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T HERE is better news this week in the ascertained fact. that an effort is being .made amongst the motor associations to secure...
HE COMMERCIAL Motor Users Association has rendered a good service to the community by revealing the actual figures in respect...
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UR EFFORT to secure from the Ministry of Transport a farther concession in respect of the taxation of motor coaches so as to...
No Further Concession Possible, Says the Ministry, in Reply to Our Suggestion for the Issue of Coach Licences to Cover...
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Of many downcast faces at Stoke Canon last Wednesday. And that the most downcast were those of the Agricultural Committee of...
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In order to create confidence and to standardize the commission charged throughout their system, Road Transport Clearing...
Amongst the owners of commercial vehicle fleets who have entered for the C.M.U.A. parade which takes place on Saturday, March...
The 21st report of the city surveyor of Adelaide, South Australia. states that the motor lorries in the service of the...
Owing to heavy rains, the first of a series of agrimotor triale to be organized during 1922 by the Society of Motor...
Particulars can be obtained from Mr. Howard F. Ethridge, for the Texas Cities Oil and Refining Co., of 7, Lower Seymour Street,...
It is stated that, as a result of negotiations between the Automobile Association and the Midland Railway, on and from March...
The ninth ordinary general meeting of United Automobile Services, Ltd., was held a few days ago, and the chairman remarked on...
In this country the covered-in doubledecker is almost unknown, and, so far as London is concerned, Scotland Yard authorities ,...
A few days ago three 50 h.p. Straker. Squire motor omnibuses travelled from Plymouth to Birkenhead, a distance of 305 miles,...
, In a paragraph which appeared in our issue for February 7th entitled "Rival Sweeping Machines," we referred to the fact that...
The Newcastle Corporation Town Improvement and Streets Committee .recommend s the Newcastle City Council to purchase...
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Middlesbrough Hackney Carriage and Tramways Committees have held a joint meeting to consider whether lifeguards at the front or...
Commer Cars have long been known in South Africa, and meet visitors to Cape Town are familiar with the coaches of this make...
Brentford Urban District Council has a scheme for the widening of High Street to 50 ft.—a scheme which will cost ultimately £...
The Motor Car Committee of the Hampshire County Council reports that it, has received a complaint from the Eling Parish Council...
State mechanical road transport has developed, very considerably in CzechoSlovakia within the last two years. The Ministry of...
The Devon Farmers Union has asked the Devon Comity Council to amend the existing by-law by subetituting 18 months for 12 as the...
We are advised by the Societe' Anonvme Bavox that they have disposed of the sole manufacturing and selling rights of the Bavox...
The Liverpool Corporation having withdrawn nearly all its motor omnibus services, continues to employ its surplus vehicles in...
The Majesty's Charge d'Affaires at Port-ms-Prince has reported that a Hayti= citizen and farmer minister, has been granted a...
The United Automobile Services, Ltd., who operate a huge network of popular motor omnibus routes over the county of Durham from...
The varying climates of some countries snake its imperative to fit vehicles intended far passenger service with different types...
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Recently the Essex County Council applied to the Ministry of Transport foe an order prohibiting or restricting motorbuses and...
The local Business Men's Association has asked the Bridlington Corporation again to make arrangements for the booking of...
In connection with the proposed trackless trolley 'routes at Southend, the Westborough Ratepayers' Aseociation has suggested...
In connection with the development of Messrs. Cory Bros.' colliery undertakings at Ogmore Vale and Ton Pentre (Rhondda), a...
At a meeting of the Gloucester Chamber of Trade, Mr. F. J. Pope said that, with one or two others, he had been engaged in the...
The annual meeting of the Institute of Metals will be held in London on March 8th-9th, when ten important. papers are to be...
Brighton Town Council has decided to grant licences for 10 additional motors buses, but the vehicles, are not to be used in...
Al a meeting of the Leeds Corporation Cleansing Committee the superintendent reported on a Inial of a Karrier motor road...
If the railways obtain the powers they are seeking under the Road Transporters and Railways Bill, said Captain Davis, managing...
A general meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers will be held on March 8th at the Institution of Mechanical...
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At present there aro very few motor omnibuses in Venezuela, but for this type of vehicle the republic is a potential field. The...
At a meeting of the Halifax Corporation Trainways Committee the Town Clerk reported that the Corporation of Bradford had made...
At the last meeting of the Brighton Town Council the Watch Committee recommended the adoption of a by-law, on the lines of...
South Shields Tramways Committee bas prohibited the carriage of cinema films on the tramways. It has just refused a request...
• In anticipation of traffic to the British Empire Exhibition being organized next year at Wembley, the local authorities of...
The general tendency is for commercial vehicle prices to fall, and the latest indication of this is afforded by a...
Ripon Watch Committee suggests that a tap should be placed in the Square so that char-k-basics drivers may obtain water for...
Manchester Corporation has asked the City Engineer and Chief Constable, after -conference with the Ministry of Transport, to...
The general secretary of the C.1k/I.U.A. draws the attention of the owners of all types of motor vehicles, other than...
It is only during the last few months that Swindon and the surrounding districts have been opened up by motorbus, and art...
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It appears that one of the terms of the lease of the tractor works of Henry Ford and Sons, at Cork Park, Cork, stipulates that...
Exportsof commercial vehicles from the United States during the month of December, 1921, totalled 511, valued at 495,790...
Messrs. A. J. Dew and Co., 21-25 Endell Street, London, W.C., have recently put on the market an interesting brake lining...
The Government of Ceylon is encouraging the wider cultivation of sugar • C:afie, not only to make the island selfsupporting in...
An A.E.C. Model 4 provincial type 38-seater omnibus was reeently demonstrated on Scott Street Hill, off Sauchiehall Street,...
• Leeds Watch Committee has authorized the purchase of a motor ambulance. Leeds Fire Brigade Committee has purchased a motor...
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A Body which Enables the Ton Chassis to be Used for Goods or Passengers. THERE ARE , awbacks the vehicle is complete, and is...
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By the Use of Detachable Carrier Units the Dominion Express Co., of Montreal, Secures Cheap and Rapid Deliveries with...
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A French Production, Incorporating Many Original Constructional Features, which is designed for 10 cwt. Loads. THERE are two...
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Has Not the Time Arrived for the Post Office to Motorize its Service More Completely ? By" Vim," W E WHO believe in private...
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A Handy and Compact Turbine Pump Which Has Three Distinct Applications. 1 11E GOVERNING fire brigade authorities of urban and...
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Efficiency, Silence, Better Appearance, Greater Safety and Comfort, and Lessened Wear and Tear are Features which Could, with...
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S UBSTANTIAL progress continues to be made in/ connection with the Motor Haulage Section of the Nottingham Chamber of Commerce,...
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The Tendency for Manufacturers to Accept Orders for Vehicles that Do Not. Conform with Standard Design or Specification is,...
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No. 20.—The 35 h.p. Six-cylindered Type P, with Worm-driven Axle—Dismantling the Chassis—Dealing With the Units—Adjusting...
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Particularly Addressed to Those Who are Replacing Horsed Vehicles by Motors, or Contemplating So Doing. T IS highly probable...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. C ONTINUING our comments in last issue, on the plans and...
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A Large Organization with Headquarters at Bristol. W HEN a representative of The Commercial Motor called recently on Mr. W. J....
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A Highly Finished Addition to the Fleet of a Southsea User. A BURNETT and SOT1B, who are the proprietors of the "Royal Blue"...
'A New Feature to be Made of Trips by 20-seater Pneumatic-tyred Vehicles. I T MAY be remembered that in 1920 the London...
The Lancashire United Tramways, Ltd., of Atherton, Manchester and Liverpool, have special hotel arrangements at Llangollen for...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Forct"). ,HAVE lately heard of two or three cases of plugs oiling up badly...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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Hcnii to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble ' ONTRIBUTIONS are invited for this page...
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A Page for Drivers, Mechanics and Foremen. Repairing Mudguard Brackets on a Ford. The sender of the following communication...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. J. Stewart, in specification No. 174,191, refers to a difficulty which les chums has...