The III-fated BAOD
Page 34

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As a former member of the illfated BAOD I would like to car-ect a point made by David Raymer (CM, November 24) .-:oncerning the negotiations Detween the BAOD and the RHA.
He stated that few of the BAUD members had been given he time, or the detailed infornation, to weigh up the adva nages or disadvantages of cornng under the RHA banner luring those negotiations.
I gather from the report of !ohn Silbermann's talk at the ileet Management Conference, at the RHA has not heard from ie BAOD since the departure of s principal officers last year. At at time no decision had been ken so surely if the BAUD still xists, as some claim, thirteen lonths is sufficient time for a ecision to be made.
I remember Mike Wells, the ven Secretary, informing me at the BAOD began talks with re RHA immediately after the irmer was established.
He later stated that the BAUD 3c1 been forced into affiliation ith the RHA because of lack of 'sponse from owner-drivers merally. He explained that the AOD would not lose its ideny.
As soon as agreement was ached with the RHA, Mr Wells roke at my area's monthly eeting and no one was left in iy doubt as to the terms. The eeting was unanimously in /our of the link with the RHA. I understood from Mr Wells 3t he attended several other val meetings, so there was no use for any member to claim was not au fait.
The negotiations with the IA was also the main item on agenda at the BAOD con • ence last year, which of irse, turned out to be the ineral" of the BAUD.
Regarding Mr Raymer's itement that RHA subtracting members should v members of a local owner drivers association, is he not aware that the formation of companies like Thames Valley was designed to prevent ownerdrivers from obtaining work in this way? Does he not know that rates are poor enough as it is without the deductions which result from such practices?
D. H. WOODFORD, Studland, Dorset