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4s. Increase For Haulage Workers
N increase of 4s. a week in the L. wages of all adult drivers employed A and B licence holders, with prortionate advances for juniors, has m recommended by the Road HaulWages......
Operators' Case On Standing Deputation Representing Bus...
Parliamentary retary to the Ministry of Transport, J. Gurney Braithwaite, on Tuesday discuss regulations affecting the nber of standing passengers. t included representatives of......
Thesiger Report Well Advanced N Advanced Stage Has Been...
in the preparation of the Thesiger tort. The committee met for three s last week and considered a draft he report, parts of which had been rnsively revised. Another meeting be......
Viited Advertising Yields Results R. W. H. Smith, General...
of Birmingham Transport Departt, told the Institute of Transport in aingham, on Tuesday, that the trtment had been criticized for not g every available space on vehicles the......
Tender Forms Soon Corms Of Tender For Transport Units Are
likely to be published shortly, The Commercial Motor was informed on Tuesday. They have been prepared by the British Transport Commission and are still regarded as confidential.......
No Nottingham Inquiry
A PROPOSAL to set up a special I -1 committee to inquire into the administration and structure of the transpott department was withdrawn at a meeting of Nottingham City Council......
New Technical Manager It Was Announced On Wednesday That I
Mr. C. L. Goodacre had been appointed technical manager of Clifford Motor Components, Ltd. He was formerly deputy technical manager of the Associated Ethyl Co.......
Another Big Wage Claim
A SUBSTANTIAL increase in wages has been claimed by the workers' side of the National Joint Industrial Council for the motor vehicle retail and repairing trade.......
Busmen's Pay Claim : Employers' Attitude
T HE allegation that the trade unions had sought an alteration in the present regulations on standing passengers which would have financial repercussions on the undertakings,......
T "price Of Standard-grade Petrol Fell By Id. Per Gallon In
all zones on Wednesday and that of oil fuel by Id. per gallon. The price of premium petrol is unchanged.......
Pensions Of E X-b.t.c. Staff
N EW regulations which, among other things, preserve the pension rights of employees of the British Transport Commission who lose their employment or whose terms of employment......