, Mr. J. Else,...
T HE Minister of Transport, in a viiritten decision published last week,' has allowed appeals by Southend Corpoiation and the...
A TOWN terminal for Autair, Ltd., the Luton airport operators, was a necessity, particularly in planning for the future, the...
proceed with the purchase of 15 Leyland Lowlander double-decker bus chassis, costing £3,027 103. each, ordered last December. A...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT L'OLLOWING a meeting to discuss the I problem of standardization of weights and dimensions for...
/ - 1 A N order for the compulsory winding up of Raincion-Whitefield Transport, Ltd., haulage contractors, or Rathbone Place,...
T HE condition which may be attached to a C licence enabling a farmer, with haulage interests, to carry livestock for other...
Minister of Transport has dismissed the major part of an appeal by H. Pemberton (Coaches), Ltd., against a decision of the...
T HE recent increases in fuel tax had added £60,000 to the annual fuel tax bill of Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., and its...
GRANTING the applications of two coach companies to operate Continental tours from the West Country, the Traffic Commissioners...
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E QUIPPING a Bedford TK chassis of 120-in, wheelbase with an 8-cu.-yd: tipping body posed a particular axleloading problem when...
IN accordance with the terms of the 1 Maythorn Bequest, the council of The Institute of British Carriage and Automobile...
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A FTER two weeks of evidence before the South Wales Traffic Commissioners at Pontypridd, the chairman, Mr. R. R. Jackson, told...
T HE first medium-weight bus chassis to be. built in Spain by A.E C's recently formed associate company in Madrid,...
T HE future growth of Basingstoke under the "overspill" plan to transfer population from London has been taken into account in...
A s reported in our issue of June 22, A.E.C,, Ltd., have developed a version of their Regal Mark VI chassis intended to meet...
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT W E in this country have to be ruthlessly efficient to survive . . ." this was Mr....
T HE Minister of Transport's promise to relieve some C licence holders of the need to keep records has been approved by M.P.s...
IT was highly desirable that we shouk was on the braking systems in usc in this country as soon as we possibl3 could,...
the possibility of a road loan amoi tized and generally guaranteed out c road users' taxation. But, he added, whe the...
I -1 A TENTATIVE estimate of the costin money and casualties — changing over to driving on the righ hand side of the road was...
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N application by Lowell Baldwin, Ltd., coal merchants, of Worcester ,oad, Bristol, to vary the conditions for art of their...
HINT of possible trouble over -1 abnormal loads is contained in the nnual report of the Chief Constable of Lent, Mr. R. D....
37 comaictions in the Metropolitan 'once District for 'using Vehieles mitting undue quantities of diesel fames –Mr. R. A....
No more than a guess could be made t the possible increase in road casualties, ut it might be of the order of 10 per ent. for...
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L ET me not get tangled up in the controversy about who should rule the wavelengths, but it is perhaps just as well that the...
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T HE announcement today of a new series of Leyland Comet fourwheelers sees the adoption of directacting, air-pressure brakes on...
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- ,atest Leyland Comet 12-tonier has air brakes which give .emarkably safe retardation tharaeteristies, whilst 0.370 liesel...
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PAYS DECIPE: to win Lorry Driver of Ilw It Year eliminating round. Method: read instructions carefully and act upon them. This...
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RENOWN T HE first new model to appear from a company involved in the proposed Leyland-A.C.V. merger since their plans were...
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Lorry Driver of the Year A N outright win, the team prize and " two - class victories Went to drivers from Morris Motors, Ltd.,...
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A LARGER version of their SN dumper has been introduced by Aveling-Barford, -Ltd. ; Grantham. The new model has a rated payload...
R EGISTRATIONS of commercial vehicles for the month of March, 1962 (total 24,621), were at the highest level so far recorded...
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A reader's inquiry raises the problem of how to adopt the varying servicing schemes recommended by manufacturers to meet the...
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7OLLOWING its introduction at the . recent Welding Engineering Exhibiion at Buxton, the new Sif-Griesheim 3litz combined...
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E ASIER and safer handling of lengths of timber is the object of a specialist twin-oscillating-axle trailer which has been...