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T HE efforts to nationalize road passenger transport are not ' as yet proving highly successful. So far the Road Passenger...
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T HE Road Haulage Executive is determined to seize by any means, fair or unfair, ev:ry ton of traffic available. No one can...
M.P.s Have the Rifles : nNE of Parliament's most Industry the Ammuni '-'skilled forensic marksmen, tion Mr. David Gammans,...
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Of those who would like fares. razed. That acetone is scarce, but acid tones are too prevalent. That " denigration " is...
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Bristol Lorry A S a result of representations made by or on behalf of hauliers, the Road Haulage Executive has, " The...
eight-wheeled lorries which, as reported exclusively in "The Commercial Motor," the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., is...
A N application by Mr. L. F. Bowen. Birmingham, to run tours to Norway and 'Sweden was refused by the West Midland Licensing...
IN a report of the traffic section of 1 Nottingham Chamber of Commerce, it is stated that the withdrawal of free hauliers'...
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WHEN the Annis case was resumed VV before the Appeal Tribunal in London last week, Mr, H. Norman Letts, for the Road Haulage...
" I CANNOT let a question of punishmerit influence me. I must think of the general interest of the haulage industry." Mr. J....
N EXT year's quota of commercial vehicles for the home market will be 95,000, including 8,500 buses and coaches. Mr. G. R....
are to receive an increase in wages of 8s. a week, bringing them up to a minimum of ES a week. Skilled workers are to be paid...
A MEETING of the national council of the Road Haulage Association will be held on January 4. It will then have from its area...
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S TAIING that the corporation ' s bus operating costs were the highest in the area. Mr. S. W Nelson, Northern Licensing...
• DR. A. R. LEE, A.R.C.S., D.I.C., F.ItasT.P., has been appointed a deputy chief scientific officer of the Road Research...
xylE regret to announce the death of YV MR. GERALD NOWELL, on Novem ber 24. He will be greatly missed by a large circle of...
11110 EPLY1NG to rumours that there would be a Scottish Motor Show next year. the Scottish Motor Trade Association has informed...
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M R. CHURCHILL last week sent a letter of encouragement and support to the Leicester hauliers who are fighting the revocation...
T HE unending spiral of increased costs and charges for transport will affect the national economy, and cannot continue...
H AULIERS in North-East Scotland are not likely to follow the example of members of the Northern and West Midland Areas of the...
WORK has been resumed at the TV Hillinigton factory of Industrial Motor Services, Ltd., fallowing discussions in London with...
A FREE-SERVICE week for Perkins engined vehicles is to be held by Halls (Finchley), Ltd., Arcadia Avenue. Church End, London,...
NAANCHESTER bakers are complain LVL about the delivery rate of 5-cwt. and 10-cwt. vans, and feel that nationalized industries...
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A CALL to traders to transfer their short-distance business from the Road Haulage Executive to private hauliers, and a warning...
O NE of the strongest points of the Omnibus Passengers Protection Association was that the case it represented was entirely...
D ETAILS of the 1951 coach-tour L./programme planned by Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., have now been issued. A new seven-day,...
R EPRESENTATIVES of industrial organizations are to attend an open meeting arranged by the Road Haulage Association in...
IA A LIGHT vehicle for express coal delivery has been put on the road by Darviel K. Rea and Son, Ltd.. Liverpool, to take...
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ERMS of the interim conditions of i carriage of the Road Hanlage Executive, dated January 1, 1951, have now been published....
When the Delhi Transport Authority begins to install oil engines next April, it hopes to reduce its bus fares. The Road...
I N the House of Commons, on Monday, Mr. Heald asked the Attorney-General whether he Would institute proceedings againSt the...
T HE Minister of Transport has noted the resolution passed by the recent meeting of the Northern Area of the Road Haulage...
for the supply of 10 trolleybuses with seating capacities of 100-140. Manufacturers should contact M. le Directeur des Chemins...
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I N the year ended September last. - 26,342 . new C-licence operators . appeared. The number of C-licence vehicles increased...
VOR the disposal of non-chargeable rubbish, such as orange boxes and mushroom and fruit chips. F. Meyers. Ltd.. the big London...
THE Scottish Council for Develop ment and Industry has appointed a joint committee to consider the special transport problems...
A S a result of a mass meeting of 300 coach and bus drivers and conductors held in Croydon, last week, a unanimous resolution...
S HIPMENTS of commercial vehicles manufactured by the Nuffield group to the end of October, were higher by 88 per cent. than in...
A T the recent American Public Works Congress and Equipment Show in New York, Rootes Motors, Inc., New York, became the first...
THE London Area of the Transport Managers' Club is postponing its lunch-time meetings for the next three months. For these...
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Political Commentary By JAN US I F the defence put up by Lord Lucas against the Transport (Amendment) Bill be the best that the...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M .I.M ech. E. T HIS journal has always championed the cause of the haulier and has taken a special...
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S TRIKINGLY novel, yet eminently practieal, a :recent product of Silent Transport, Ltd., Woking, Surrey, represents a...
built for service with trailers up to a maximum gross train weight of 29 tons, has been introduced by Mercedes-Benz. It is...
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LITFIT ON THE JRSESHOE Sentinel " Trailer " Model Coupled to a Dyson Four-wheeled Trailer and Powered by a Six-cylinciered...
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designed In take a stress on its roof of 1 ton to each 2 ft. of body length has recently been completed by Messrs. Benthom's,...
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Lightweight Road Springs—Electric Sliding Roof—Ozonizing U nit — T rolleybus Heaters—Vibrator Packs for Fluorescent...
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of coal and coke in bulk to industrial premises has been designed by Come and Warren, Ltd., St. Ives, Huntingdon, the...
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A Reasoned Argument in Support of the View that in Partial Acquisition,Vehicles Must also be Offered RINCE Mr. J. Foley...
T HE ideal system of brake control for a tractoesemi-trailer combination is. first, to be able to apply the brakes on both...
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O NE of our members, Mrs. E. M. Brewer, has written to us: " Is there anything that can be done for me to enable me to keep my...
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TIPPERS Cost 12h Per Cent. More to Operate A READER wishes to know why there is not a special Table for tipping vehicles in...
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'They are probably the most interesting group of semi-plastics yet produced. Discovered some 50 years ago by an English...
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of the power absorbed by the suspension system is shown in patent No. 641,367, by M. Navarro and A. Llovet, both of Montevideo,...