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Men in the News

8th December 1950
Page 36
Page 36, 8th December 1950 — Men in the News
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• DR. A. R. LEE, A.R.C.S., D.I.C.,

F.ItasT.P., has been appointed a deputy chief scientific officer of the Road Research Laboratory.

MR. J. ROSTRON has been appointed traffic superintendent of Sunderland Transport Department, having been traffic assistant to Bolton Transport Department.

MR. C. WISEMAN has been appointel sales representative of the North British Rubber Co., Ltd., for Norfolk. Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon and Essex, excluding the London postal districts.

MR. L. E. Teuscorr, until recently East Midland representative of Transport Equipment (Thornycroft), Ltd., his left for Sydney, New South Wales, to join Thornycroft (Australia). Pty., Lid.

MR. F. R. BREECH, executive vicepresident and director of the Ford Motor Co., Detroit, since 1946, has joined the board of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd.. Dagenham, together with Ma. A. J. WIELAND, general manager of Ford International. Ma, G. K. HOWARD has resigned from the board, MR. BRIAN G. ROBBINS, M.Sc. (Ewe); A.C.G.I., M.I.Mecii.E., will at a special meeting of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, on December 15, be recommended by the Council as secretary of that body as from January A. He is at present secretary of the Automobile Division, and before the amalgamation. was secaetary of Ihe Institution of Automobile Engineers, We offer him our good wishes for his success in this important position.