, am the holder of a Class I hgv and
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all-types psv licence. However. I am puzzled by the new groups of vehicles in the ordinary driving licence.
I am licensed to drive groups: A. B. C. D. E, F, H. K, and L.
Could you explain what groups LS, M, N. and P are? I already have groups D and L on my licence and cannot see why I should not have LS as well. Group M refers to trolley vehicles, but what exactly is a trolley vehicle? What are groups N and P? As I have groups H (tanks) and hgv, do I have to pass a test to get group G. road roller? I have group L and all-types psv so can I drive a tram? If I need to pass a test for group G — road roller — is it possible to hire one fora week or so for this purpose?
AGroups LS, M, N, and P cover vehicles as follows:
"LS: Vehicle propelled by electrical power if it is a motorcycle but excluding any vehicles comprised in Group J or K."
" M : Tro II ey vehicle" "N: Vehicle exempted from duty under section 6 (6) of the Vehicles (Excise) Act 1962" (ie vehicles which (travel less than 6 miles per week on public roads) "P: Vehicles comprised in groups on list 1 except those which a full licence authorizes the holder to .drive as a full licence holder" (in other words this provides an existing full licence holder with a provisional licence to drive those groups of vehicle not covered by his full licence.
We cannot see why you should not be granted a licence covering group LS and it may well be that by just asking the issuing authority this would be added to your licence without taking a test.
A "trolley vehicle" according to Section 257 (1) of the 1960 Road Traffic Act means -a mechanically propelled vehicle adapted for use upon roads without rails and moved by power transmitted thereto from some external source".
A separate test does have to be taken to obtain a class G licence for road rollers. Application has to be made through the normal channels and you have to provide your own roller. The test is carried out on a site rather than on the road. It is possible to hire a roller for a period for this purpose. Road Rollers Ltd, of Thurmaston. Leicester, is one of the principal hirers in this field and it quotes a charge of £8.15 per day for the hire of a suitable roller plus transport charges to and from the site. We are told that these machines are very easily driven, requiring only two or three days at the very most to gain sufficient experience and pass the test.
Your existing licences do not qualify you to drive a tram, but as there is only one public authority in the UK operating trams there does not appear much merit in holding this qualification.