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STABILISING Government expenditure at 1978-9 levels, which is something quite different from a cutback, will affect many bus...
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.ULIERS FACE a tough year in 1980, according to an industry Pnomist who predicts severe cash-flow problems, more dcruptcies,...
IN AN ATMOSPHERE described as "happy", West Midlands hauliers agreed a £78 basic wage for top lorry drivers last week, and...
TALKS between management and union had been arranged for the "slowly deteriorating" Shell tanker drivers' dispute as we went to...
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NEW HIGH-SPEED cross-Channel ferry services are being launched next month by Townsend Thoresen, and Sealink plans to follow...
ROAD HAULAGE ASSOCI TION national chairman do. Sllbermatm has again accus the Government of penalist the road haulage Indust...
RENWICK FREIGHT blames the engineering strike and a drop in manufacturing for its continued losses this year. The losses —...
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joiiit appeal has gone out to Transport iniSter Norman Fowler from the eig t Transport Association and the )ad Haulage...
T E DEPARTMENT of Transport insists that there has been no attempt to suppress a report on heavy lorries which was expected to...
THE COUNCIL for the Protection of Rural England says heavy commercial vehicles on unsuitable roads are the main cause of ill...
KENNETH Clarke was not being fair. He has been in Parliament long enough to know that neither William Rodgers nor John Horam...
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EL RE TO FOLLOW strict dismissal procedures cost a lag company €120 compensation when it appeared before ham Industrial...
IGHTLINER has added a 'c.eltic connection to its road/ all container services. It has begun a daily service, vltl 20ft, 30ft...
ROADLINE UK has joined forces with the Salvation Army and BBC Television to help make Christmas better for Britain's needy....
THERE HAS BEEN a sharp increase in demand for the services of Southern British Road Services in recent months, according to its...
A LIST of the many training centres running Road Haulage Association/Group Training Association/Road Transport Industrial...
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A DRIVER was still entitled to a redundancy payment, despite a "remarkable document" to the contrary. That was the decision by...
/UTLINE PROPOSALS for improving the route of the A34 in iampshire, south of Newbury, have been released by the /epartment of...
IF • BRITAIN'S latest stretch of motorway could gain added importance if Stansted Airport becomes London's third major...
AVIS TRUCK Leasing Rental has opened a new de at James Watt Place, Coll Milton, East Kilbride. The 20,000sqft depot ta some...
CITIZENS' BAND radio loo no nearer, according to Hot] Office Minister of Sta Timothy Raison. He told the parliamentai...
in pocket BELGIAN MOTORWAY toll have been delayed again saving heavy lorries up to 001 a year, reports our Brussel!...
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[OIL CHARGES on the Meriey tunnels will remain at their resent levels, following the 3o ernment's rejection of s for Exchequer...
FOURTEEN recall campaigns affected 30,245 goods vehicles last summer, according to the Department of Transport. In the first...
CLERICAL and supervisoi staff at National Carriers a seeking a "substantial" pi increase to take effect January 1. National...
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;ONCEPT EQUIPMENT (Inernational) Ltd, manufaturers of "Kestrel" mobile colInn lifts and other garage quipment, has decided to...
FIDUS CONTROLS LTD of Middlefields Industrial Estate, South Shields, manufacturer of vehicle fuel saving and control devices,...
ERF is to extend its M-Series range of vehicles from the 16to 24-ton weight categories. The new chassis are intended for...
FINE FARE has overcome th problem of off-loadin vehicles of different platforr heights by installing hydrauli scissor lifts,...
In the November 17th issue of CM, it was inferred that the Renault TF251 comes equipped with a two line air brake system....
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:PORTS of agricultural ichinery, equipment and ctoirs will earn Britain over in foreign currency this ar. STEVE GRAY reports...
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WITH THE B58 coach chassis rapidly becoming a major and established force on the UK private coach market, Volvo Bus (Great...
NATIONAL BUS COMPANY subsidiary Alder Valley is planning a new route network as a result of a market analysis project carried...
TWO DOUBLE-DECK bi models were affected by rec4 campaigns notified under ti Department of Transport Code of Practice. Under...
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S OTTISH Bus Group has applied for a 20 per cent fares in rease, and wants this to tak e effect on February 1. This follows...
INFLATION is hitting West Midlands PTE. It has dropped plans for Christmas park-and-ride buses, and expects to impose annual 15...
HESTAIR DENNIS has scored its biggest bus coup so far by winning a 144 vehicle order for South Yorkshire PTE doubledeckers....
SINGAPORE BUS SERVICE has ordered 200 Volvo B5 front-engined single-deck cit buses for delivery next year. The Volvos are part...
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JUDGED BY ANY STANDARDS, the achievements of Dover Harbour Board over the past 25 years must be considered exceptional. During...
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elm has been promoted to marketing manager by ompany National Carriers. was previously Midland nal sales and marketing ger,...
market research and duct development. He is a mber of the Chartered Inute of Transport and an °elate member of the British...
aerodynamic cab-top wind deflectors. He takes up the position of United Kingdom sales representative for the Paris-based...
take over as sales director for tyres at Pirelli. Mr Earl joined Central Tyres (which is the Pirelli UK distribution...
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As a former member of the illfated BAOD I would like to car-ect a point made by David Raymer (CM, November 24) . - :oncerning...
I write in response to your article headed "Employment Appeals Tribunal," which appeared in CM October 12, 1979. The article,...
The comments of Thomas Lucas (CM November 17) makes my blood boil. In all his wisdom he thinks Leyland's T45 will be a...
I was much comforted by G. Campion's letter (CA November 3) on how everythir seems to militate against a - little man". I own...
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Our nursing staff passengers liked this coach, and we assessed its merits in London traffic and on motorway and autobahn Repot...
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by Graham Montgomeri The "Perpetuity" engine-replacement scheme involves far more than reconditioning old power units. Perkins,...
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Only in Manchester has this concept survived in the UK Car this system pay its way? Alan Millar repoils. Pic - ures by Dick Rc...
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DIAL-A-RIDE bus operations were all the rage at the beginning of the decade, but most in Britain have already disappeared or...
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STRIPES were flying verywhere in Class F of CM's ivery competition, the class for )assenger transport vehicles. _ike last year,...
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After 10 years, one of NBC's sick children is on the road to recovery, and is making the most of its resources. Alan Millar...
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Wallace Arnold is setting the pace with Euroways. Story by David Wilcox. Pictures by Brian Weatherley HEN TOURISTS think of...
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OTHING could be more woriy than the Queen's Silver, Jbilee competition organised inually by the Institution of lechanical...
IF JOHN EGAN knows as much about transport as he does about the life and works of James Joyce and about general affairs,...
IN its selection of Christmas cards the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund is going abundance this year on vintage...
IF commercial vehicles are to be simplified, what in happier days used to be called the cigar lighter — now downgraded to...
THE NATIONAL BUS CO is clearly no place for whizz-kids. Robert Brook, deputy chairman and chief executive, believes that one...
"THE .. . industrial action take by hundreds of thousands 4 engineering workers — ii cluding tens of thousands 4 TGWU members —...
HOW MANY drivers have c liberately hugged the tail of t vehicle ahead to test t automatic sign warning thi that they are...
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LT engineers are working on a secret new bus design when they should be sorting out maintenance problems on existing models. By...
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Edited by John Durant 3uy Motors and the Nulfrunian 3uy Motors and the WulfruIlan, by R. N. Hannay, is )ublished by the...
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Tim Blakemore takes a sixth vehicle around our new tipper test roL :INCE THE INTRODUCTION of a new tipper test curie in March...
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Alan Millar teils how one PIE has launchec into commercial activities, Dick Ross took e pictures E BUS industry will have to...
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Is there honey still for tea? 'Few people engaged in road transport would place themselves in the gloomy group of people to...
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NERAL HAULAGE is not an y service to sell and few all or medium-sized fleet arators employ a sales force. e proprietor himself...