The Ministry Refuses.
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UR EFFORT to secure from the Ministry of Transport a farther concession in respect of
the taxation of motor coaches so as to make the third licensing period of the year extensible, at the option of the owner of a coach, to the end of October has been met, by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry (who for some time has virtually filled the office left vacant by the resignation of Sir Erie Geddes), with a non possumus. It. appears that, if this concession were granted, others would be demanded, and the local licensing officials would be overwhelmed by a mass of confusion.
We do not consider the excuse given to be at all reasonable. The concession is the, only one demanded by coach owners specifically, and the only possible aifficulty that might anise. would be in respect of the colour of the licence card to be borne by the licensed vehicle. The police, at the commencement of each quarter, must now be informed of the colour of the current licencea. It will be no more difficult to instruct them with regard to three current colours than with regard to two, nor will the task of the police be rendered more onerous.
There are many coach owners who wish to ruh their vehicles throughout the month of October and to cease operations then. Any forceful arguments for a reduction in the rate of duty, so as to avoid thei need for paying a licence fee to the end of December,. should be sent to us, we for our part undertaking that they will be promptly laid before the Ministry. At present the best that can be done in respect of those vehicles which are not Licensed for the full 12 months is to take a quarterly licence from March 26th (or a four-month licence to cover from March 1st) to June 30th and a six-months licence from July 1st, which latter can be obtained at a reduced rate of one-half of the annual fee (instead of six-tenths, as applied last year). On a 32-seater coach, for example, put. out of commission at the end of October, there is a wasted sum of 26, representing the fee for the unexpired portion of the licence. The argument of the coach owners is that thfis sum could more usefully be spent on overhaul than lying unearned in the coffers of the State.