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'no' To Buses
Dn the rates I Edinburgh would soon be one of the zw cities running a bus undertaking which as not subsidized, Cllr Tom McGregor Labour) claimed, in an unsuccessful ttempt to......
14ondon Transport Introduces Can Coin
A Scan Coin 12000 electronic coin )unting and sorting machine has been stalled by Automaticket Ltd, of 197 Tardour Street, London WI. at London ransport's Wood Green bus garage.......
Free Bus Service Controversy
• Scotland's free bus service for the elderly is to start in Paisley. But some old people do not want it. In a protest petition to the town council, signed by 2000 people, it is......
Fare Paying On School Buses?
• Mr John Peyton, the Minister for Transport Industries, hopes that forthcoming legislation will overcome the difficulties met by some education authorities who want fare paying......