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, Am The Holder Of A Class I Hgv And
all-types psv licence. However. I am puzzled by the new groups of vehicles in the ordinary driving licence. I am licensed to drive groups: A. B. C. D. E, F, H. K, and L. Could......
Q Having Read An Article In Your Issue Of November
26 1971, on the Biasing Locknee demountable body system, we are interested in getting further information on this system. Could you give us the name and address of the......
• Is It Legal To Allow An Unlicensed Driver To
steer a broken-down vehicle while on tow? So far as we can ascertain, there is no law which requires a person steering a vehicle on tow to be experienced or to hold a driver's......
Q For Fault Finding On Diesel Engines, Could You Tell
me whether a Smiths vacuum gauge would work the same as a manometer and if it is possible, to make a manometer oneself? if it is, how does one go about this? A A Smiths vacuum......
Q Could You Please Advise Us On The Average Estimated...
A The figures shown in the Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs do not provide for specialist types of vehicle, they are restricted to platform type vehicles. However, the......
Q Could You Inform Us If Any Of Your Advertisers Supply
plastic or composition corner boards to protect the load from chafing by the ropes? A We have not been able to find anyone who supplies these corner boards readymade but a......