Men in the News
Page 34

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MR. K. E. COMPORT and MR. ERNEST S. BROWN have been appointed directors of Brown Brothers, Ltd.
. MR, H. H. C. Wool) has been elected president of the Purchasing Officers Association.. The chairman is MR. J. FERGUSON.
MR. B. R. GARRATT has recently joined the Weaver Manufacturing and Engineering Co., Ltd., as sales promotion officer, national accounts. The company, who are to expand their sales organization, have also appointed MR. D. Boccarr and MR. A. J. L. MACLELLAN as representatives.
SIR REGINALD WILSON, member . of the British Transport Commission, was presented with the Triennial Award of Merit of the Institute of Transport by MR. C. T. BRUNNER, immediate pastpresident 'of the Institute, on Monday. This was conferred on Sir Reginald for his paper, "The Framework of Public Transport." _ MR. J. E. Com. has been appointe north-east regional manager of Fin Petroleum Products, Ltd.
Mk. J. L. WILLOUGHBY, former. deputy secretary of the Road Haulal Executive, has been appointed secretai of the board of British, .Road-Service 'Ma. L. ,RUML* sales director Conveyancer .Fork Trucks, Ltd., is-visi ing 'the company's Canadian associat
Electro-Hydranlics . (Canada), Ltt Toronto, and is studying the Canadit market for British equipment.
MR. C. D. MORGAN, F.R.S.i F.C.I.S., has been appointedtsecreta of the British Road Federation in su cession to MR. A. A. E. MORGA A.C.A. He will take up his new duti ..on November:46. ,Mr. A. A. Morgan has ,.aceepted an, importa post with Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd.
MR. S. M. A. BANISTER and IV 0. F. G1NGELL have been appoint joint principal private secretaries to 1 Minister of Transport, and MR. J. H. Esx-reu assistant private secretary. Is J. H. CLEMENT has become private sec. tary to the Joint Parliamentary Secreta MR. J. GURNEY BRAITHWAITE, and Mi D. E. BROWN private secretary to Permanent Secretary, SIR GILMO JENK INS.
MR. C. H. CHARLES, general sa manager of. the Delco-Remy-Hy Division of General Motors, Ltd,., I been appointed executive assistant to general manager, MR. W. B. JON power and industrial sales manager, I become general manager, and MR. JACK SON, parts and accessory SE manager, assistant general sales ma
ger. These appointments have bi made because of the impending ret ment of MR. W. A. CREWE, gen( manager,